QUOTE (AKWeaponsSpecialist @ Nov 8 2009, 10:12 PM)
If you're going for "monk", then perhaps considering this would be wise:
Why would I want to damage the holistic integrity of the body that <insert deity here> gave me?
I'd say, High Edge, High Magic, maybe SURGE, Increased Reflexes, multiple martial arts, perhaps?
We-e-ell, I was going to play him as a Buddhist (Aggravatingly zen buddhist, right down to spouting parables in situations where he should really keep his gob shut). So it might be a little TOO much attachment to the body, but it's not too bad, either.
QUOTE (Deathmaster35 @ Nov 8 2009, 03:01 PM)
bonedensity or bone lacing, muscle aug, three levels of martial arts for +damage. And if you want to be really messed up, there are two surge effects for extra unarmed damage. Bone Spikes adds +2 damage and Thorns adds +1
Dont have time to look it up right now, but there is also an adept power that lets you do double damage to objects, so with your insane unarmed damage you would be able to do stuff like, punch through buildings... or tanks.
That's terrible. +9 to DV would be unpleasant for all concerned. Although I suspect I'd find it houseruled in seconds flat. Teehee