Oct 16 2007, 08:01 PM
Yeah...Marque and Reprisal, even though it's just starting, has its GM (me) asking thusly:
1. Will Arsenal be converting all of the various vehicles from R3? (I'm thinking specifically of the seagoing ones, here)
2. Will we perchance be seeing rules for vehicle customization and modification there (not design, just customization)?
Oct 16 2007, 08:04 PM
I almost guarantee yes to both.
Oct 16 2007, 09:37 PM
pretty sure it has been explicitly said that there is supposed to be rules for customising vehicles.
Oct 16 2007, 10:12 PM
from what i understand, there will be rules to customize both weapons and vehicles. but they will not make available design rules for either this time round, and those rules have a bad habit of being unbalanced (like say full auto handcannon that nobody can find, or the supersonic van).
Oct 17 2007, 02:47 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
(like say full auto handcannon that nobody can find, or the supersonic van). |
hehe, good times.
Oct 17 2007, 04:41 PM
Answers are:
1 - Not exactly. It's been almost ten years in game. Models are cycled out of production and new stuff comes up. Some models are upgraded, but by and large ten year old commercial cars, bikes, or sportsboats are old news.
2 - Yes.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 17 2007, 05:48 PM
...but even in RL there are still 60 year old C-47/DC3's, 40 year old 707s, & DC8s, and 20 year old Freightliners/Kenworths still haulin' the load, and merchant ships...heck those seem to go on forever.
I could still see some things like the Lockheed C-60 Titan and Conestaga/Nordkapp Road trains still being built because they have proved reliable (just like the Bulldog Step Van).
Maybe what we need is a Vehicle Trader styled supplement for the older stuff as a lot of it would still be on the roads, in the air & on the seas.
Oct 17 2007, 07:21 PM
well, it's not like you need big stat changes to differentiate between a car you just bought and a car that's twenty years old. change the name, maybe knock of some fuel efficiency, and you're done.
Zhan Shi
Oct 17 2007, 07:32 PM
Don't forget martial arts.
Oct 18 2007, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
1 - Not exactly. It's been almost ten years in game. Models are cycled out of production and new stuff comes up. Some models are upgraded, but by and large ten year old commercial cars, bikes, or sportsboats are old news. |
My car's about 8 years old. Of course it's a Honda civic so I'll likely be cruisin around Dunky's Astral Rift in it ...
For the most part, the Make and Model is the same but the year changes. With the advance in years come new features but the core concept of the car stays the same. Over 10 years, the auto industry will see a few genuinely new models based a new technology, market model or design philosophy but the staples will be pretty much unchanging.
The models may get some slight tweaks. The Honda Civic is now available with a hybrid engine and is no longer available as a hatchback (For hatchbacks, see the Honda Insight), but fundamentally a Honda Civic now is the same as a Honda Civic then.
It would be a mistake to assume 10 years later Ford's staple will be anything other than Americar, Yamaha is going to be touting their Rapier racing bike and thing wouldn't be the same without a Bulldog Stepvan.
The area that will see the biggest volatility is going to be the drones. They are a more specialist market and very SOTA sensitive. Here is where you should see the most change, models phasing in and out and when a model becomes a "tried a true classic", it's truly remarkable.
The thing that mixes things up is the Crash and subsequent Matrix 2.0. This impacts the Drones, but all areas will be impacted. With the Matrix 2.0 comes new technologies, new public outlooks that will warrant new marketing strategies and mega/minicorporate shakeups will bring new design approaches.
In short, the staples should still be there, but the turmoil FanPro has wwritten in will give Catalyst Labs the fluff justification to shake things up.
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