Oct 18 2007, 12:12 AM
I have a rule question.
What are the rules for seeing a npc/characters cyberware and or bioware?
I would like to know when viewing the said indivial what are the rules
for know what he/she has. What shape the said "Cyber and Boiware" are in.
I know that there are some rules for this in 3rd edition.
Also I would like to know what spell are related to light and darkness?
Are there any rules to summoning a Light or Darkness elemental or Spirit?
I am toying with a the idea of a mage/shama who is specialized in light or darkness.
Not Evil, but in Light and darkness.
Thank you for your time.
Oct 18 2007, 12:24 AM
QUOTE (st0023kr @ Oct 17 2007, 07:12 PM) |
I have a rule question. What are the rules for seeing a npc/characters cyberware and or bioware? I would like to know when viewing the said indivial what are the rules for know what he/she has. What shape the said "Cyber and Boiware" are in. I know that there are some rules for this in 3rd edition. |
See p. 183, Assensing Table in SR4
Oct 18 2007, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (st0023kr) |
Also I would like to know what spell are related to light and darkness? Are there any rules to summoning a Light or Darkness elemental or Spirit? I am toying with a the idea of a mage/shama who is specialized in light or darkness. Not Evil, but in Light and darkness. Thank you for your time. |
See Elemental Effects Sidebar, p. 164 in Street Magic.
See Building a Magic tradition, p. 46 Street Magic
Oct 18 2007, 12:31 AM
QUOTE (st0023kr) |
I have a rule question. What are the rules for seeing a npc/characters cyberware and or bioware? I would like to know when viewing the said indivial what are the rules for know what he/she has. What shape the said "Cyber and Boiware" are in. I know that there are some rules for this in 3rd edition.
The rules for this are in the astral perception section on page 183 of SR4.
The short version is, you need 2 successes to see the location and presence of cyberware, and 4 successes to see the location and presence of bioware. In neither case do you get any specific information about the implant, just it's location, and if the GM is feeling generous and you roll high enough, perhaps a bit of an idea as to how much essence it's sucking up.
Also I would like to know what spell are related to light and darkness? Are there any rules to summoning a Light or Darkness elemental or Spirit? I am toying with a the idea of a mage/shama who is specialized in light or darkness. Not Evil, but in Light and darkness. Thank you for your time. |
There is no "darkness" elemental effect as such, but there is a lightness effect described on page 164 of street magic. Basically, it's a cut down version of fire, but with glare effects added. You would have to house rule any darkness effects, and if were to do that, I'd basically make darkness behave like toned down cold damage, with some vision penalties (ie, the opposite of light).
There are no light and dark spirits, but to house rule them, I'd basically recommend using the stats for a fire elemental, and replacing any fire like effects with light and dark elemental effects
Oct 18 2007, 09:13 AM
Darkness spells could have mental effects like e.g. panic.
Ever had a claustrophobic attack in a really dark (pitch black) room? Well, theres your darkness!
Oct 18 2007, 03:23 PM
The real question is can you attack the darkness?
Oct 18 2007, 08:25 PM
Magic Missle is your friend...
Oct 18 2007, 11:34 PM
QUOTE (Dashifen @ Oct 18 2007, 10:23 AM) |
The real question is can you attack the darkness? |
yup. all it takes is a match.
Oct 18 2007, 11:40 PM
There are Shadow-based Manipulations, which simply remove light from an area.
Oct 18 2007, 11:47 PM
QUOTE (NightRain) |
Magic Missle is your friend... |
No cookie for you!
Oct 19 2007, 12:09 AM
Can I have a mountain dew?
Oct 19 2007, 12:24 AM
for anyone missing context on "i attack the darkness"
but how do we attack the dorkness?
Oct 19 2007, 12:25 AM
Deny it Mountain Dew.
Oct 19 2007, 01:19 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Deny it Mountain Dew. |
Cruel and unusual, man... cruel and unusual.
Oct 19 2007, 12:06 PM
and pop rocks.
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