Oct 18 2007, 05:06 AM
OK, after reading most of Augmentation, I noticed that the old Display Link chrome is gone (no doubt replaced by the Image Link), & since this is so, here are my questions;
My character has the following cyberware, carried over from SR3:
Cybereyes (rating:1) w/ Flare Comp. Low-Light & Thermo.
Datajack (Lvl 4, Data Flow Rate of 100 Mp per turn)
Display Link
Encephalon (Lvl 1)
Headware Memory (100 Mp)
Smartlink II
Wired Reflexes (Lvl 2)
I'm keeping most of the above, but thinking of swapping the Display Link for the Image Link---do I wave the Essence difference?
What about the Datajack?
Do I upgrade to the latest Smartlink?
I don't have access to my SR3 books at this time. Thanks in advance.
Oct 18 2007, 05:28 AM
image link and smart link are now add ons to a set of cyber eyes. assuming you have the eyes with a high enough capacity, you wont have any essence loss for anything in them. (they have a capacity rating wich is subtracted from the eye's total capacity). so, use the new smartlink. (it specifically says in the text that it involves a camera so it can be used to shoot around corners. -4 for firing blind, and +2 for the smartlink as i see it.)
however, the best eyes that have the highest rating are ess .5. there's the balance in terms of essence.
Oct 18 2007, 05:31 AM
Image link is included with the Cybereyes (as is an Eye Recording Unit), and takes up no Capacity.
Oct 18 2007, 06:35 AM
missed that. i'll go looking tomorrow when i get home (and to the book). what page? not debating the point. just want to fond it WITHOUT having to dig.
Oct 18 2007, 08:59 AM
QUOTE ( SR4 pg. 332) |
Cybereyes: This system offers 20/20 vision for both eyes and includes an image link and an eye recording unit (for no extra cost), as well as capacity for various enhancement systems. |
The chart below this quote (on the same page) lists the Capacity for the Image Link and Eye Recording Unit as '*', with a footnote that states ...
QUOTE (SR4 pg. 332) |
* Included in the Cybereyes basic system. |
This is also the case for Cyberears and the Sound Link and Ear Recording Unit.
Oct 18 2007, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the help, gang.
Oct 18 2007, 10:49 PM
also there is no more memory in SR4 as there seems to have been some break through in data-storage technology . . you might want to think about that a bit . .
on the same note, i think the flux rate and level of datajacks is from before 3rd Ed O.o
at least there's neither a Level4 datajack nor any means to increase flux-rate on one in either SR3 nor man and machine or the matrix book as far as i know . . and something else just occured to me . . there's no more data/chip-jack in SR4, so you might want to think about that one too . .
Oct 18 2007, 10:50 PM
aha. coolness. now, how does one take the recording OUT to be played for others? (comlink network? or do you need a datajack?).
umm. i seem to recall seeing a datajack in there somewhere...(although that wouldnt make sense from the network standard).
Oct 18 2007, 10:55 PM
and that's just it . . it's basically handwaving the those things with the whole no memory and wireless matrix . . as long as you don't go and actually get cyber eyes/ears with built in camera/microphone and just about record EVERYTHING to emulate perfect photographic memory/eidetic memory *g*
and no, there is no such thing as a datajack in SR4 *g*
Oct 18 2007, 11:37 PM
ok. another question. the cyber version of the comlink is EXTREMELY vague. how do you tell what the ratings are? or do you also...'purchase' the comlink and its ratings separately and the implant just means 'oh by the way, my fuchi comlink is in my skull not on my belt'.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 19 2007, 12:55 AM
...exactly, you must purchase the commlink to be implanted as well. to your question about transferring a recording, you can use either your comlink or pipe it though a datajack.
QUOTE (Stahlseele) |
and no, there is no such thing as a datajack in SR4 |
...ah yes there is check the headware section in the Gear chapter.
Oct 19 2007, 02:41 AM
Dumping the 100 Mp in Headware Memory leaves a 'Essence hole' of a full point. Still gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with the Encephalon.
Oct 19 2007, 04:15 AM
QUOTE (BookWyrm) |
Dumping the 100 Mp in Headware Memory leaves a 'Essence hole' of a full point. Still gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with the Encephalon. |
Encephalon is still there?
You could get a rating 2 nanohive and mix it up? D:
Oct 19 2007, 10:17 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele) and no, there is no such thing as a datajack in SR4
...ah yes there is check the headware section in the Gear chapter. |
strange . . i had to re-check several times to find it x.x . .
Dumping the 100 Mp in Headware Memory leaves a 'Essence hole' of a full point. Still gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with the Encephalon. |
get the best pair of eyes you can and put smartlink in there, saves essence again and is much more upgradeable later on in the game, as, basically, such stuff can be done over lunch-break *g*
if you haven't already try and get your grubby paws on augmentation, some nice new stuff in there like the attention co-processor for example . .
Oct 19 2007, 02:55 PM
I have Augmentation, Stahl. Thanks.
Here's what my list looks like after finding my character sheet;
Cybereyes (Rating 2) w/Image Link, Flare Comp., Thermo., Low-Light & SmartLink.
Wired Reflexes (Rating 2, w/ Reflex Trigger)
Oct 19 2007, 09:30 PM
begs the question, what kind of character this one would be turning into . . samurai with a little dabble in electronics?
hacker who shall stay alive and at least a little bit able to defend himself outside of matrix?
Oct 20 2007, 02:18 AM
My character is loosely based off the character of Johnny Mnemonic from the short story, not the movie. I wanted to create a kind of courier that worked contract by contract; part courier, part smuggler, part shadowrunner. After creating my character, I reverse engineered the archetype from that (one day I'll convert it to SR4 & post it). The Smartlink & Wired Reflexes give him a slightly better advantage than the usual courier.
I'll have to re-read the part about the nanohive though.
Oct 20 2007, 07:11 AM
hrm . . so more or less an hacker right?
i've only seen the movie . . and that was one of the most useless shadowrun characters i have ever seen x.x . . spoiled little jack-head . . not enough etiquette, no real life fighting skills, not the best of attributes either and so on and so on *g*
Oct 20 2007, 02:36 PM
Not so much a hacker, but someone who can hold their own when running solo. Still needs a lot of work.
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