Mar 26 2011, 10:45 AM
OK, i woke up and i don't know why, but i had this idea in my head for a hidden out in the open multi purpose weapon system.
The Water Cannon. It's basically what's on fire engine trucks i guess.
how hard would it be to mod this so this cannon can be used both for water and as a flame-thrower?
Technically, it should not be much harder than attaching a second tank with flamethrower fuel to one end and something to ignite the stuff coming out of the muzzle/nozzle on the other hand.
and why stop there? attach a third/4th tank and fill it up with DMSO and some other chemical you want to be able to apply to literally dozends/hundreds of targets at once . .
and from the outside, it would STILL look like the same old water cannon, right?
also, add in a harpoon for a winch and you have basically built your own barrens proof fire(fighter) vehicle.
Mar 26 2011, 02:11 PM
Well, your "thing that ignites the fuel" for the flame thrower would be called a pilot light and wouldn't take well to being shot with water, or being inconspicuous.
Mar 26 2011, 02:25 PM
The normal metals used in a fire hose nozzle would probably not stand up to the temperature that a flamethrower generates.
Also the size of the hose for a flamethrower and the one for a fire hose are very different. I would think it's more likely that you have
a secondary nozzle that is for the flamethrower.
Mar 26 2011, 02:31 PM
I'm not sure, but I also don't think that a fire hose has a "Blowback protector" or whatever the name of the device is that keeps the flaming fuel from traveling back into the main fuel source. Big bad thing.
On the flip side, a tanker truck hooked up to a fire truck's pumping system and used to make a nice lake of flammable fuel can be quite effectively used. Just add road flare.
I think they used that in a John Ringo novel about alien invasion, with a pun about "Fire Fighters Fighting With Fire".
Mar 26 2011, 03:40 PM
Based on todays Stuff, all of you are probably pretty right.
And with SR Super Science made up of handwavium and unobtanium thrown into the mix?
As for the Blowback-Protector . . yeah, i forgot about this, figured if i spray it far enough before it ignites the problems will be minimal . .
Mar 26 2011, 03:53 PM
Yeah, but fire hoses are designed to deal with pressure, not heat. That water is typically very cold. Probably some high-grade plassteel rather than ceramics. So, no, fire bad in fire hose (Ironically.).
Drenching your opponents in flammable liquid, and then pointing out how dangerous it would be to use their firearms, however... Very effective in disarming them. And also doesn't leave dead opponents, sometimes a plus.
Mar 27 2011, 01:27 AM
I have the sudden urge to do a Shake & Bake in a 'run.
Mar 27 2011, 01:49 AM
Whatever that may be, it sounds interesting enough. Do it. Rule of Cool and all that.
Gonna ask around with my Chemicians, Physicists and Ingeneur Buddies, what they think of the idea . . .
I expect to get laughed into the ground, as they usually don't answer as calmly as the lot of you, but eh . .
Mar 27 2011, 04:19 PM
Heh, sorry, it was something they did in the movie Expendables. Shoot up a group of people from an airplane, then as you're passing over them release some fuel, and ignite the fuel as you pull away.[edit]On checking the DVD, they called it "fry & die". Huh. I think I prefer my name.[/edit]
I imagine it could be done on the ground with a drive-by fuel cannon.
Come to think of it, Expendables was kinda a blend of Ice Cold Pro with pink Mohawk. Tipping over to complete Pink Mohawk by the end.
Mar 27 2011, 05:40 PM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Mar 27 2011, 11:19 AM)

Come to think of it, Expendables was kinda a blend of Ice Cold Pro with pink Mohawk. Tipping over to complete Pink Mohawk by the end.
They're an example of what happens when you piss off a bunch of Ice Cold Pros to the point that they go Pink Mohawk on you.
Mar 27 2011, 07:40 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Mar 26 2011, 02:31 PM)

I'm not sure, but I also don't think that a fire hose has a "Blowback protector" or whatever the name of the device is that keeps the flaming fuel from traveling back into the main fuel source. Big bad thing.
Well, the standard aerosol can + lighter doesn't have that, either. Sure it's risky, but not an automatic kaboom
Mar 27 2011, 11:37 PM
CanRay: Ringo does have firefighters pumping fuel on aliens in Gust Front around page 315 or so. That being said they don't make any quips about fire fighters fighting with fire.
Mar 28 2011, 12:03 AM
OK, must have added it in my own head, then.
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