QUOTE (James McMurray @ Mar 13 2011, 06:14 PM)
Why would you take a -4 to bypass armor anyway? +4 DV is much better, even if they're getting +5 armor from flechette.
Because it's -4 to the dice pool to attack, which is ~1DV. Doing so would negate about 9 points of armor, which is ~2-3 hits to soak damage.
That aside, what the armor/called shot rules don't cover is
armor coverage. An armor vest might only cover the torso, while a lined coat might cover the arms, torso, and most of the legs. Even though they have the same armor values, it would theoretically be harder to perform a called shot (to bypass armor) on someone wearing a lined coat.
The system as written is fast, dirty, and abstract.
What you
could do is just hash out some sort of standard table for called shots and house rule them. Something like:
Head: -6
Torso: -2
Upper Limb (bicep/thigh): -4
Lower Limb (forearm/lower leg): -6
Hand or Foot: -8
Those are just rough figures that I thought about for 10 seconds. Then you could consider armor coverage: vests would cover the torso, armored and lined coats (and anything that's a full suit, like armored clothing) would cover the arms, torso, and upper legs. Full body armor would cover everything but the head. Helmets would cover the head.
Then you could say that to perform a called shot against someone in a lined coat, you'd have to go after the Head, Hand, Lower Leg, or Foot. You could also say that if you perform a called shot against the head, only the helmet armor (if any) would apply.
You could also say that if someone is wearing layered armor such as, say, an armored vest and a leather jacket, the armored vest would apply against called shots to the torso, but the leather jacket would apply against the arms, and nothing would apply to the legs, feet, hands, or head.
If you wanted to get even more complicated, you could allow people to make piecemeal armor outfits -- against regular (non-called) shots you'd just take the average of the overall armor, but against called shots, different areas of the body could have their own armor values.