Sep 19 2006, 08:52 AM
I just got a TM to 6 Res in one of my games, and I've been looking over the rules for Submersion, cause thats the next step for the TM. I know what the karma costs are, 10+(rank*3), but it doesn't actually say how long of training time it is.
Pg 238
Submersion strengthens the link between the technomancer and the Matrix Resonance. Similar to an Awakened character’s initiation, submersion is a very personalized and ego-wrenching experience, a process of growth and awareness, a chance for the technomancer to better attune himself to the machine world. |
This references Initiation as being similar but in the BBB there is nothing written on how long that should take either, chart wise. I dont own Street Magic, so I cant check in that for new Initiation rules or charts.
Anyone have any ideas on how long it should take a TM to submerge for the first rank?
Sep 19 2006, 08:54 AM
About the time between one run and the next alongside any other karma spending.
Sep 19 2006, 08:55 AM
Upto the GM
Mine personally was what appeared to be almost a couple of days (at times had a hard time telling if I was VR or meat body) and as befitting my name led me through an Alice in Wonderland type session.
Real time seems to have been a few hours. (not sure fell asleep so not sure how much time was 'sleep' and how much time submersion)
But all told was fun and somewhat infomrative (and some what scary).