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haven't finished reading it yet myself, but i figured people would want to know.
James McMurray
Only through the first page and it definitely looks better than the last version.
SL James
Holy crap.
yeah. key points: RNA Global is now a subsidiary of Aztechnology, and they've got a reasonable excuse in place for why there are no orks in the game. the gliders are still there, as are the freaky metahuman powers and wacky-ass magic setup. overall, they've integrated their version with the SR version.
Definitely getting better. However they need to make the same sort of major rewrite to the new Xbox Sticker Price to even get me to look at it.
yeah, that's some fiction i have a hard time buying.
Wounded Ronin
It makes me feel warm and fuzzy that they revised.
I think we've learned a valuable lesson here. Bitching on internet messageboards can accomplish much. biggrin.gif
SL James
The Internet is a magical thing. First Snakes on a Plane. Now this. One day it may be used for good.
Okay, now, we just need to get them to fix everything else that's wrong.
emo samurai

(Not a parody.)

The dumshock forum army has won!!!

Then again, they didn't change the game itself, only a few pages of backstory.
This is just conclusive proof that the backstory has always been completely irrelevant to the sort of game they're making.

Even so, they designers appear to be making an effort to make the game somewhat more consistent with Shadowrun. There will still be glaring inconsistencies, but at least it's better. That's got to be worth something.
emo samurai
It still needs new artwork. The current artwork sucks.
QUOTE (mmu1)
This is just conclusive proof that the backstory has always been completely irrelevant to the sort of game they're making.

True. I *think* I can live with this, though. Time will tell.

NOTE: Is it me, or does the timeline end too abruptly? Perhaps there's more coming?
Looks like 2031 is the year that the game is set in now. Which is 10 years later than before, but still leaves them some room for sequels before they hit the start of SR1.

EDIT The still have Resurrect described as bringing the dead back to life, instead of describing it as the far more canonical patching together of a fallen, near-dead comrade. Wonder if they'll make that change?
well its a start.

and i guess they could pull something silly about the ziggurath (or whatever) acts as a mana pump, allowing magic that would be unavailable elsewhere in the world.

but one thing is for sure. im going to be royaly pissed that one cant have combat spells when one can have healing trees and resurrect spells.
I have to give Microsoft kudos for listening to loud mouthed fans. Sure, it would've been nice if they'd started listening years ago, but now that we're here, it sounds like they're changing what they can. Even if it's just scraps, it's still a nod.

(Yes, I am begging for excuses to like this game, so sue me smile.gif )
QUOTE (Brahm)
Looks like 2031 is the year that the game is set in now. Which is 10 years later than before, but still leaves them some room for sequels before they hit the start of SR1.

note that it also allows for 20-year-old elves and dwarves in the game.
emo samurai
Could Earthdawn mages resurrect people?
Samaels Ghost
Wow, that elf's arm moved. What an asinine animation. sarcastic.gif
QUOTE (emo samurai)
Could Earthdawn mages resurrect people?

i know that earthdawn have/had a whole magic school known as nethermancy, but besides that i dont have a clue.

i think i have a old earthdawn promo cd here somwhere. its basicly the whole main book as a collection of html files.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
Could Earthdawn mages resurrect people?

Yes. There were several different resurrection methods in Earthdawn. The Wizard spell called "Journey to Life" called back the soul and resurrected the body, but it took time. Likewise, there was a salve that allowed a dead person to burn all of his remaining healing tests and return to life.

Chantrel's Horror, the most buttkickingest of all resurrection specialists, could apply its own rather massive healing tests to its victims, allowing them to recover from death. It could also use "blood memory" to recreate a person whose body had been completely destroyed.

However, these resurrection magics (with the possible exception of the Horror's) were prefaced on the notion that the anthropomorphic personification of death was imprisoned beneath the Caspian Sea (which was inexplicably made of lava). Since the Caspian Sea is not made of lava any more we can assume that this is no longer the case and, considering the popularity of the Grim Reaper in fiction, it is likely that Death is the only Earthdawn deity to retain a considerable amount of power.
QUOTE (mfb)
QUOTE (Brahm)
Looks like 2031 is the year that the game is set in now. Which is 10 years later than before, but still leaves them some room for sequels before they hit the start of SR1.

note that it also allows for 20-year-old elves and dwarves in the game.

Yes, that is also something that it does for the better.

P.S. The one oldish looking gray haired elf avatar then I guess is some Elf that has done way too much Jazz or maybe off company time he's into the raver punk scene or something and bleaches his hair? wink.gif
i still say they should have grabbed the DDO engine and made the game completely cannon. but hey, i'll bitch till its SR3 cannon

To clarify, this post is in response/reference to the post directly above it. Not in response to the thread in general.
Better, but still 'teh sux0r'.

Bloody M$....
check THIS out. no way is this game canon nor will it everbe the mage has A cyber eye not two but one.

Individual Cybereyes do exist in SR.
QUOTE (Tanka)

Individual Cybereyes do exist in SR.

And it wouldn't be the first Shadowrun game to disregard the concept that getting implants stunts your magic.

QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
And it wouldn't be the first Shadowrun game to disregard the concept that getting implants stunts your magic.


I don't think that was venenum's point.

Howe'er, yes. It blatantly ignores 'ware messing with your mojo, same as the SNES game did.

At least this is somewhat margianally closer to canon than the original concept.
I know! They use SR3 rules and attach automatic geases. Like, you must play this sucktastic game.
See, now that they've made it somewhat close to canon, I might play it.

Hell, I might buy it in the hopes of them making a real SRCRPG that all of us can actually like.
Tanka, these are people who made a sequel to Halo that was just Halo with a different weapon selection in terms of actual mechanics, and who are now producing another game in the line that will probably be the same thing. These are the same people who produced some of the buggiest OS's in the history of computers. I think what you're hoping for is about like asking for a Glock that can blow up the Moon in one shot.
QUOTE (LilithTaveril)
Tanka, these are people who made a sequel to Halo that was just Halo with a different weapon selection in terms of actual mechanics, and who are now producing another game in the line that will probably be the same thing. These are the same people who produced some of the buggiest OS's in the history of computers. I think what you're hoping for is about like asking for a Glock that can blow up the Moon in one shot.

But a glock could blow up the moon..... you just have to make it really really really big.

Now on a more serious note. there are trying to make a game that a ppeales to the masses and not the select tastes of the original games players. Spells wont damage you either most likely. you will have a mana pool.(most likely) They are trying to make it familier to most other vidio games so people will play it and it will sell. They are after all just trying to make money.
You mean, games like their standard customers are used to? Of course, there are games most gamers are familiar with (World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, etc.) that they could use...

Nah! They're sticking within their area of expertise.
Look at their timeline
2016: Ares Corporation starts a series of experiments, researching military applications for recent breakthroughs in powered gliders.

-Mr. President, what did you think was the biggest move of Ares in '16?"
-We developed the POWERED GLIDER!!!!"
-Really? But what about that buy-off of NASA?"
-That's doesn't matter... Now we built POWER GLIDERS!!!!
Demonseed Elite
This might interest someone
QUOTE (LilithTaveril)
I know! They use SR3 rules and attach automatic geases. Like, you must play this sucktastic game.

HAHAHAHA. How did I miss this one? Good stuff.
Looks considerably improved.
Just a couple random comments:

1. I agree with them leaving out combat spells. Having guns and combat spells would either mean new graphics on the same attacks, or a huge number of attacks to balance. Instead, they went with interesting stuff.

2. Ware does impact your essence in the game significantly. Depending on your race, more or less, but each point of ware reduces your magic bulbs. I do find it odd that every runner has magic, but I can understand it for a game.

And my favorite quotes from Kotaku:

"Even with significant parts of the RPG completely missing, when you use tech to look through a wall at a troll and dwarf standing side-by-side holding guns, it feels like Shadowrun."


"I can stand up, look anybody in the eye and say this is Shadowrun. Is it everything in Shadowrun? No, that's why we get to make more of them."

More is good.
I think after reading those two articles I can at least now see why there is a point to making this game. It does seem to be trying something a bit new, in terms of balance and tactics, so it's not just a clone of other games. I'm still not convinced I see the point of making it a Shadowrun game, but... it's looking more appealing than it did.
QUOTE (lorechaser)
"I can stand up, look anybody in the eye and say this is Shadowrun.["]

I can stand up, look anybody in the eye, and say the moon is made of cheese. The ability to lie through one's teeth is not rare.

The Grifter
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
QUOTE (lorechaser @ Sep 19 2006, 12:03 PM)
"I can stand up, look anybody in the eye and say this is Shadowrun.["]

I can stand up, look anybody in the eye, and say the moon is made of cheese. The ability to lie through one's teeth is not rare.


No, but the ability to do it well is. grinbig.gif
SL James
QUOTE (Witness)
Looks considerably improved.

"Daddy, why does the Internet hate you?"
FASA Studio manager Mitch Gitelman's daughter


What a fucking tool.
"Daddy, why does the Internet hate you?"
FASA Studio manager Mitch Gitelman's daughter

Thought that was quite sweet, personally.
mmm, the art is looking a lot better. The whole lighting and rendering has noticably improved, the human is looking better, and the RNA elf has this permanent "what stinks?" expression (priceless). The levels they're showing in this new batch of screenshots really sell the setting. Caves just don't do it.

I'm not a stickler for canon with regards to video game adaptations, so I really don't care about teleportation and resurrection. I really, really wish it wasn't a game about cyber mages, though.
QUOTE (2bit)
the RNA elf has this permanent "what stinks?" expression

I think one of the articles mentioned that only the human design was the new artwork- the elf design is still the old one as yet. They seem to be moving away from cartoony.
QUOTE (Witness)
QUOTE (2bit @ Sep 19 2006, 01:31 PM)
the RNA elf has this permanent "what stinks?" expression

I think one of the articles mentioned that only the human design was the new artwork- the elf design is still the old one as yet. They seem to be moving away from cartoony.

No, I think the RNA elf is a new build for sure. The old elves had legs like Lucky Luke. What they said was that only the human model was 100% finnished.

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