Small consolation for the fact that the game is a Counterstrike-clone. That there are no orks. That dwarves absorb magic. That the game is not set in Seattle, but Brazil. That the megacorporations (note the plural) do not exist yet.
Small consolation that the only spells available are support spells that would make any GM seasoned SR canon laugh in your face, like resurrection and teleportation. That the entire concept of RUNS done in the SHADOWS is thrown out the window in exchange for squad-based combat with only a thin veil of fictional justification.
I'd love to answer Mitch's daughter's question for her. Why does the internet hate your daddy? Because your daddy took the name of the best roleplaying game that ever was and shoved it, kicking and screaming into a cookie-cutter miserable excuse for an Unreal Tournament Mod that was neither true to its roots nor its fans.
I'm not saying that the universe of Shadowrun does not brook change. Any truly good universe does. Three video games (SNES, Genesis, Genesis CD) and countless supplements and subsequent editions of the PnP SR have proven that point. But what is missing is the core value and feel of Shadowrun in the FPS. I'd say that the soul and spirit are gone from the FPS, and this is true, but not even the base aesthetic value of gritty cyberpunk has remained the same.
Forgive if my remarks are more than scathing, but I am like many here I imagine are, very passionate about Shadowrun.