Sep 21 2006, 03:58 AM
I need some more info from my players about their characters for a large campaign that should soon begin.
As a GM do you have any questions you find give you great insite to the player's character, or as a player are there any questions that GM's have given you (or should have) that would help you better describe your character?
Sep 21 2006, 05:10 AM
I like to ask my players things like "where were you when ... happened ?
and (...) might be the passing of the comet, the night of rage ,the disaster in chicago, dunkie´s assassination, the crash of 29,etc. Creative players use those things to add more depth to theirs character´s backstory.
I also like to ask "What are your opinions on magic/metahumanity/torture/ppl with too much cyberware/whatever ?"
krayola red
Sep 21 2006, 05:12 AM
I like to ask "Sex: with or without socks?" and "Jesus vs Superman: who would win?"
Sep 21 2006, 05:16 AM
QUOTE (will_rj) |
I like to ask my players things like "where were you when ... happened ?
and (...) might be the passing of the comet, the night of rage ,the disaster in chicago, dunkie´s assassination, the crash of 29,etc. Creative players use those things to add more depth to theirs character´s backstory. |
You know what, that's a GREAT idea. From now on, I'm gonna ask my players where they were, how they dealth with and what they think about all of the recent SR events, like shedim, comet, crash if 4th ed, etc.
Sep 21 2006, 06:34 AM
I just wish i had more contact with offline players who are actually interested in the shadowrun timeline. Some of my players reply with a clueless blank stare to most of my questions. I´ve used to give them 6th World 101 lectures before each session, hoping some of them would end up actually reading the history entries of the manual...
Sep 21 2006, 09:03 AM
QUOTE (krayola red) |
I like to ask "Sex: with or without socks?" and "Jesus vs Superman: who would win?" |
Those are going onto my list...
Sep 21 2006, 12:54 PM
In my opinion, insight comes from knowing the details:
Describe the room where you sleep.
Describe three non-"contact" relationships you have with people.
(If applicable.) What were your first impressions of your teammates.
What is your most prized posession? (Bonus if they describe something not on their "gear" list.)
What's an important lesson you learned as a child?
What's your idea of getting "dressed up?"
If you weren't shadowrunning, you'd be doing... what?
Who are you important to? Why?
What actor would play this character in the movies? Why?
What organizations do you belong to? Or, what organizations would you belong to if you were a legit citizen?
Describe three public places that you would enjoy spending time at.
What advice would you give a noobie runner?
And so on....
Sep 21 2006, 01:09 PM
QUOTE (Dog) |
Describe the room where you sleep.
Describe three non-"contact" relationships you have with people.
What is your most prized posession?
What's your idea of getting "dressed up?"
Describe three public places that you would enjoy spending time at.
I really like these ones.
Sep 21 2006, 02:10 PM
Good stuff.
I'm running through this list for my characters now.
Sep 21 2006, 02:55 PM
Here are a couple sets of questions from my site:
Set 1Set 2
emo samurai
Sep 21 2006, 03:07 PM
What was the original set of 20 questions?
Sep 21 2006, 04:10 PM
They appeared at the end of the SR2 char gen section.
the firs one was is your chracter a mineral?
Sep 21 2006, 05:50 PM
I once got asked "What's his favorite kind of ice cream?"
That was the germ for many a personality trait
SL James
Sep 21 2006, 07:24 PM
QUOTE (krayola red @ Sep 20 2006, 11:12 PM) |
I like to ask "Sex: with or without socks?" and "Jesus vs Superman: who would win?" |
Which Superman? His power has varied greatly over the years.
Come to think of it: Which Jesus, too?
Sep 21 2006, 09:04 PM
QUOTE (SL James) |
QUOTE (krayola red @ Sep 20 2006, 11:12 PM) | I like to ask "Sex: with or without socks?" and "Jesus vs Superman: who would win?" |
Which Superman? His power has varied greatly over the years.
Come to think of it: Which Jesus, too?
The real ressurected Superman from the Death and Return of Superman storyline vs the ressurected Jesus from the Death and Ressurection of Jesus storyline and seperatly Golden Age space-breathing spin-fast-enough-to-turn-back-time Superman vs. Revelations Jesus.
Wounded Ronin
Sep 21 2006, 10:10 PM
1.) Is your character asian?
2.) Is your character a ninja?
3.) Is your charater a midwestern auto worker?
4.) Does your character look like Harrison Ford wearing an overcoat with a gigantic collar?
5.) Does your character whip out a pistol and have this pistol freakishly be more effective than an assault rifle?
6.) When you role play your character will you subject us to bamboo flute music?
7.) And ten minute long Kwai Chang Kaine ancestor flashbacks which are just clumsy deus ex machinas?
8.) Is your character CHUCK NORRIS?
9.) Does your character have a custom SUV that, when a button is pushed on the dash, has the ability to dig itself out from 50 feet of dirt?
10.) Does your character have a custom sports car?
11.) Does it talk?
12.) And have a red light which goes back and forth?
13.) Does your character have permed hair?
14.) Does your character use a leather jacket?
15.) Does your character wear an eyepatch?
16.) And use a suppressed Ingram SMG?
17.) Does your character have a sword?
18.) And is it a katana?
19.) Will your character subject us to bamboo flute music?
20.) Does your character have a partner with which he can take a homoerotic last stand while cherry blossoms fall in the background and scatter all over your manly bloody chests?
Sep 22 2006, 02:48 PM
What song or songs best describe your character?
Who would win a ninja or a pirate?
Does the character wear sunglasses at night?
Even without any sort of nightvision?
Does it hurt to run into all these lampposts, buildings, ect.?
What type of entertainment does the character like?
Does your character identify themselves with a specific group of people? (Ethnic, racial, or ideological)
Seriously, if you can't see in the dark why don't you take the sunglasses off?
Roshambo good or bad?
Off topic-
Btw, whats with the homoerotic last stand beneath the cherry blossoms? Do I want to know?
emo samurai
Sep 22 2006, 02:54 PM
It's very samurai; the samurai thought that women were too delicate for sex, so for manly sex, you needed a man. Plus, homoeroticism was pretty much okay in private for the samurai. The cherry blossoms are just the catch-all Japanese symbol for drama and shit.
Sep 22 2006, 03:50 PM
I remember when I was running the Other Game I made up a set of about forty questions. I can't remember them all, but a few I had -
-Put the 7 deadly sins (plus a few other fun ones like 'giving money to a poor person') in order from best (most goodest) to worst.
-Describe an influential moment in your life OTHER THAN when an enemy tribe raided your village and killed all your family.
-What would make you stop adventuring?
-If you were a hot dog and were trapped on a desert island, would you eat yourself?
-What is your greatest single flaw?
-Which member of the party do you get along best with? Why?
Also I required at least 3 quotes from the character.
Sep 22 2006, 03:53 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
-If you were a hot dog and were trapped on a desert island, would you eat yourself?
what's your favorite planet?
My favorite planet's the sun.
krayola red
Sep 22 2006, 06:31 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
-If you were a hot dog and were trapped on a desert island, would you eat yourself? |
Are you calling me a fag, punk?!
Sep 22 2006, 06:38 PM
QUOTE (krayola red) |
QUOTE (nezumi) | -If you were a hot dog and were trapped on a desert island, would you eat yourself? |
Are you calling me a fag, punk?!
Maybe he is just commenting on your flexability?
Q - When your character thinks about death, which way does it wish to be. (I.E. in it's sleep, going down fighting, ect)
Q - Is your character right or left handed? (ignore for ambidextrous chars)
Wounded Ronin
Sep 23 2006, 02:30 AM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
The cherry blossoms are just the catch-all Japanese symbol for drama and shit. |
You make my eyes burn worse than Clavell.
The cherry blossoms are symbolic of *impermanence*, not generic drama, you romo!
Finally, the cherry blossom last stand is a shtick of pulp samurai films. Clearly, y'all haven't watched enough crappy samurai movies from the 70s.
emo samurai
Sep 23 2006, 03:53 AM
Also, they're a sign of demonic activity; I remember reading something from Japanese literature class where a woman who wanted her bandit husband to collect human heads for her enjoyment faded into cherry blossoms.
SL James
Sep 23 2006, 06:03 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (SL James @ Sep 21 2006, 02:24 PM) | QUOTE (krayola red @ Sep 20 2006, 11:12 PM) | I like to ask "Sex: with or without socks?" and "Jesus vs Superman: who would win?" |
Which Superman? His power has varied greatly over the years.
Come to think of it: Which Jesus, too?
The real ressurected Superman from the Death and Return of Superman storyline vs the ressurected Jesus from the Death and Ressurection of Jesus storyline and seperatly Golden Age space-breathing spin-fast-enough-to-turn-back-time Superman vs. Revelations Jesus.
Oh, then Superman for both.
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