Samaels Ghost
Aug 4 2006, 11:59 PM
From the Dodger thread:
QUOTE ("Witness") |
[JackBNimble is] a message from another world'! Which, IMO, is the Fourth (EDIT: or Second) World. That might not make much sense unless you're open to the idea that the Matrix is not exactly the first network of its kind and that maybe it's been resonating with something conceptually similar and far far older. |
QUOTE ("Crisp") |
The Orissa Network is a "matrix" (for lack of a better term) of Yortlinga (sp?)-big magical monoliths-in India, these Yortlinga somehow "focus" magic from the nearby manalines into a "web of magic" that then send this big, big "manaline" into a position somewhere above India at an altitude beyond which a magician can project. (Sorry for the half-assed explanation, ask Synner for a better one, he wrote it IIRC)
There are all sorts of theories regarding the use/function of this thing but one says it is some osrt of Akashic record i.e. some sort of "mental record" of past memories/etc. |
WHAT IF the Orissa network or some other magical matrix like the Dragonlines and leylines are older, magical versions of our beloved information highway. It would explain the mention of Dragonlines in Runner Havens.
WHAT IF the Deep Resonance and other otaku phenomenon are a direct result of such magical matricies?
WHAT IF the reason that otaku are now Duracell tough for the rest of their lives is because the
wireless Matrix has changed something fundemental about the Matrix other than just it's structure? Technomancers are a result of a stronger bond between the Matrix and the Deep Resonance.
WHAT IF the old matriticies of magic are interacting with the expansive wireless networks to such an extent that the Magical and Matrix worlds have bled together? Radio waves are resonating with leylines and such.
AGH! I think my brain just exploded!
SL James
Aug 5 2006, 12:07 AM
You killed my brains, and if I weren't powered by a hate engine, I'd want to kill you to get them back. As it is, I just want to kill you.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 12:12 AM
Hate....Engine? super sweet!
Aug 5 2006, 12:13 AM
This would totally open up the SR world for Ghostbusters. You could trap spirits a matrix node made from circa 1980 materials.
Aug 5 2006, 12:13 AM
The difference between the approach to Singularity and awakening magical power is pretty small. When you add such things as the Resonance and possibly the Dissonance (if it continues to be a presence in the setting beyond the Crash 2.0), which might be described as spiritual forces within the Machine, it gets even more freaky.
Ever since SR4 came out, I've been entertaining the odd thought that the Matrix is starting to become a metaplane.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 12:18 AM
QUOTE (Conskill @ Aug 4 2006, 07:13 PM) |
Ever since SR4 came out, I've been entertaining the odd thought that the Matrix is starting to become a metaplane. |
They've been hinting at that since Virtual Realities 2.0 with Halrequin's conversation with "Ambrose". Although, one could also say that such ideas and conversations are pretty traditional indentity/reality quandries.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 5 2006, 12:22 AM
QUOTE (pg 70 @ Shadows of Asia) |
On the surface, it is still very much the same: dry grasslands and deserts on the northern plateau, vast lakes and agricultural land along the Yarlong Tsangpo River in the south, and lush, primeval canyon forests to the east. Our wujen, however, pointed out that massive change has taken place in the astral plane. He says that complex astral objects stretch across Tibet and appear to be concentrated around Mount Kailash. The only references we’ve found to this construction are cryptic mentionings of the “great mandala of Tibet.”
> A mandala is a ritual circle constructed of colored sand in a complex design. It represents the universe and the person’s place in it. Any guesses as to why they would be building a giant astral ritual circle in Tibet? > Xiao Renwu
> I don’t think I want to know. > TomTom
> MagickNet has been hopping with reports of increased magical phenomenan along the paths of Asia’s major rivers. I don’t know if there’s any connection, but nearly all those rivers have their sources on the Tibetan plateau. > Ang
Not that I'm implying anything, I just like to encourage the conversation.
Ancient History
Aug 5 2006, 12:24 AM
Aug 5 2006, 12:33 AM
Quiet you two, the natives are restless enough.
SL James
Aug 5 2006, 01:22 AM
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite) |
Not that I'm implying anything, I just like to encourage the conversation. |
Yeah, right. We all know what you think about the Otaku.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 01:32 AM
I don't. Tell me!
SL James
Aug 5 2006, 01:36 AM
"We" being "those of us who remember him playing on Shadowland."
And... No.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 01:39 AM
I must obtain one of these "hate engines" and fight you to the death!
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 01:54 AM
I really like the idea of magic seeping into the Matrix. Perhaps we could use some
Life Gems?
It also opens the way for mana being manipulated through the matrix or in the matrix. The latter is probably already happening with Technos. It would make some sense. That would explain why the AI's could awake people as otaku and why Essence has an effect on Resonace (other than making all rules mechanics similar).
If anyone should be on the forefront of Matrix Magic then I think the Tibetan monks would be a great choice. Maybe they're the Idols? Wasn't there something funky going down in that area like a never ending storm?
Aug 5 2006, 01:54 AM
Many moons ago, James McMurray started a
thread on a similar subject.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 5 2006, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost @ Aug 4 2006, 08:54 PM) |
If anyone should be on the forefront of Matrix Magic then I think the Tibetan monks would be a great choice. Maybe they're the Idols? Wasn't there something funky going down in that area like a never ending storm? |
And yet, there's no Matrix in Tibet. At least, not as of Shadows of Asia. However, there are rumors regarding Tibetan monks in Runner Havens, rumors which may also involve the Matrix.
And yes, there is a never-ending storm going on down there. There's a bunch of info on that in Shadows of Asia, but since the Table of Contents lists it, I think it's safe for me to say it also gets some coverage in Street Magic.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 02:15 AM
FanGirl lead me to more of Witness's theories on the subject. So it has been discussed before. Interesting. I still think I should get somes props since it appears that this comes from EarthDawn stuff and I have never read any of that. Here's Witness:
QUOTE ("Witness") |
Personally I like to think that the truth may be somewhat the other way around. What if, long ago, ancients wove mana (and life) on Earth into a network (the Tapestry or the Great Pattern) which was a lot like a magical Matrix (Dragonspeech = machine code, True Name = commcode, Magic users = 'technomancers', Spirits = agents/sprites, Horoi = extradimensional hackers?).
Then along came the Matrix, a technological reinvention of the same basic principles. The dragons, of course, are fascinated by the parallels. And now and then it seems as if the technological Matrix so closely reflects its magical predecessor that the two resonate. Then along comes a new Matrix, even more similar to the Tapestry. The resonance becomes more powerful.
As the Matrix continues to evolve, I see the two networks merging. But maybe that's something to look forwards to in the Seventh or Eighth World.
Of course I'm probably just mad. Or deeply troubled. wink.gif |
SL James
Aug 5 2006, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
I must obtain one of these "hate engines" and fight you to the death! |
This is my hate engine. There are many like it but this one is mine. My hate engine is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my hate engine is useless. Without my hate engine I am useless. I must rev my hate engine true. I must drive harder than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must cow him before he cows me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my hate engine and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 02:25 AM
SL James
Aug 5 2006, 02:39 AM
I should have become an actor.
Aug 5 2006, 02:40 AM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
Ancient History
Aug 5 2006, 03:47 AM
The hate engine has nothing on the abortion engine.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 03:52 AM
Screw your hate engine. I want one of those abortion engines.
and i do know the "this is my gun" thing. The deadpan look was was for SL's crazy, scaryness. [shudder]
Aug 5 2006, 07:13 AM
I haven't read Imago in a long time but doesn't the elf imprisson his spirit in some kind of sophisticated cyberdeck? Another allusion to the magic/matrix parallel....
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 09:06 PM
Yeah, is he talking about that Leo cat? Who was Leo anyway? Doesn't he have some sort of magical deck?
Ancient History
Aug 5 2006, 09:24 PM
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 09:31 PM
Oooo! Transys is big on the scene now. If there is any weight to this whole Magical Matrix theory, I see them and NeoNet being involved. GM ideas! Yea!
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 09:56 PM
My previous comment about receiving props was unwaranted. I would n't have had such an AWESOME revolution if Witness hadn't said anything back in "Dodger". THanks for the mind-fuck.
Aug 5 2006, 09:56 PM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
WHAT IF the Orissa network or some other magical matrix like the Dragonlines and leylines are older, magical versions of our beloved information highway. It would explain the mention of Dragonlines in Runner Havens.
WHAT IF the Deep Resonance and other otaku phenomenon are a direct result of such magical matricies?
WHAT IF the reason that otaku are now Duracell tough for the rest of their lives is because the wireless Matrix has changed something fundemental about the Matrix other than just it's structure? Technomancers are a result of a stronger bond between the Matrix and the Deep Resonance.
WHAT IF the old matriticies of magic are interacting with the expansive wireless networks to such an extent that the Magical and Matrix worlds have bled together? Radio waves are resonating with leylines and such.
AGH! I think my brain just exploded! |
For the amount of time I will now invest in pondering these compensation, I will destroy you with the shrapnel of my skull, as my brain just exploded inside it.
Thank you.
Today's public service announcement..........sometimes, it's better to not think to hard. Or, there is no spoon.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 10:30 PM
QUOTE ("Runer Havens pg.54") |
The dragon lines connect sites of magical power throughout Asia and the Pacific Ring of Fire. The powerful mountain of T’ai Shan, guarded by the great dragon Lung, sits on a dragon line. Mount Fuji in Japan stands on another. Dragon lines flow down the great rivers of Asia and even cut through the magical storm that seals off Tibet. It is as if the dragon lines tie all these sites into some sort of magical network. > Ethernaut |
Samaels Ghost
Aug 5 2006, 10:36 PM
Guess what? A major convergence of Dragon lines also lies on the spot where the Wong Tai Sin temple is built. Is it a coincedence that the Bureau of Heaven and Earth, an orginization apparently lead by a cybered out monk and interested in programming and code, is reported to meet in the same temple? I THINK NOT!
Aug 6 2006, 06:19 AM
I see magic and the matrix as only being connected by out of character mechanics, and that they both intersect the human world.
Even assuming I'm wrong, How would you LOS a target that in the realest sense of the world doesn't exist in any given place?
Is it the fiber, is it the database, is it his physical location, is it a sever? What exatly would a magic user manipulate in the virtual world?
Aug 6 2006, 09:43 AM
The same way he would affect astral space by percieving into it. I guess you'd need a datajack to to it though (for the "natural" connection).
Aug 6 2006, 01:34 PM
Cool. I'm getting quoted! You're welcome Ghost.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 6 2006, 01:59 PM
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle) |
I see magic and the matrix as only being connected by out of character mechanics, and that they both intersect the human world. |
What do you mean? Similar mechanics wise? Sure the Magic system and the Technomancer system look similar, but the mechanics have very little to do with the original idea here. I just threw the whole "magic through the matrix" out there to be goofy. I really hope mages won't be able to target through cameras EVER! Even though I am a mage, I still think that goes too far.
Aug 6 2006, 02:03 PM
You might also enjoy my daft theory about AIs and ED Passions. To whit...
Dis = Mad Passion of slavery and bureaucracy
Deus = Mad AI also fond of enslaving people- first in the Arcology, then as Nodes.
EDIT: the following bit of shadowtalk was from my campaign. Took the players several months to work out what was being implied:
>>[Burberry] AI? C’mon!
>>[SurferDude] Believe it chummer. And Deus wasn’t one of a kind either, or even the first. The Matrix ain’t just our playground any more.
>>[Laughing Man] Dis is no joke.
>>[Orange Queen] Careful chuckles.
Mynbruje = Passion of justice, compassion, empathy, and truth
Mirage = AI described as an 'empathic and intuitive program'
In my campaign I introduced another AI, born out of the NPC-controlling code (which the game designers called simply 'Localhost') of a massive Matrix game. I'll leave it to you to work out which Passion that one is meant to be.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 6 2006, 02:14 PM
Page 29 of Runner Havens does link those mysterious Tibetan monks to the Bureau of Heaven and Earth, btw. With rumors of the "Great mandala of Tibet" that was alluded to in Shadows of Asia, I wouldn't be surprised if those crafty monks know about this whole Magical network phenominon.
Did the Renraku president ever come back out of Tibet? I know he went in with that artifact that Big D gave him. He went in after being attacked by Deus or something and having his brain scrambled. Did he come out? I might want to keep an eye out on him. Renraku would be interested in Magical Networks, i'm sure. Maybe he learned something while he was in that storm?
Things to watch out for:
Powerful Tibetan monks. Good or Bad?
Renraku exploiting their artifact to learn Tibetan Ancient Matrix secrets
More damn AI being created by advanced programs reaching out and touching the soul highway that is the Ancient Matrix. Or worse things tapping into that Ancient Matrix
Aug 6 2006, 02:14 PM
Any chance you could change the colouring on that shadowtalk? It is very hard to read right now.
Aug 6 2006, 02:17 PM
Done. Sorry.
So what do you suppose "Sae'retar!" means? ("Idiot!" ??

Samaels Ghost
Aug 6 2006, 02:37 PM
Shows up as a reference on his site. Search for the word
Demonseed Elite
Aug 6 2006, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost @ Aug 6 2006, 09:14 AM) |
Did the Renraku president ever come back out of Tibet? I know he went in with that artifact that Big D gave him. He went in after being attacked by Deus or something and having his brain scrambled. Did he come out? I might want to keep an eye out on him. Renraku would be interested in Magical Networks, i'm sure. Maybe he learned something while he was in that storm? |
Inazo Aneki is escorted out of Tibet under the guard of Tibetan monks in Brainscan. He is taken to Hong Kong, where the PCs snatch him as part of the campaign. He later dies at the end of the adventure.
As of Shadows of Asia, the Tibetan monks of the Lotus Throne control all of the Tibetan Seals, including the one Dunkelzahn left to Inazo Aneki in his will. Presumably, returning this Seal was part of the agreement for the monks to protect and treat Aneki.
EDIT: Nevertheless, if any corporation has ties to the Tibetans, it would be Renraku. They have at least had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Tibet's leaders, which is more than can be said for most other corporations.
And there is more to the power players of Tibet than I've seen anyone mention yet. :>
Aug 6 2006, 03:01 PM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
Shows up as a reference on his site. Search for the word here. |
Indeed, but... no translation for that one.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 6 2006, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (Witness) |
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost @ Aug 6 2006, 09:37 AM) | Shows up as a reference on his site. Search for the word here. |
Indeed, but... no translation for that one.
There's no translation of it at all, but it's not a very nice thing to say.
Rotbart van Dainig
Aug 6 2006, 03:45 PM
Some of those 'unknown' expression seem to be pretty fucked up versions of french and spanish, anyway.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 7 2006, 12:25 AM
QUOTE ("Demonseed Elite") |
And there is more to the power players of Tibet than I've seen anyone mention yet. :> |
I don't have every book, so if you want me to play this game give me an idea of where to look so I can buy the neccesary books.
Aug 7 2006, 12:29 AM
Good lukc. just read every post of Synner, Demonseed Elite, Ancient History and the other freelancers until you reach enlightemend. Or your brain turns to goo.
Demonseed Elite
Aug 7 2006, 12:51 AM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
I don't have every book, so if you want me to play this game give me an idea of where to look so I can buy the neccesary books. |
All information to date on Tibet is in
Shadows of Asia. Except for the bit about the Bureau of Heaven and Earth in
Runner Havens.
Well, all the information in
Shadowrun, that is.
Ancient History
Aug 7 2006, 12:55 AM
And a wee tidbit in Brainscan.
Samaels Ghost
Aug 7 2006, 01:37 AM
More allusions to EarthDawn? grrr...
Aug 7 2006, 05:09 AM
QUOTE (Samaels Ghost) |
More allusions to EarthDawn? grrr... |
Care to elaborate for people slow like me?
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