Damn, how did I miss this thread. Apparently I've just been gone to long or something. Hope no one gets to upset about my ressurecting it.
Just a few of my thoughts laying things out so they're nice and pretty for the parallels between magic/matrix, old dragons, and old networks and such:
According to Puck in RH, the Otaku can back up their experiences (call it SIMsense if you like) onto hard copy - optical discs
Dragons to the same thing with memory crystals/dragon speech
Dunk was a master of dragon speech. If he's so fascinated by the matrix, which, since it uses fiberoptics and optic discs for memory, is optic based. Dunkie often enjoyed hitching a ride on deckers like Jane-in-the-Box to experience the matrix.
Leonardo made a deck that worked with advanced optics, which is what Lowfy wanted him so badly for (and later on in SoE it's hinted taht the SK grids are able to monitor other data traffic because they're so advanced, like Renraku used to be. hints of Leo reappearing).
Dunkie left a will bequest to look in to (punny) advnced optics.
Leonardo's little androgynous buddy is rumored to be both an otaku and magically active
The little buddy is also the guy behind the corp in India that has access to all the Orisha network stuff (for lack of spelling, I'm sorry)
It's hinted that the orisha network holds what is basically an akashic vault. Akashic records basically being the records of people s lives and thoughts
The indrisians believed that no thouhgt was unique, that it was all thought out before. probably because ofo their nifty little metaphysical vault of akashic records.
The little buddy is trying to access those records because he longer has access to Leo to carry out the "Great Work"
It's never really clear exactly what the Great WOrk is, but it could very well be some sort of large pattern since Leo was around in Thera (in a house of crystal and light or somesuch no less).
Other great networks include the Dragon Lines taht Ryumyo and Lung are fighting over that used to be part of a network of magic of eastern dragons.
Oh hey, Dviglynon (how the hell do you spell that again) is an eastern dragon. Maybe SHE's interested in that.
Those same lines also go through Tibet and Hong Kong
Hong Kong got the Dragon of Wind and Fire from Dunkie, who I'm sure knew where it was going. Tibet got the seal and Aneki who got Deus from Leo (more or less).
Hong Kong is also starting to have astral shallows where spirits are starting to bleed through (ddo the Yama Kings sound like horrors to anyone else BTW?)
And as another fun little aside, the corp that's trying to dig under Mt Everest to get to Tibet is partly owned by Rhonabwy. Rhonabwy who lives in the UK where fun little Leylines (also sometimes called dragon lines) are appearing fresh, and islands are popping out of the sea. And he's mentiond at looking into underwater research in RH.
Do I have any conclusions at this point? well no, btu it's a hell of a lot of fun tying all the strings of patterns together. Besides, Dvilg isn't the only Great Dragon that hasn't been "rediscovered" yet. Moleskin anyone?