Falling Icicle
May 27 2009, 08:59 PM
Hi, I just recently got the 4th edition book for Shadowrun. I played 2nd and 3rd edition years ago. It seems that in the new edition, not only do Shamans have to pay 5 extra points just to have a totem spirit (apparently they don't even need to have one anymore), but hermetics can get a "mentor spirit" as well? Am I understanding this correctly?
May 27 2009, 09:02 PM
Correct. There are also no more domains for spirits.
May 27 2009, 09:05 PM
Yes. You have read that correctly.
Totems are optional for Shamans. Personally, I consider this similar to shamans from past editions who took Coyote as a mentor or who cycled through totems (can't recall which book that was from).
As for Hermetics and others who couldn't have them before... well... I just decided to go with it. It made enough sense to me that they could have formed a bond with a Jungian Archetype, free spirit, or something similar.
Also make note of differences in summoning between editions. No more Domains. Also, Hermetics and Shamans summon spirits in a (game mechanically) similar fashion now.
Falling Icicle
May 27 2009, 09:06 PM
Cool, thanks.
So how do spirits work without domains? Can they be summoned anywhere and go anywhere?
May 27 2009, 09:16 PM
Yes, pretty much.
May 28 2009, 03:05 AM
There is still some left over aspect to powers and domains though. Some powers, for example the movement power I think, talk about affecting targets in the spirit's "domain". So while an earth elemental could use movement on a car on the ground (it's domain?), an air elemental could not (but it could use the power on a flying drone in the air, while the earth elemental couldn't). I think. I don't have the books with me right now.
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