The Jake
May 31 2009, 01:05 PM
By RAW, it states that Caracas is an independant city. But is it a city in and by itself? Is it part of Venezuela? Or is it part of Aztlan or Amazonia? Or is it contested?
This is important for my campaign. I have a new PC who is hailing from Amazonia and its also relevant because I'm running Ghost Cartels.
Apologies if the answer is obvious, I don't believe its explicitly stated anywhere in the books.
- J.
May 31 2009, 01:09 PM
In 2049, Amazonia annexed much of Venezuela, in spite of an Aztlan counter-offensive who taken the west. A cease-fire treaty with Amazonia reduced Venezuela to a micro-state around the capital Caracas.
(source: indicate that Caracas is almost what's left of Venezuela.
Tiger Eyes
May 31 2009, 08:29 PM
When Aztlan and Amazonia decided to duke it out over Venezuela, the UN sent in troops to protect Caracas. Most of the population of Venezuela fled to the city, and the forest keeps them hemmed in. Amazonia doesn't want the city, just wants to make sure all the metahumans in it don't bug the nice Awakened jungle (aka, the Green Wall). So yes, it is a free city.
Caracas has a write up in Runner Havens, including the political system.
The Jake
May 31 2009, 08:45 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ May 31 2009, 09:29 PM)
When Aztlan and Amazonia decided to duke it out over Venezuela, the UN sent in troops to protect Caracas. Most of the population of Venezuela fled to the city, and the forest keeps them hemmed in. Amazonia doesn't want the city, just wants to make sure all the metahumans in it don't bug the nice Awakened jungle (aka, the Green Wall). So yes, it is a free city.
Caracas has a write up in Runner Havens, including the political system.
EDIT: I just re-read it. Now it makes sense. The key bit being 'last Venezuelan soil'. I don't know how I missed that.
- J.
Jun 1 2009, 01:01 AM
so who got all theoil resources of Venuzula?
Jun 1 2009, 01:15 AM
Well I thought a lot of its oil was more south? but then its azzie land and amazon what ya call it, the whole area if ripe for a new parking lot
damn where are my ICBM's? hehehe
Jun 1 2009, 02:06 AM
RL the place is loaded with oil, that's why the wack job dictator can keep his people happy, he can throw nice toys at his supporters and shut down his enemies.
It's heavy sour though, the only place that can refine it is the US, which is why no one takes him seriously when he says he won't sell to the US anymore, without us he jusyt has massive reserves of dsino sludge.
The Jake
Jun 1 2009, 02:48 AM
My reading is Venezuela is split between Aztlan and Amazonia. Where exactly is anyones guess...
I really wish we could get a world map and that bloody 'Shadows of Latin America' some stage this millennium.
Why can't it be released as a PDF if its not going to be released as a book??
- J.
The Jake
Jun 1 2009, 02:59 AM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jun 1 2009, 02:06 AM)
RL the place is loaded with oil, that's why the wack job dictator can keep his people happy, he can throw nice toys at his supporters and shut down his enemies.
It's heavy sour though, the only place that can refine it is the US, which is why no one takes him seriously when he says he won't sell to the US anymore, without us he jusyt has massive reserves of dsino sludge.
The Russians are moving in on that situation."At a meeting with Mr. Chávez, Mr. Medvedev agreed to a form a Russian-Venezuelan energy consortium that would share resources to produce and sell oil and gas. Russian companies are already at work exploring oil fields in Venezuela, but the agreement will allow them to expand their reach into more areas, including fields in Ecuador and Bolivia."
That and the ongoing military exercises in that region suggest that Russia is very keen to do what it takes to keep the Venezuelan people happy (and feel safe and secure).
- J.
Jun 1 2009, 03:13 AM
RL the place is loaded with oil, that's why the wack job dictator can keep his people happy, he can throw nice toys at his supporters and shut down his enemies.
RL politics - including insulting world leaders of any nation - are against the TOS. Please don't go there.
Jun 1 2009, 01:41 PM
If memory serves, the oil fields are a few hours south of Caracas. It's almost certainly Amazonia now.
Caracas itself is going to be a lot poorer without access to oil. I have to imagine the post-Amazonia take-over would have caused some major upheavels, and a lot of backroom deals. Rich people don't take well to not being rich any more. On the flip side, it seems like Caracas is poised to be one of the best port cities for access to Amazonia and Aztlan, since it belongs to neither, and there are plenty of smuggling routes out of the city. I haven't read the book, but I'm definitely curious to see what it says!
Tiger Eyes
Jun 1 2009, 07:41 PM
Shadowrun, 4th Edition Anniversary has a large map on the last page, which shows the border between Aztlan and Amazonia, including the disputed area, and also shows Caracas as a free city.
Jun 2 2009, 02:12 AM
QUOTE (The Jake @ May 31 2009, 09:59 PM)
The Russians are moving in on that situation."At a meeting with Mr. Chávez, Mr. Medvedev agreed to a form a Russian-Venezuelan energy consortium that would share resources to produce and sell oil and gas. Russian companies are already at work exploring oil fields in Venezuela, but the agreement will allow them to expand their reach into more areas, including fields in Ecuador and Bolivia."
That and the ongoing military exercises in that region suggest that Russia is very keen to do what it takes to keep the Venezuelan people happy (and feel safe and secure).
- J.
Not so much the Russians,they are going htrough them otions but arem ore concentrating on the european markets and exploiting siberian. They actually have an interest in keeping the SA oil from cutting into their market. the Chinese are happy to expand their influence by providing markets to govenrments whose attitudes have made them a parriah to normal states. Chinese shopping trips include Venuzela, Burma, Sudan, Zimbabwe and North Korea, nations that are otherwise untouchable. all of hwich means that in the case of vnezuela there is serious oil reserves and with that in mind, to keep it in an SR field the place ment of and exploitation of should be a key element.
Sigh if only someone could put together a source book on central/south America. You could call something like
Shadows of Latin America. -sigh- a girl's gotta dream.
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