This past Saturday was the first session of a new SR4 campaign.
The group consists of:
Harri Nakamichi - Occult Investigator (based on Harry Dresden) - focusing on spellcasting and legwork
Marie Trevalier - Voudoun Priestess - conjurer
Sir Not Named Upon Start of Campaign - Gun-Fu Adept - two-gunning death
"NGN Joe" - Technomancer - bullet sponge (see below)
Of the above, only the guy playing the voodoo priestess has had any real exposure to SR. I'm really looking forward to seeing how an all awakened/emerged group plays out. The first session consisted of character creation and running through Friday Night Firefight. Those poor punks didn't stand a chance.
Following the explosion, NGN Joe (I'll get to how he got his new street name later) and Harri were closest to the newly created hole in the wall. As Stooby and Crank entered the hole in the wall, things really started to come unglued. Crank stood guard at the front while Stooby started to walk down the main isle. Harri got off a stunbolt against Crank with 4 successes to Crank's 0 successes, dropping him like a rock.
NGN Joe went next, stepping into the hole and trying to intimidate Jooby and Fornis (who were bringing up the rear) by doing an imitation of Injun Joe crossed with the Black Knight saying "None Shall Pass". Needless to say, NGN got shot. There are many things that I can fix, but I can't cure stupid. Luckily for NGN, Jooby was laughing to hard to get a good shot and NGN's armor absorbed most of the damage.
From this point, things just got ugly. The stunbolts were flying and within 3 rounds Stooby, Crank, and Fornis were unconscious and Jooby was dead (the Gun Fu adept took him out).
All in all, everyone seemed to really enjoy the game. Next on the list is "On the Run" to get them a bit more familiar with the rules followed by a SR4 port of Bottled Demon. I can't wait to see what 3 awakened characters try to do with the idol....
Hopefully by that time Dawn of Artifacts will be released <HINT><HINT><HINT>