QUOTE (OneTrikPony @ May 18 2009, 10:28 PM)
Which is why the SK Cyberlogician suit, (arsenal pp. 48) might be the most prescient piece of ware ever writen for shadowrun.
I thought he was in Cybertechnology? (My book seems to be missing)
When SR came out back in the late 80's, we actually sat down and figured out with the Street Sam catalogue what would be your basic stuff.
First thing first, training would be divided up into an additional third and fourth component.
Basic Training: Military life, weapons training, etc.
We added "Chrome Phase" to the end of Basic Training. Once you prove you can hack it, you get the basics and the training to use it. Basics would be, since every single soldier is an infantryman if all else fails (and the modern battlefield has no clearly defined lines, only vague "zones" that rapidly shift).
Cybereyes with thermo and flare comp.
Some militaries might put in skillwires, but the military always looks at the "worse case" scenario, and no military will ever forget that a soldier is the more than the sum total of his equipment and training. He's a fusion of the two, and ultimately, the soldier needs to be able to fight even if his equipment fails. And skillwires require more invasive surgery, and who knows if the enemy will develop a weapon that victimizes skillwires or renders them null and void.
Then you have AIT (Advanced Individual Training) where you learn your Military Occupational Speciality. Now, this is where you would learn your job and could do it even if you had to make due with what you had on hand.
Then the last phase of AIT, where you get the implants you need, and training on how to do your job with that equipment.
Now, officers would have to have SPU systems to help them deal with the massive inflow of operational data.
Special Forces aren't what people think, so the REAL dangerous guys would be SEAL equivalents or Ranger equivalents. (Wildcats, guys like that)
Special Forces guys would be trained for different things, and their augs would reflect that.
Now, one thing you would want is the ability to allow a soldier to have a reasonably normal life once he got out. Yes, cybertech can fix a lot, but how much are we looking at? Think about what happens to badly wounded and crippled vets now (I could tell you stories) as far as the government cares, now lets look at the massively uncaring government of the 2050's.
You don't want to leave behind a cripple stripped of cyberware who could see a street doc and hit the streets full of operational skills and blood in his eye. So you have to make sure he can exit the service.
There's a lot of other factors, but the biggest one is the simplest one...
Bioware would be more prevalent that cyberwear for a simple reason: Bioware heals. Bioware is less subject to field damage and any stray EM emissions. Synaptic Accellerators and a superadrenal gland makes you pretty badass, and wouldn't be that tough to remove.
Guys tweaked up to the max, Cyberzombies, would be rare, and very specific. What are you going to do with him between missions? How are you going to return him to duty? Is this a "use until destruction" troop?
And yeah, that Cyberzombie might be bad to the bone, but a single shot from a 2050+ era sniper rifle packing an APDSFSDU round will smash open his head and splatter the gooey stuff all over the place, and that is exactly the type of target they'll be looking for.
Oh, and because he's convinced he's the top of the line, and Billy Badass, he's going to suffer from egotism that will make him stupid. He's the baddest thing in the world, he's high tech, he's badass...
He's just taken a center-mass hit from a .50 GPHMG packing API rounds because some $50,000 Private has an itchy trigger finger and has been screamed at repeatedly for shooting at puffs of dust, rabbits, birds, shadows, and had a 10 minute firefight with a cardboard box last night.
You have to think long term, combined arms, post-service life, etc.
On the streets, against runners, soldiers are going to be toast.
On the battlefield, against soldier, runners are going to be toast.