I'm not that new regarding SR4, but anyway i have a few rule questions i cant figure out atm, so maybe some of you could get me some answers
1)Max augmented values : i've always assumed that the max value a character can have in any stat is 1.5X current value. Exemple : you have 4 str, max aug value is 6. Now i'm pretty sure i'm wrong considering a lot of posts i've seen here. Is it the case ? Do some of you play it the way i've exposed ?
2)Phys ad power costs : the power critical strike is just insane : 0,25 by level for +1DV unarmed and no limits. Am i missing something here ?
3)In previous editions, there was an optional rule enableling adepts to buy power points for a fixed amount of Karma. Is there such a rule in the 4th ed ? If no, did some of you guys made up something ?
Thanks for any answers