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Full Version: Why can't I buy Runner Havens?
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The Jake
Hi all

I'm trying to get a hold of the actual hardcopy. Right now, I'm borrowing a friends but it seems that nobody in Australia can get one in.

I've gone through Mind Games and Military Simulations and been riding their bitch asses for two-three months. I know at least one other person that wants a copy so I know I'm not alone. If I check DriveThruRPG or BattleCorps, they only sell it in PDF.

I *believe* it is in the process of being reprinted by Catalyst (previously it was only under Fanpro).

Can someone please confirm
a) if this is the case
b) if so, when will Catalyst be printing/selling it and
c) where the hell I can buy a copy in the interim?

Right now, my options for a hardcopy are slim (either second hand sales or print and bind a PDF - and I don't like buying PDFs).

- J.
The Jake
Tried Amazon. Top two orders cannot be shipped outside the States. I'm not paying $90+ to even try the other options.

Unless I have an alternative, I'll have little alternative except to print a pirated PDF and use that... frown.gif

- J.
Have you tried orderting through the Battleshop from You do NOT need to be a member to order...
I got mine from my friendly local gaming store, of all places.
Don't consider this official word from CGL, however, I haven't heard anything about plans to reprint Runner Havens. As a general rule of thumb, it's extremely rare for any Shadowrun sourcebook to go to a second printing. (Rulebooks, conversely, generally go through many printings.) The only exception I can think of at the moment for a recent second printing of a sourcebook is New Seattle, though I'd imagine there have been others.

When FanPro ceased publishing RPGs, I know they dumped many copies of Runner Havens to book liquidators. (As I've personally seen many copies of the book on book liquidator stock piles. None recently, however.) Unfortunately, I don't have a good way to contact any of these organizations for you.

Also keep in mind that Seattle 2072 has been announced.

There are a couple of used copies listed on eBay and Amazon, though all of them are above cover price (and some insanely so).
QUOTE (The Jake @ Jun 1 2009, 03:20 AM) *
Unless I have an alternative, I'll have little alternative except to print a pirated PDF and use that... frown.gif

Oh, and there are, ya know, legal PDFs available from CGL.
I thought I saw copies of runner havens in mind games last time i was there. Not too long ago. They also had 2 copies of arsenal miscosted at $22 instead of $62 or whatever they do now (now only 1, unless that one's been sold smile.gif )
There are no plans to reprint Runner Havens. Please buy the PDF, or if you're looking for Seattle info, Seattle 2072 is around the corner.
The Jake
QUOTE (Carriage @ Jun 1 2009, 01:26 PM) *
I thought I saw copies of runner havens in mind games last time i was there. Not too long ago. They also had 2 copies of arsenal miscosted at $22 instead of $62 or whatever they do now (now only 1, unless that one's been sold smile.gif )

CBD store? Nope. Definitely not.

For ages they were checking one distributors site. Not long ago they found another. I believe the primary was Catalyst, secondary was Fanpro - thus hoping Fanpro had residuals in stock. But alas, not the case.

Battlecorps sell it in PDF only, and as I said, I want a hardcopy.

I can't believe nobody wants to sell this book. Wow. How depressing.. frown.gif

- J.
The Jake
QUOTE (Adam @ Jun 1 2009, 09:44 PM) *
There are no plans to reprint Runner Havens. Please buy the PDF, or if you're looking for Seattle info, Seattle 2072 is around the corner.

Was looking for stuff on Hong Kong and Caracas for my Ghost Cartels campaign. That's why the sense of urgency.

- J.
Buy PDF, print out, Build yourself the Book-Case out of thin wood-Plates and do some leather around.
more hardcover is impossible^^
QUOTE (The Jake @ Jun 1 2009, 01:20 AM) *
Unless I have an alternative, I'll have little alternative except to print a pirated PDF and use that... frown.gif

If you're willing to just print a PDF, you should probably by a legal one off of Battlecorps. You know, support the company and all that.
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