QUOTE (Prime Mover @ May 25 2009, 04:49 AM)

So was re-reading Augmentation and Runners Companion recently after having been stalking the Eclipse Phase site for a few days. I got to thinking after reading about biomorph drones in Eclipse Phase. Are Jumping Jacks and Biomorph drones from the SR books one and the same? Rigger adapted blank clones? What a great idea the rigger can customize his "street sami" clone for on site work. What if some company/organization was able to duplicate the abilities of the "Soulkiller.....err I mean JackBNimble" program. Then Runners could possibly have the ability to swap bodies for job specs and keep copies of themselves some were safe. As a gm I'm liking the idea (insert strangled laugh).
I did, in fact, run an ENTIRE game around this concept about 3 years ago. I highly suggest running with it if you wanna - it's fun, it's high tech, and puts a lot of the Neuromancer into your game if you're in the mood for that.
I also figured that JackBNimble'd people couldn't change - their code was hard-set, and only those with the most heavy amounts of self-awareness (and Computer skill) could change their core directives. the plot centered around a group of Banded who had been Jack B. Nimbled and who were hell-bent on continuing their war, even though their war was for all intents and purposes, over.