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Full Version: Critter Powers Based on Magic Attribute and Power Foci
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
If a critter power is based upon the magic attribute of a character and they have a bound Power Focus would the effectiveness of the abilitiy be improved?

For example: a Pixie using Concealment [self] with a Power Focus rank 2 that has a natural Magic rating of 6. Is the Concealment power at rank 6 or rank 8?

Thank you in advance.
Ancient History
Power foci add their dice to all Tests using the Magic attribute. So it wouldn't do anything with a pixie's Concealment, because Concealment doesn't have any tests involving Magic, but it would add dice to a centaur's Search power.

With the caveat that the sapient critter in question has to be some kind of magician in order to bond foci.
In SR3, the Power-Focus directly ADDED to the Magic Attribute. THERE it would have worked like that.
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