Jun 3 2009, 01:37 PM
Possibly the best part of being a hacker is the open ended power... unfortunately for new players, they do not know how to use programs to their optimal effectiveness...
I will start with the posting of tactics and uses of programs:
Spoofing a drone to shut down.
Spoofing a drone to "unload" its weapon.
During a Fire fight, hacking into the light system of a building and create a strobe effect to distract opponents.
During a Fire fight, hacking into the fire-sprinklers and have them go off to surprise and distract edgy assailants.
Don't be afraid to also post tactics involving agents and sprites... I am going for a list of things I could keep in my head as opportunities present themselves...
Jun 3 2009, 02:18 PM
This one is a little bit of a no-brainer but...
Let a Sprite infiltrate a node instead of you for untracey goodness. Make sure your opposition doesn't have the Resonance on it's side.
Spoofing Limitation is quite fun but most of the time useless. Use psychotropic Blackout and reprogram your opposition from bastards to friends.
Another no-brainer: Even as a technomancer or AI, have five optical chips with rating 1 Agents ready. +5 for Exploit Tests is very nice.
Jun 4 2009, 12:18 AM
It might help to post, if you are using equipment or skills from another book other than the core book (like Unwired or Arsenal) to say what book it came from and the page number... chances are if it is a cool tactic or trick, I will need to have the page number so the GM can look it up...
I like using sprites over myself, as this limits the harm done to me and the sprites are "expendable"...
Using a Machine Sprite on a door, using the gremlins program will Jam it and make it harder to open, right? If it does, that might be useful to cover an escape route or prevent reinforcements...
Is it possible to "inject" my sprites (Crack and Fault come to mind) into a network as I come into contact with its signal, or will that just alert Spiders to my location/presence... If it is possible would I have to keep "radio Silence" or can I communicate with them with out giving their position away.
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