Oct 3 2005, 08:04 PM
I'm wondering if anyone had a few theories as to why enhanced articulation was limited to only physical skills with a physical attribute link, and not combat skills? It seems as if a system designed to make the user more coordinated would help with melee combat just as much as it helps climbing or running. Smoother movements are also more useful for ranged combat, albeit to a lesser degree.
It just seems odd to me, particularly given the price.
[EDIT] Topic title SHOULD be "Why IS Enhanced Articulation limited?". Brain fart. [/EDIT]
Oct 3 2005, 08:11 PM
Aren't most combat skills also physical skills (I say most because I can't think of one off the bat that isn't, but I allow for the possibility)? And as they are linked to physical attributes, doesn't EA affect them? I read it as being so.
Oct 3 2005, 08:13 PM
I can definitely see the game-balance reason for it. It used to be a "must have" item when it implied you got a bonus to all combat skills.
Beats me as to why it doesn't help in combat from an anatomical standpoint.
Oct 3 2005, 08:21 PM
I was under the impression that "physical" skills are totally separate from "combat" skills, and that the two don't overlap.
Enhanced articulation provides its user with a +1 dice pool modifier on any test involving Physical skills that are linked to Physical attributes. |
Although many "Combat Active" skills are linked to physical attributes, they aren't "Physical Active" skills. So that begs the question; is a "Physical skill" (they're the ones who put a capitalize physical) actually a "Physical Active" skill? It can't be just a skill that's linked to a Physical attribute, because then the description in the Enhanced Articulation is redundant. On the other hand, the idea that Enhanced Articulation wouldn't improve Dodge is pretty rediculous.
Oct 3 2005, 08:23 PM
same reason why infirm doesn't affect combat skills.
Balance vs. Cost vs. playability
Oct 3 2005, 08:29 PM
It's a balance issue. Every combat character took Enhanced Articulation in SR3. So now it only applies to Physical skills (notice the capital P, so no, that doesn't include Combat skills).
Oct 3 2005, 08:57 PM
From a game balance perspective the cost is also pretty good, compared to reflex recorders.
But that's just stupid. Combat skills (at least close combat) rely on your body. Why not make enhanced articulation more expensive? Increase the essence cost and the price and you'll still have game balance.
Oct 4 2005, 08:00 AM
An easy way to balance it would have been just to drop the +1 Reaction it gives you in SR3 (which they did), and keep the rest the same.
Rotbart van Dainig
Oct 4 2005, 08:09 AM
The loss of the Combat Skill Bonus is relaxing, though.
Oct 4 2005, 08:24 AM
Looked it up, and your right, it doesn't apply to any combat skills at all.
In fact, it costs 8 BP (40k) to get a +1 dice to 9 skills, of which I usually see a use for 6: the Athletics skill group plus Infiltration and Palming from the Stealth skill group (the others it boosts are Diving, Escape Artist, and Parachuting). So it's roughly a 18 BP value for a lot of folks, which is a good deal but not broken in a huge way, IMHO.
Oct 4 2005, 08:45 AM
QUOTE (JBlades) |
... it costs 8 BP (40k) to get a +1 dice to 9 skills ... So it's roughly a 18 BP value for a lot of folks ... |
Nice breakdown, and an excellent perspective for those of us who thought the exclusion of Combat skills made the 'ware less desirable. Thanks!
Oct 4 2005, 08:49 AM
It seems that the Reflex Recorders are now basically the Combat Skill equiivalent of Enhanced Articulation, and only have to be purchased seperately purely for game balance reasons, which includes of course, the fact that now they can't stack.
Oct 4 2005, 08:54 AM
QUOTE (Aristotle) |
QUOTE (JBlades @ Oct 4 2005, 04:24 AM) | ... it costs 8 BP (40k) to get a +1 dice to 9 skills ... So it's roughly a 18 BP value for a lot of folks ... |
Nice breakdown, and an excellent perspective for those of us who thought the exclusion of Combat skills made the 'ware less desirable. Thanks!
Just because the ware still provides a decent benefit in SR4 doesn't mean people cannot be justified in feeling that it is 'less desirable' because those benefits are more limited than in previous editions.
Oct 4 2005, 01:11 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Aristotle @ Oct 4 2005, 06:45 PM) | QUOTE (JBlades @ Oct 4 2005, 04:24 AM) | ... it costs 8 BP (40k) to get a +1 dice to 9 skills ... So it's roughly a 18 BP value for a lot of folks ... |
Nice breakdown, and an excellent perspective for those of us who thought the exclusion of Combat skills made the 'ware less desirable. Thanks!
Just because the ware still provides a decent benefit in SR4 doesn't mean people cannot be justified in feeling that it is 'less desirable' because those benefits are more limited than in previous editions.
Sure it does!
But really in all honesty I'm glad they changed it. After enhanced artic came out i don't think i've seen a non magic character ever not have enhanced articulation in 3rd ed because it was so powerful. just the bonus' to combat skills made it more than desireable. It does kinda get anoying after awhile to see every character with the same core cyber/bioware layout simply because 'theres no reason not to' grab the stuff.
Eyeless Blond
Oct 4 2005, 01:45 PM
Now if only the Cerebral Booster could help with Hacking (or Logic in general could help with Hacking; I'm not picky
Oct 4 2005, 02:05 PM
*snicker* Well, let's face it - EA was no different than a smartlink for close-combat gun types.
Edit: As to the same 'ware combinations - considering the relatively limited selection of 'ware options, it stands to reason that combat types would tend to gravitate to similar combinations as being the most functional for the mission specialty.
Rotbart van Dainig
Oct 4 2005, 02:13 PM
If fact, EA was quite different - it gave a bonus to nearly all major Active Skills.
Oct 4 2005, 02:19 PM
I was referring to the overwhelming usefulness of each ware and its corresponding appearance.
Yes, EA was pretty slick and therefore lots of people, including adepts, took it.
Smartlinks in 1, 2 and 3 were downright nasty - which is why anyone with a gun took it.
Oct 4 2005, 04:57 PM
Heck, they're still worth taking for the most part.
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