Sep 28 2005, 02:06 AM
Here's something I'd like to clarify.
Does Bio Rejection also prevent cultured Bioware?
Sep 28 2005, 02:32 AM
Technically, as written, the Bio-Rejection Flaw has no effect whatsoever on any form of Bioware.
This is commonly house-ruled however. Among the rationale for such house-ruling is common sense (to some), and the fact that the Companion (which contains the Flaw text) was released before Man & Machine (in which Bioware is first mentioned in SR3).
Sep 28 2005, 02:51 AM
Actualy, bioware is mentioned in the SR3 Companion. The Ghoul section explicitly states the effects of transformation on bioware.
Sep 28 2005, 03:00 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
Actualy, bioware is mentioned in the SR3 Companion. The Ghoul section explicitly states the effects of transformation on bioware. |
Ah yes. Probably a hold-over (read copy/paste) from the SR2 Companion. No rules existed in SR3 for implimenting Bioware (even for NPCs) until M&M though.
Sep 28 2005, 03:47 AM
Still, it weakens the argument.
Sep 28 2005, 10:55 AM
Not really. Can you tell me where it specifically mentions Bioware anywhere in the Flaw's description? It is pretty clear about what ithe Flaw covers and what it doesn't.
Not that I am arguing that it makes sense. I am merely pointing out that, according to canon, Bioware is unaffected by Bio-Rejection.
Sep 28 2005, 12:33 PM
The text in
Shadowrun Companion (page 19) states that: "The immune system of a character with Bio-Rejection is especially sensitive to
foreign tissue and material..." (emphasis added). This certainly implies that bioware would be a problem.
However, the text goes on to say: "Any organ or limb replacements must be cloned from the character's own cells." This suggests that cultured bioware might be okay.
FAQ is mum on the subject.
northern lights
Sep 29 2005, 12:12 AM
velocity has it 100%
so long as the genetic make up of the ware is identical to the host body, you're fine.
brings up twins, but IIRC their dna is different
Sep 29 2005, 12:50 AM
A person with Bio-Rejection may have uncultured bioware. So the immune system of the person with Bio-Rejection is especially sensitive, so what is the game effect of that? Nothing explicit unless the GM wishes to rule that the person cannot have Bioware or apply a penalty to Bioware. The game mechanic for Bio-Rejection is explicit that cyberware is rejected and that organ or limb replacements must be cloned from the char's own cells.
Sep 29 2005, 05:57 AM
As toturi (and of course, myself
) said, there is nothing whatsoever in the rules that limits Bioware in relation to Bio-Rejection. You are always free to house-rule the situation, but canon does not list any limitations.
Sep 29 2005, 02:23 PM
Canon does not explicitly mention bioware, no--but based on the text's reference, I think a GM would be entirely justified in restricting characters to cultured bioware.
Sep 30 2005, 12:56 PM
Which, by the very fact that the GM had to make his own ruling on the matter, would be defined as a house-rule. There is nothing at all wrong with house-rules, or even that specific ruling on the subject (as I said earlier, it is faily common), but that does not mean it is canon, especially as there has been ample time to incorporate the two words "and Bioware" into description in any Errata.
Sep 30 2005, 03:42 PM
I'm pretty sure we don't disagree...
How does one go about getting a question answered in the FAQ? Is that even possible, now that 4th Ed. is out?
Sep 30 2005, 05:05 PM
No, we don't disagree.
While there is no official SR4 FAQ as of yet, Rob does seem to be trying to respond to rules questions via email. You might try dropping him a line at info(at)
Sep 30 2005, 05:22 PM
So ka.
Sep 30 2005, 05:40 PM
Just make sure to post the question and his response here, if only so Dumpshock can have more argument fodder.
Oct 2 2005, 07:33 AM
Thanks for all the responses. I think that I have all I need from what you guys said. Thanks again.
Oct 6 2005, 08:13 PM
Hi xxxx,
Yes, cultured bioware is usable by someone with Bio-Rejection. Used bioware and standard bioware is rejected by someone with Bio-Rejection.
-- ShadowFaq
----- Original Message -----
Date: Mon, 03 Oct 2005 08:04:51 -0400
From: xxxx xxxxx <xxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx>
Subject: 3rd edition question on 'Bio-Rejection' Flaw and bioware
I'm not sure if you're still answering third edition questions, but I figure it's worth a shot.
What effect (if any) does the Flaw 'Bio-Rejection' have on bioware? Although bioware is not specifically mentioned in the Flaw's text, it does say that: "The immune system of a character with Bio-Rejection is especially sensitive to foreign tissue and material..." (Shadowrun Companion, page 19; emphasis added). This certainly implies that bioware would be a problem.
However, the text goes on to say: "Any organ or limb replacements must be cloned from the character's own cells." This suggests that cultured bioware might be okay.
Thanks in advance for your help in clarifying this issue,
xxxx xxxxx
ya, know,ya coulda put your DS name in there, instead of making me think that some really hawt p0rn wrote...
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