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Full Version: Quick Question RE: Influence
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Why would you not always cast it at Force 1? The Force doesn't seem to have any effect on the spell, unlike Control [X], where they get a roll every [Force] rounds.

Force always limits the amount of hits you get on your spellcasting tests. Thus, you need it at a higher Force in order to get the hits necessary to beat the target's Willpower. You can also use hits to reduce the base time, I guess.
But if you cast it at Force 1, it takes 1 Combat Turn for it to become permanent. And my understand was that the Force of the spell limited your net hits. You only need 1 net hit for Influence to work. (ie, you have to get more hits than them on the opposed Magic+Spellcasting vs. Willpower test).


EDIT: Sorry, 2 Combat Turns.
Rotbart van Dainig
It limits your hits - not net ones.
QUOTE (calypso)
But if you cast it at Force 1, it takes 1 Combat Turn for it to become permanent. And my understand was that the Force of the spell limited your net hits. You only need 1 net hit for Influence to work. (ie, you have to get more hits than them on the opposed Magic+Spellcasting vs. Willpower test).

Nope. It limits total hits. SR4, p 171, 2nd column:
A spell's Force limits the number of hits (not net hits) that can be achieved on the Spellcasting Test
Wow, damn, I need to reanalyze some of these spells then.
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