As I mentioned in the other thread, I'm going to be participating in National Novel(la) Writing Month. Though I'm planning to return to some of my original fiction early next year, my experiences with NaNoWriMo two years ago (in which my story stalled amidst a sea of continuity-checking, world-building, and other background overhead) have made me decide to go the Shadowrun fiction route. As per the rules of the event, it will be a new work rather than a continuation of my already in-progress story—that's getting continued under its own schedule.
Why do I say this so far in advance? Why not just post the story when I start writing? Well, there's one reason—trawling for inspiration. I've got ideas, but they'll be stewing right up until the go hour.
So: everyone who's reading this, I'd like you to post (or PM, or email, or Watchergram) one or more aspects of the Shadowrun universe (circa 2049-2063—you can go earlier, but I'm not interested in going later at this time) that you'd like to see explored more, even in an unofficial capacity, in fiction. This can be as simple as a person or event ("Nadja Daviar's history", "the Nightwraith Incident", "the Insurance Wars") or as complex as a full plotline or conspiracy theory ("Harlequin's involvement with the Renraku Arcology shutdown", "Ghostwalker replaces the Surgeon General with a bound Free Spirit", etc.). The only bound I request is that it fit into established canon. To expand on that, I don't want something that is either flatly contradicted by canon ("Lofwyr dies", "Mitsuhama caused the Shutdown and planted fake evidence of an AI") or that raises the question of why this wasn't covered at all before ("Aden kills the entire senate", "Godjira returns, crushes Tokyo"). I'm willing to consider asserting world-changing things as long as they're behind the scenes.
That said, I will not be using all ideas. The ideas that I will use I may not use in their original form. I may not use them in a form even vaguely recognizable. The aforementioned "Harlequin's involvement with RA:S" may turn into "Ehran's involvement with the invention of the Cyberdeck" before it's done bouncing around in my mind. The basic idea, though, is that the cooler the idea and the possibilities thereof are, the more likely it is to make it in. If you're not sure that it's self-evident, explain why the aspect you suggest piques your interest—what catches your eye about it?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.