Oct 1 2005, 09:21 AM
Found this at renderotica. The poster said it was a battlemage from his SR game...
Why do I think this player took the distinctive style flaw... About eight times?
Oct 1 2005, 09:54 AM
not to mention - compulsion - leathers and a incompetency - armor in general
Must have gotte na lot of BP that way to build up the charisma to a level high enough that it makes the gaurds stop and look for a sec before shooting.
Oct 1 2005, 10:08 AM
It look like one of my D+D characters, though she doesn't wear armour at all because it would be stupid to count her fashion choses as protective in any way...
I suspect high agility and gymnasytics to balance in those boots.
Oct 1 2005, 04:20 PM
Goddamnit, I just realized that EvilBucket shrunkled the image BADLY from the original size. Anyone feel like hosting the big version?
Oct 1 2005, 07:52 PM
GM: Okay, the sec guard hits you with an Ares Predator... what's your Ballistic Armor again?
Player: Erm, 0? But I have a Force 4 Armor spell up!
GM: Okay, resist against 5M with 4 net successes.
Player: Erp. Okay. 2 successes.
GM: He takes a second shot.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Oct 1 2005, 07:59 PM
So, it's a Shadowrun game where they're all trid stars?
Oct 1 2005, 08:27 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo @ Oct 1 2005, 02:52 PM) |
GM: Okay, the sec guard hits you with an Ares Predator... what's your Ballistic Armor again? Player: Erm, 0? But I have a Force 4 Armor spell up! GM: Okay, resist against 5M with 4 net successes. Player: Erp. Okay. 2 successes. GM: He takes a second shot. |
In all seriousness, that is that same thing that happens when the sammie or adept relies on a lined coat for protection.
The key to going around armorless is to not get shot. And seriously, who would shoot her dressed like that? She only has to worry about hetrosexual woman, really.
I assume that these woman is a multiple-inititate from one of those weird magic groups. Probably, leather bondage outfits are part of their strictures.
Oct 1 2005, 10:18 PM
Hetrosexual women and homosexual men.
And necrophilliacs.
Oct 1 2005, 10:29 PM
Its great art. That said, its a great target for a sex-less assassin.
Sorry, but a real runner isn't gonna depend on the .15 ballistics armor that top gives. If she gets shot in the legs, if that leather is armored to any extent, she might be okay. She might also wear an armored jacket OVER the hooker outfit. That's just a possibility, though, and its far more plausible mid-winter than in the summer.
I'd say either a mage or face. A face is a bit more practical, but a mage can use armor foci. Perhaps each breast covering has a small jewel in it...? (Obviously, I'm being fecisious.)
Oct 1 2005, 10:49 PM
QUOTE (frostPDP @ Oct 1 2005, 05:29 PM) |
Its great art. That said, its a great target for a sex-less assassin.
Sorry, but a real runner isn't gonna depend on the .15 ballistics armor that top gives. If she gets shot in the legs, if that leather is armored to any extent, she might be okay. She might also wear an armored jacket OVER the hooker outfit. That's just a possibility, though, and its far more plausible mid-winter than in the summer.
I'd say either a mage or face. A face is a bit more practical, but a mage can use armor foci. Perhaps each breast covering has a small jewel in it...? (Obviously, I'm being fecisious.) |
She could just channel a reat form fire elemental. She stays warm in winter and is protected from those nasty lead projectiles.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
Hetrosexual women and homosexual men.
And necrophilliacs. |
I was going to suggest that homosexual men would refrain from shooting her long enough to ask for the name of her tailor, but thought that that was just too inaccuratly sterotypical.
Flaming transvistites, on the other hand......
Are we all sure that this combat mage is a natural female? I was at first, but I'm not so sure now.
Flat hips, slightly misshapen breasts and disproportionate chest, overdone eyebrows, prominant adam's apple - she is most definitely a MtF transsexual. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (frostPDP @ Oct 1 2005, 05:29 PM) | Its great art. That said, its a great target for a sex-less assassin.
Sorry, but a real runner isn't gonna depend on the .15 ballistics armor that top gives. If she gets shot in the legs, if that leather is armored to any extent, she might be okay. She might also wear an armored jacket OVER the hooker outfit. That's just a possibility, though, and its far more plausible mid-winter than in the summer.
I'd say either a mage or face. A face is a bit more practical, but a mage can use armor foci. Perhaps each breast covering has a small jewel in it...? (Obviously, I'm being fecisious.) |
She could just channel a reat form fire elemental. She stays warm in winter and is protected from those nasty lead projectiles.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) | Hetrosexual women and homosexual men.
And necrophilliacs. |
I was going to suggest that homosexual men would refrain from shooting her long enough to ask for the name of her tailor, but thought that that was just too inaccuratly sterotypical.
Flaming transvistites, on the other hand......
Are we all sure that this combat mage is a natural female? I was at first, but I'm not so sure now.
Flat hips, slightly misshapen breasts and disproportionate chest, overdone eyebrows, prominant adam's apple - she is most definitely a MtF transsexual. Not that there is anything wrong with that. |
hmm, the surprises some hardened leather (heh...) can hide....
Oct 2 2005, 04:07 AM
She might also just be dressed for one of the more outrageous parties in the Sixth World, which would surely frown on an overt showing of armor.
Oct 2 2005, 11:37 AM
Either that, or she has a condition geas (skimpy, poorly done clothes).
I mean, look at how those shoulder pieces are held on. That looks like cyber to me.
Oct 2 2005, 11:51 AM
and how is this diffrent from any other female computer rpg character out there?
hell, im guessing that everquest got a lot more sales based on that lady they used in all their adds and on all the boxes.
or for that matter, check whats on the front of most crpg boxes sitting on the shelfs. they most often pack some kind of lady in form fitting and optionaly revealing outfits. and lately they have allso started packing clothes that would make perfect sense on the front page of or similar.
still, its a nice image

ugh, major screwup. i missed that this was about someones home rpg session, not a future computer rpg based on shadowrun...
Oct 2 2005, 05:41 PM
I like it nontheless.
caramel frappucino
Oct 2 2005, 10:33 PM
You have horrible tastes. Ewww.
Oct 2 2005, 11:18 PM
Time for a subtitle contest:
"Protect your strengths."
P.S. I'm not entirely convinced that this character would have the Distictive Flaw, depending on the circles she hangs out in.
Oct 3 2005, 12:44 AM
I doubt the shoulder pads are cyber. They are probably just regular old body modification. Piercings are big in some magical circles. Thy appear to be attached directly to the body and may or may not go firested through bone. It sort of reminds me of that religious festival in which people hang themselves from hooks and march through the street.
Oct 3 2005, 02:14 AM
You know what they say about peircings; if you just want a clip-on, don't bother.
It appears her right shoulder-bad isn't clipped to anything (it appears the silver button top is too high up) and the left is simply clipped to her shoulder, held in place by a little pressure rather than a piercing.
Could be wrong, though.
Oct 3 2005, 11:56 AM
subdermal metal strips and magnets in the pads maybe?
m I the only one that is severely questioning the structure of her ankle, given the angle of the shoe compared to her knee?
Oct 3 2005, 12:45 PM
I noticed that.. slightly after I noticed a few other things. She must have some kind of cybernetic ankle joint.
This is really terrible IMO, by the way.
John Campbell
Oct 3 2005, 02:15 PM
I'd shoot the stupid bimbo. This does not mean that I'm gay. This means that I'm not such a pathetically desperate loser that I turn into a mindless drooling slave at the mere sight of a bad render of an impractically clad woman who clearly hasn't got the sense the gods gave a stunned herring.
The Question
Oct 3 2005, 02:20 PM
And how many times is this mage getting attacked per night on her way through the Sprawl? The Big D help her if she gets nabbed by Corpsec...
Oct 3 2005, 03:07 PM
Her clothes are trash, there are problems with her body all over the place, and the entire concept's utter rubbish— but I really just can't stop staring at her ankles and her neck. That is just downright unsettlin'.
Oct 3 2005, 03:56 PM
Could be the pic came from here...
Couldn't look through the site. Right now I'm at work, and my boss is cool, but not quite that cool.

/*edit: html not working for me I guess*/
Oct 3 2005, 03:58 PM

Although, if you want his gallery, you might as well go straight to his deviantart page
here, since that is where his page will eventually redirect you anyway.

Html code doesn't work here. You need to use BBCode.
Oct 3 2005, 05:03 PM
it came from that person. its sitting there on the first page of the gallery.
Oct 3 2005, 07:45 PM
QUOTE (Arethusa) |
Her clothes are trash, there are problems with her body all over the place, and the entire concept's utter rubbish— but I really just can't stop staring at her ankles and her neck. That is just downright unsettlin'. |
I didn't even notice the feet and ankels. Maybe she'ss into chinese foot binding and gets around using a quickened levitte spell. Either that or he feet were amputated above the ankel and she wears some sort of weird postesis.
Oct 3 2005, 11:22 PM
That still doesn't explain her neck. Her downright unsettlin' neck.
Oct 3 2005, 11:46 PM
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Oct 3 2005, 06:22 PM) |
That still doesn't explain her neck. Her downright unsettlin' neck. |
The unusual length cn be explained by the use of neck stretching rings. large adam's apple, as I explaied earlier, suggests that she was once male.
The corset along suggests that she is into body modification. It is the only reason people wear shuch tight corsets now days. Over time, they displace the organs and permenatly alter the shape of the waist. You can tell that she has been at it for a while because he waist retains its corseted shape despite the fact that the top clasps are undone.
There is also the fact that Poser art almost universally sucks. But, I think creating a plausable background for this freakish character is more fun than simply dismissing it.
A lether-clad transsexual magician who is heavily into body modification would make a great NPC.
Oct 4 2005, 01:18 AM
Huh, and I just thought it was the kind of shitty render that happens when a script kiddie graduates from Bryce 3D.
Guess I'm just no fun.
John Campbell
Oct 4 2005, 01:46 AM
I figured the impossible positions of her legs were because she fell down and broke them trying to run in those godawful stupid shoes.
I'm not sure how that explains the fact that her right arm does not actually connect to her torso, though.
And for some reason, I keep thinking that that thing on her neck is a cotter pin. Envisioning someone pulling the ring and her head falling off amuses me entirely too much.
Oct 4 2005, 02:04 AM
Remind me NEVER to post my own feebleshoppings here. I coulden't weather this kind of assault directly.
Oct 4 2005, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
Remind me NEVER to post my own feebleshoppings here. I coulden't weather this kind of assault directly. |
Fresno Bob
Oct 4 2005, 02:37 AM
I draw a lot of SR characters and such. Maybe I'll scan and post some.
Oct 4 2005, 06:59 AM
A lether-clad transsexual magician who is heavily into body modification would make a great NPC. |
Double points if (s)he is a Troll.
Oct 4 2005, 07:24 AM
To borrow from AH,
"Beware the Ungamunga, for they are not subtle about asking you out for a date. Not subtle at all."
--Unnamed Bulldrekker, recovering from sphincter reconstruction
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