Sep 30 2005, 09:19 AM
In a campaign I'm about to join, I have the opportunity to afford a Permanent Lifestyle (custom, from SSG) located in the Cascade Mountain Range..
The question/concern that has come up, though, is what is the Lifestyle modifier for Salish (or more specifically the Cascades, if that's available...)
Or at least, what book is it in?
[EDIT]Also, what grade "Area" for the Lifestyle would that actually be?[/edit]
Sep 30 2005, 11:09 AM
The old Native American Nations, Vol. 1 sourcebook gives 120% as lifestyle modifier for the Salish-Shidhe. (Nothing special mentioned for the Cascades)
For the grading of area and other aspects of the lifestyle, I would like to recommend The Shadowrun Supplemental #19 which has a special on "Rural Lifestyles" by Kevin Casey. (Downloadable as a pdf
here, right at the top.)
Hope this helps a bit!