The Paypal payment would have had "energy" in its email address, but since it isn't my email address, that should be sufficient.
Excellent to use Google search if we can. If that doesn't work, please do consider tweaking the search configuration within the forum. Certain terms like FAB are hard to search for otherwise as they are used more often than people type out the whole Fluorescent Astral Bacteria term verbatim.
A number of times, Dumpshock have offered to proof-read and validate
for free new source books prior to final print so that the material is professional and polished, more people buy it, more people play it, and we get to game more. Because in order to play, we need to make sense of the rules anyway; might as well make them make sense prior to publishing rather than having a FAQ released introducing new rules, instead of errata to cover a fraction of the contradictions Dumpshock exposes. This offer hasn't been taken up, to my knowledge, so it's a case of community to the rescue after the event instead. Cure > prevention.
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 20 2016, 12:12 PM)
If we ever get to the point where I begin to consider stepping away, I pledge to take the route Mark did and find a predecessor.
It's more your
successor(s) I'm thinking of actually. Sometimes when Reality rolls for initiative, there isn't time for smooth plans and not everyone gets to take an action.
When circumstances changed for someone on the other side of the screen,
Earthdawn and Shadowrun history was lost. The community tried to save what was possible, but so much was dispersed or dumped in a remote town in a remote country before a conservation effort could be coordinated that not much (if any) made it through a scanner onto FTP and available for the community of the future.
When jive became unavailable,
members of the community mirrored some of that content and the wayback machine archived it. When
Plastic Rat's computer was being uncooperative members of the community offered mirrored hosting that is still making that content available today.
Site admins are not immune to that fate and the community again comes to the rescue. Cure > prevention.
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 20 2016, 12:12 PM)
Last I remember, Mark tried to find backups from back then but couldn't.
They were variously at and (read-only) from
2003 to 2004 and two months in
Blackjack's archive pages were popular a decade ago as
they still are in 2016:
QUOTE (Neuron Basher @ Feb 8 2005, 01:05 PM)
Blackjack's stuff hasn't been updated in many years, but it does still exist on the hard drive from the previous server. I have not had the time to restore everything from that drive and get it all set back up yet, but those files do still exist. I'm going to try and get all the files organized and up on the server for all the missing sites at some point.
within weeks, Neuron Basher had delivered on that promise:
QUOTE (Neuron Basher @ Feb 27 2005, 01:39 PM)
More of the content has finally been restored. I just finished brining up the following sites:
If you are the owner of one of these sites and you need access to transfer files to them, contact Mark or Adam and we'll get you set back up.
We're currently looking into bringing the previous forum content ( back online, but there are some complications. We have all of the data, but there are capacity issues on the current server which may keep us from bringing it back up until after the new server is purchased and installed.
within a week, Neuron Basher had delivered on that promise:
QUOTE (Neuron Basher @ Mar 2 2005, 05:17 PM)
The old Dumpshock Forum content (ie: Jive) is now available for viewing. The software that it runs on is horribly out of date, and the whole thing is kind of a kludge, but the data is there. There are a number of ssues with the site that will not be fixed, so don't bother reporting them.
All I care about with the Jive site is the most absolutely basic functionality -- any other fixes will require more time than I have to spend on it right now, but I figured it would be worthwhile to bring it up in ANY condition for the people that need/want that data.
So if Mark wasn't able to locate the backups, maybe Adam or Neuron knows where
the physical servers are (at least two generations of servers held the data, and
the services were virtualised by that point). Ideally we could recover:
- and then - ShadowRN UBB
- and - previous forum
- Pistons' (Elissa's) Dystopian Visions would be good too for completeness
- some subdomains should just remain ancient history
Perhaps if there had been more backups distributed to more people, when inevitable atrophy removed a proportion each year, at least some would still remain. Because putting all your backups in the one basket is only a step away from not having backups. I know the community volunteered to help with this:
QUOTE (Mr. Man @ Oct 10 2006, 04:11 PM)
I too have long wanted to view the old forums (both Jive and the even older UBB). There's a lot of gold in those hills.
Is getting them back up a task that might be sort of "outsourced"? Maybe send the files to a volunteer with the necesary skills and more spare time than the current forum admins have?
I'm sure we could find someone around here who fits that description...
This offer wasn't taken up, to my knowledge, so the community can't easily come to the rescue this time. No cure > prevention?
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 20 2016, 12:12 PM)
What? You don't believe that's legit?
I'll take a stab in the dark roughly in the vicinity of
30-December 06, give or take a few. Back when the skin / theme was blue. It became green and black in
Feb 2008 when the SR4 forum got folded into the Shadowrun one. The old system there could have been the most recent server to host the jive content. It did still have
the ShadowRN UBB (at and that's worth salvaging.
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 19 2016, 12:22 AM)
We have a dedicated VM at a cloud provider. We are currently on x86 Linux and moving to x64 Linux.
Please be sure there are at least two current off-site backups of all data before starting the upgrade
(see above). I'm sure I'm not the only one but I'm offering to be at least one node in a distributed RAID. Storage is cheap but information isn't. Would SSH access to a box with 2Tb of dedicated storage be more attractive than putting up an archive freelancers / Dumpshocked can download periodically? Would using
SyncThing reduce the data load sufficiently? Prevention > cure?
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 20 2016, 12:12 PM)
Sadly, the 90's called and they want my bandwidth back.
... ... I can only tell that was
not a clear "yes", but if there was any meaning apart from that, I can't figure it out.