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Full Version: First and second edition on Bundle of Holding
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Soykaf Barista
There is a Bundle of Holding running for the next 23 days:

13 first edition and 24 second edition books for a fairly small amount of nuyen.gif

(I am aware that most of us probably have multiple physical copies of the books ... but it is a nice deal smile.gif )
Please, PLEASE a rerelease of all the SR3 sources next!

Has anyone gotten this and, if so, what's the quality of the .pdf ebooks? I have PDFs for all of these but a lot of them are poor quality. I might be willing to pay to upgrade to something searchable, for example.
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Dec 3 2022, 12:08 AM) *
Has anyone gotten this and, if so, what's the quality of the .pdf ebooks? I have PDFs for all of these but a lot of them are poor quality. I might be willing to pay to upgrade to something searchable, for example.

All PDFs are visually high quality / reasonable resolution. With the exception of the Underworld sourecbook all the relevant text parts are actually text and thus searchable but there are pages here and there that are image "scans" and thus cannot be text searched - unfortunately sometimes this includes the respective table of content on the actual pages but about 60% of the files are also properly bookmarked thus allowing quick jumps to sections in accordance with table of content even if the table of content page doesn't allow text search.
QUOTE (Tiralee @ Dec 1 2022, 06:38 AM) *
Please, PLEASE a rerelease of all the SR3 sources next!

They actually did a 3e bundle back in 2019...
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