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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Robot dog mounting a flamethrower.

It's behind you right now.
Saw this and my first thought was Shadowrun and throwing this at my players.

"Oh, it's just a drone dog - OH HOLY SHIT FLAMES UP THE SIDE OF MY FACE!!!"
Had a rigger player do this years ago, except drone dog had belt fed Ingram SuperMach pop up turret.
We already have mechanical sniffers in airports that can detect explosives, so how difficult can it be to tune them to a person's unique scent? Next, we have drones that can walk like dogs and the option to load them with 'napalm' (or whatever flamethrowers burn). If I were a soldier marching onto a battlefield, I'd make VERY sure I had a pocket EMP on me at all times!
QUOTE (Lionesque @ May 22 2024, 04:48 AM) *
If I were a soldier marching onto a battlefield, I'd make VERY sure I had a pocket EMP on me at all times!

Sounds like a good idea. For the game, too.
QUOTE (Lionesque @ May 22 2024, 04:48 AM) *
We already have mechanical sniffers in airports that can detect explosives, so how difficult can it be to tune them to a person's unique scent?

I mean, theoretically they can. Despite all of the increased security and scanners, both the underwear and shoe bombers made it through security with no issue, and were caught afterwards.
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