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Full Version: Speculative Scenario - Lofwyr is Assassinated
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I have a somewhat out there possibility for an upcoming campaign. Instead of the same-old, same-old, let's really shake things up.

Lofwyr is assassinated by persons unknown. And it happens in public, so there's no denying it. Nobody is quite sure how the hell some person or group pulled that off, but he is undeniably dead as a doornail.

What do you think the global consequences would be? I'm trying plot out how everyone else would react...but there's so many possibilities that I thought I'd get some other opinions.

Ooof... you have opened the proverbial Can of Wyrms wink.gif

Knee jerk reaction would probably be a plummet in SK stocks, meaning it might be worth watching who is BUYING said stocks.
Corporate Court could even suspend trading in SK stocks temporarily, citing it as part of the investigation because Loffie's death might have just been a first strike with the followup being to snap up the stocks during the initial panic.

Said financial panic would settle pretty quickly, but every Fixer's commlink is gonna be lighting up like a Christmas tree as Johnsons around the world are gonna want to find out what happened.

Expect Z-O sending down their best investigators as well as G.O.D. to oversee and make sure the findings stay intact as anyone else would have their Matrix shredded by the Corps trying to find any possible edge.

Expect alcohol sales and stocks in same to skyrocket as many like myself will be celebrating, so much so that here at Rywfol Emwolb Industries we will be declaring a 7 day paid holiday with catering and open bar.

The fallout from this attack should be interesting though how much it impacts everyone depends on a few factors.

SK and its branches will try to close ranks and no doubt the board will act quickly to put someone into place, if temporarily, to maintain a strong front or risk another dip in confidence and thus stocks, the real gauge of trouble.
Considering over half the threat of running against SK was possible repercussions from Loffie themself, his absence will probably see a surge in Runs against SK assets as everyone is going to want to grab what they can while they can.
SK will have to respond HARD or be seen as fresh meat, so expect alot of mess.
Depending on how messy it gets, we could be looking at a potential start of a Corp War though I imagine the CC would shut it down before it spilled too far.

The Council of Dragons will be the wild card here. THREE Greater dragons either killed or severely injured in a space of less than 30 years is going to be making several Wyrms uncomfortable.
Plus unlike Dunkie, Ol' Loffie was unlikely to have a share-all-my-goodies Will like Big D did, though could you imagine if they did?
Either way the question of the distribution of his wealth, and significantly his stocks is going to be a contentious point as while they may have let Big D's Will stand, the Council is probably going to demand that Loffie's assets be handled or distributed by more Draconic standards, which could run into conflict with the CC and it who would blink first is anyone's guess.

An interesting plot twist would be the return of Willhelmina Graff-Beloit.
Yes, yes she was supposed to have died from a stroke, but she was a crafty old bird, and wouldn't be the first person to fake their death to be able to better plan their revenge.

Good coverage, Sendaz.

How about political and financial upheaval as those whose strings were being pulled by those Claws are now free to act in their own interests? Or at least differently if those strings are picked up by some-one/-thing else.

War breaks out in Europe again?

JanessaVR, this sounds juicy. Please keep me in mind if this takes off here.
QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 17 2022, 10:06 PM) *
Knee jerk reaction would probably be a plummet in SK stocks, meaning it might be worth watching who is BUYING said stocks.
Corporate Court could even suspend trading in SK stocks temporarily, citing it as part of the investigation because Loffie's death might have just been a first strike with the followup being to snap up the stocks during the initial panic.
As long as Lofwyr is the only shareholder of Saeder-Krupp, then there is no S-K share to trade on the stockmarket. For any trading to occure, it would require Lofwyr to put some shares on sale, which is at its lowest chance of occuring when he is dead. His heir(s), whoever they are, may decide to sell (or have to if they're subject to estate tax).

It doesn't mean a market crash wouldn't occur, but it would likely be triggered in a lot less straightforward way by European bonds or other AAA traded stock.
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Mar 17 2022, 02:23 PM) *
JanessaVR, this sounds juicy. Please keep me in mind if this takes off here.

This is still in the really early stages of campaign planning, and I'm trying to see if it's viable as a concept.
QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 17 2022, 01:06 PM) *
Ooof... you have opened the proverbial Can of Wyrms wink.gif

Possibly even a whole Council of them. smile.gif

QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 17 2022, 01:06 PM) *
Expect alcohol sales and stocks in same to skyrocket as many like myself will be celebrating, so much so that here at Rywfol Emwolb Industries we will be declaring a 7 day paid holiday with catering and open bar.

Ah, a man of distinction and taste I see. If my plot is "Death of a Great Dragon" then it may as well be the one I hate the most.

QUOTE (Sendaz @ Mar 17 2022, 01:06 PM) *
An interesting plot twist would be the return of Willhelmina Graff-Beloit.
Yes, yes she was supposed to have died from a stroke, but she was a crafty old bird, and wouldn't be the first person to fake their death to be able to better plan their revenge.

I like this idea. I hadn't considered it because she's supposed to be dead, but that's a good point.

A good analysis, overall. Thank you for providing a decent starting point.
As far as players/PCs in the campaign, the low-level beginner's life might not be all that different, except for the fact that more jobs might be available. But that is something entirely in the GM's control, anyway.

For you as the GM, there would be a lot of world building/rebuilding to do. That has always been one of the most rewarding aspects of role playing in general for me, but good luck!
QUOTE (Nath @ Mar 17 2022, 06:31 PM) *
As long as Lofwyr is the only shareholder of Saeder-Krupp, then there is no S-K share to trade on the stockmarket. For any trading to occure, it would require Lofwyr to put some shares on sale, which is at its lowest chance of occuring when he is dead. His heir(s), whoever they are, may decide to sell (or have to if they're subject to estate tax).

It doesn't mean a market crash wouldn't occur, but it would likely be triggered in a lot less straightforward way by European bonds or other AAA traded stock.

While I had forgotten Loffie was a 100% shareholder for SK direct, SK still conducts futures trading through its subsidiaries as well as being notorious for insider trading (pg 87, 3rd ed Corporate Download) and one could still expect some impact on this from his passing.

But you are right that this would not directly crash SK in any significant way.

QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Mar 17 2022, 06:40 PM) *
I like this idea. I hadn't considered it because she's supposed to be dead, but that's a good point.

A good analysis, overall. Thank you for providing a decent starting point.

If bringing her back entirely from the death is not convenient/fits your planning, you could go down the route of an e-ghost of her or an AI raised by her could make an appearance.
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