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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
There's a new clone of Shadowrun in the works over on Kickstarter; do any of you know anything about the author or anything else about this project?

Interesting. This is the first I've heard of it. I'm actually struggling to differentiate any differences in the core concepts of Shadowrun. At this point it looks like all the same concepts - even down to a pile of d6s - but presumably with different mechanics.
Based on the comments, there are no metaraces or equivalent, and “pile of d6s” can be a few very different things (as SR3 and SR4 show). That said, the only real differentiator I’m seeing as a non-backer without access to the rules preview is that it looks like a return to SR1/SR2-style gear art and a different combat mechanic.

Ok, one more thing: they’ve defined an “end goal” for characters, which may provide a useful framework/constraint to structure finite campaigns within. Interesting, but probably not enough to get my nickel.

Eh, pledged $10 for the digital version. I'll see if it's any good when it arrives.
I ... guess ... it is not considered derivative of SRx because the terms used that are so similar to SR's are themselves present in other members of the genre.

But, the logo? Come on.
Actually other races will be represented: "Heritages allow characters to create new or traditional mythical figures (Redcaps, Elves, Trolls, etc.) or play a synthetic or uplifted animal."

Other tidbits from the first two pages of the backer rules:

- the year is 2090
- magic has returned to the world through a new boson called the "manon"
- Chicago has been destroyed by a large, scaled beast
- there was an Internet crash called The Plunge
- the corps have extraterritoriality
- there are System Identification Numbers, which is what Sinless refers to

Untrackable people are needed for these problems. Someone on the outside. Someone who can help when no one else can. Someone without a system identification number. Someone Sinless.

Looks like someone is trying to make 7th Edition.
QUOTE (JanessaVR @ Feb 8 2023, 08:40 PM) *
Eh, pledged $10 for the digital version. I'll see if it's any good when it arrives.

It was my understanding that $1 would get you the PDF of the rules-as-is?
I came across another game that has a similar premise, but it looks to have a bit higher production values, and a bit of a different spin on the setting.
QUOTE (Lionesque @ Feb 9 2023, 03:03 AM) *
It was my understanding that $1 would get you the PDF of the rules-as-is?

Guess I didn't see that one. I'm not in a hurry. When the finished product arrives I'll have a look at it.
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Feb 8 2023, 06:49 PM) *
Interesting. This is the first I've heard of it. I'm actually struggling to differentiate any differences in the core concepts of Shadowrun. At this point it looks like all the same concepts - even down to a pile of d6s - but presumably with different mechanics.

As WotC just found out the hard way, you can't really copyright mechanics any more than abstract concepts like "it's the future, but magic returned", so they might as well copy a lot of those, too.

I guess I'll chip in and see, it can't be worse than 6th biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Kesendeja @ Feb 9 2023, 10:31 AM) *
I came across another game that has a similar premise, but it looks to have a bit higher production values, and a bit of a different spin on the setting.

It looks like classes are more defined instead of less (my personal preference), but the boss fight thing and the enemy cards seem like good ways to track things.

Edit: Although looking closer, the RNG could use some work. 2d6 is fine for an RNG, especially if you take advantage of the curve like Battletech does. But you probably don't want the bonus from your skill to be higher than the entire RNG. Their example for rolling a skill is 4+2 from the dice, and +9 from the skill. I understand the appeal of skill being more important than luck, but there are better ways to do that. Otherwise, this looks like an interesting combination of strategy board game and roleplaying.
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