QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer)
Where do sustained area effect spells come in?
As you already found out: In terms of RAW not as a form of astral object with a "physically" tangible astral body of their own that could be engaged with astral combat.
However, the spell does have a visible aura that can be assensed normally to determine spell purpose, force, etc. and the casting magician will (temporarily) leave his signature on the affected part of astral space just as he would when casting in the physical world.
QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer)
and what is the net effect of being inside the area effect beyond the effect of the spell itself?
Rulewise there simply isn't any further effect beyond the spell effect itself. No modifier to visibility on the astral plane. Neither within the area of effect nor when looking into or outside the area of effect.
QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer)
Ex: Let's say a fully astral mage is facing 2 force 4 spirits in astral space. He drops a sustained area effect mana spell like say foreboding 4. Now my question isn't about how the foreboding spells affects the intended targets. my question is that now essentially the mage is now inside a (let's say) 6 meter radius force 4 spell that as far as I can tell is very much present and visible in astral space. Is it considered an astral object?
QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer)
What effect would it have on say your perception if you suddenly found yourself enveloped inside a sustained spells area effect in astral space?
QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer)
If the sustained spell is to be considered as an astral object then does that not open the door to attacking and subsequently taking down any and all sustained spells from astral space?
The separation of the planes prohibts that. A sustained spell that was cast on the physical plane is (only) visible via its aura (just as a sustained spell on the astral plane would be). In either case there's still no astral object to be attacked.
At least that's what it is in SR3. In prior editions spells indeed has some form of "physicallized" astral body which allowed them to be attacked / intercepted in astral combat.