In SR3 we know that the type of some spells is Mana and for others is Physical. Physical spells can only be cast on the physical plane while Mana spells can be cast on either physical or astral plane. Mana spells only affect living things (or astral barriers... and who knows if spirits "live"?) while Physical spells can affect living things or mundane objects. A caster needs a magical link to the subject/target as provided by Line of Sight such that a dual-natured astrally-perceiving magician could astrally see a subject/target they visually cannot (eg Ruthenium) and then they can physically spellcast against them. The caster and the subject/target must share a plane in common so the caster cannot astrally cast against a Ruthenium subject/target unless that subject/target is also astrally present / dual natured.
A caster can move the area-of-effect of a spell (eg Detection or Illusion) an infinite distance with a Complex Action so a caster can practise TriD Phantasm until they get exactly the effect they want then peer through their telescope, spend a Complex Action, and bam: it's inside someone's bedroom on the other side of the city, or on the moon, or whatever.
A spirit is always astrally present but only physically present part-time.
Illusions are only effective on the physical plane, not the astral.
Shaman summons a spirit. Shaman wants the spirit to do something far away beyond LoS and to be Invisible while it does it. Shaman spends a Service to get the spirit to Materialise. Shaman casts Improved Invisibility and tells the spirit to go to the remote location for its next task.
If the spirit deMaterialises in order to Fast Astral Movement to its next job and then reMaterialises there, is it still Invisible? (Ie does deMaterialising leave the spell behind or does the Physical spell stick to the Astral form of the spirit and remain in effect for the spirit to "step into" when it resumes being a Physical subject/target of the spell, provided that the shaman continues to Sustain?)
If the spell does not stick to the spirit, does it get forcibly terminated when no such Physical presence exists upon which it had been cast?
If it does stick around in limbo while its subject/target has no Physical form, and if the spirit in question is an Ally with the Sense Link power, can the shaman observe through the Ally's borrowed senses and spend a Complex Action to relocate a spell's area of effect to the Ally's location (not to suggest that Improved Invisibility has an area-of-effect (even though Indirect Illusions are explicitly "cast around" a focal point as if they were AoE spells) but TriD Phantasm or Darkness or something like that could be a viable way of making the spirit difficult to spot in the new, remote area)? I realise that the shaman cannot cast fresh spells through the Ally's Sense Link but I am wondering about simply relocating an existing spell.
When a spell is cast on the Astral plane, is it a dual-natured construct? When a spell is cast on the Physical plane, is it a dual-natured construct? Or do spells only ever exist on one plane, chosen at the moment of casting? So that, for example, if a mage cast Increase Willpower on our shaman (a Mana spell cast on the Physical plane) and then the shaman Astrally Projected, does the spell get "left behind"? Would that mean that their Astral Body is increased while their Astral Willpower is not, or what? Or does the Mana spell cast on the Physical plane get dragged up into the Astral plane when the shaman Projects and continue to affect them as if they'd cast it there? Can a purely astral adversary who encounters their astral form dispell the spell buffing their astral attributes even though it had been initially cast on the physical plane?
If a sustained spell is a dual-natured construct, can it be engaged in Astral Combat? I am aware that an active Sustaining Focus is dual-natured and can be defeated in Astral Combat, but what about a free-standing spell being sustained through brain power?
Some of these possibilities arose during the remote Invisible spirit scenario in our recent game and while we played ahead with a contingency strategy, some of us would like consensus on what the real authoritative answer is for SR3, understanding that the answers under SR2 are quite likely quite different.