Black Books, a French publisher and official licensee of Shadowrun in France, has relaunched the classic adventure Renraku Arcology: Shutdown, with the rules adapted for 5th Ed, 6th Ed and Anarchy as part of their 'Heritage" series of older books never published in France before. I like the concept.
From the site:(using chrome translating so bear in mind there maybe errors)
Deus Ex Arcologia
Something mysterious and terrible has locked the Renraku arcology. Its entrances are hermetically sealed, the Matrix is disconnected, and 100,000 inhabitants are trapped inside. The UCAS army has established a security perimeter around the building and no one, even at Renraku, knows what is going on there.
Renraku Arcology: Shutdown reveals to you who is behind it all, and what terrible events are unfolding inside. This additional background forShadowrunoffers you the full description of this technological nightmare, and the mysterious enemies that are there. This book provides everything gamemasters will need to engage their players in the horror that has befallen arcology, whether it's to free trapped people, to extract abandoned research data, or just to get out alive.
Designed for leaders and players of all levels of experience, this supplement belongs to the Heritage line . Translated and adapted to the most recent editions of Shadowrun ( SR5 , SR6 and SRA ) by the Ombres Portées 2.0 collective, this book invites you to relive one of the major turning points in the universe of the Sixth World. Will you be up to it?