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Full Version: ELI5: Intuitive Hacking
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Echo Actual
QUOTE (Unwired - Intuitive Hacking - Page 37)
A character with this quality is highly intuitive about a single aspect of the Matrix. The character may perform one specific type of Matrix action without a program or Complex Form. The specific Matrix action is chosen when this quality is taken. For example, a hacker with Intuitive Hacking (Detect Hidden Node) may perform that action in the Matrix without a Scan program, adding only the Electronic Warfare skill to the dice pool. This quality may be taken more than once, each time with a different Matrix action.

QUOTE (SR4A - Detect Hidden Node (Scan) - Page 230)
You attempt to locate a hidden node. You must be aware of the node, or at least have a good guess of where the device should be (for ex-ample, if your commlink is not detecting a node for Mr. Johnson but you are pretty sure he has a PAN, or when you can see the security drone but it is operating in Hidden mode). To find the node, make a Electronic Warfare + Scan (4) Test. You may instead make a general search for Hidden nodes that are within mutual Signal range. In this case, the test is an Electronic Warfare + Scan (15+, 1 Combat Turn) Extended Test, rather than a Complex Action.

Using 'Detect Hidden Node' as the Example:

How exactly is 'Intuitive Hacking' a Positive Quality? It seems to be removing dice from your pool and and making the test just 'Electronic Warfare (4)' instead of 'Electronic Warfare + Scan (4)'?
Unless its just worded oddly and changing the test to be something like 'Electronic Warfare + Electronic Warfare (4)' or 'Intuition + Electronic Warfare (4)'?

It allows you to roll at all. Without a Scan program you normally wouldn't be allowed to check for hidden nodes.

Personally, I still wouldn't get the PQ, just from an efficiency POV, but it can be a nice RP reason.

Also, welcome to the forum!
Echo Actual
QUOTE (bannockburn)
It allows you to roll at all. Without a Scan program you normally wouldn't be allowed to check for hidden nodes.

Wow, That's what it's for?!? Bleh - that's awful.

QUOTE (bannockburn)
Also, welcome to the forum!

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