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Full Version: Is There A Master List Of SR Products?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
The title is pretty self explanatory. Is there an up to-date list of everything made for SR out there somewhere? Not just RPG material but also various bits of fiction like novels, short stories, anthologies, stuff that was in FASA flyers, etc. as well as video games, toys, miniatures, so on and so forth, preferably by edition and publisher.

This Wikipedia entry is probably the most comprehensive listing you are going to find.
Thanks. It's a start.

I appreciate it.
QUOTE (Steven @ Jun 2 2024, 03:52 AM) *
Thanks. It's a start.

I appreciate it.

"A start"? Do you know of anything that is NOT on that list?
No, which was kind of the point. A master list of everything ever made for SR, ideally including changes between editions and things not in English, by any licensee or manufacturer. What it is (rule book, sourcebook, fiction, toy, video game, miniature, poster, etc.) , when it was published/produced, edition, publication/manufacture date, publisher/manufacturer, so on and so forth.

I'm trying to rebuild my collection of stuff and want to make sure I'm not missing much.
You might want to also search the Shadowrun entries on the German language Wikipedia then. I believe there were releases in that language that weren't just translations of English.
About six months ago, someone went through and made a pretty comprehensive list here:

You can sort by edition, if it was a novel, board game, etc.
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