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Full Version: A hole opens in Los Angeles?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
So, I was willing to look past the hokey time travel bit. You know, the part where they travel back in time 12,000 years without taking into account the motion of the planet around the galaxy. But when the father who lost his family down the hole asks the geologist to carbon date his wife's gold and diamond ring found where it had been buried for all that time, I lost it.

No archaeologist could stomach that silliness!
I'm sorry, but what are we talking about here?
/Clueless in Seattle
Oh. Sorry. TV show LA Brea.
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Oct 6 2021, 10:07 AM) *
Oh. Sorry. TV show LA Brea.

Ah yes, Bland of the Lost.
QUOTE (Lionesque @ Oct 6 2021, 03:16 PM) *
I'm sorry, but what are we talking about here?
/Clueless in Seattle

That sums up my reaction quite well...after watching the two episodes. That show is just weird, and not in a good way wobble.gif
Well, there is a worldwide pandemic.
The Ring of Fire is showing increased activity . .
Things are so weird and screwy and illogical, but I can't help but watch. It's like booze. I know it's bad for me, but ....
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