Why would anyone learn a sustained Increase Attribute spell (Drain code (+1)M) when they could learn a permanent version of the spell and not have to sustain it or worry about wards or Sustaining Foci costs or spending karma to bond those foci? All for -1 to the Drain Power and a 1 time hit of +1 to Drain Level.
The smart spellcaster will even permanently raise his and his entire teams Initiative Dice first, before making it harder by raising Reaction, or Intelligence and Quickness which indirectly raise Reaction.
Thn there is also no reason NPCs wouldn't do the same thing and eventually 3 is no longer average, more like 5 or 6 is the new average. But then again, it would be more difficut to hit those high TNs for like troll or ork Strength and Body or even elf Charisma, so the entire playing field rises overall, but flattens out.