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So way back in the when, Ancient History had a thread in which he trolled ebay for Shadowrun related stuff and relayed it back to us. It was a fun thread, and a good read (even if the ebay listings are now long gone). So I thought, why not bring it back and do some searching? This forum could use some traffic, right?

Shadowrun TCG Starter Deck Sealed Box. With a new card game coming out, interest in these will start rising, I think.

Nintendo Power Challenge Trading Card - SNES Shadowrun. Nintendo Power used to include cards with their magazine and this is apparently one they printed in honor of the Shadowrun rpg game. It's not Jake Armitage though...dunno who this dude is.

Shadowrun Second Edition "Hardcover". I don't remember an anime cover for a Shadowrun book, and by the pictures it's not the Japanese core...this one is interesting. Too bad said pictures are blurry.

Retro Gamer Magazine issue 120 Shadowrun. Okay, yeah, it's about the Shadowrun SNES game again, I'm sorry. I'm a big fan of both the SNES and Shadowrun, so forgive me. But RetroGamer does good work, and I'd be interested to read the article.

Well, that's all I could pull up this morning. Can you find anything? Or got comments about what I've posted?

I'll update this thread with further findings later, when I'm not supposed to be working...

QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Aug 12 2022, 07:27 AM) *
Nintendo Power Challenge Trading Card - SNES Shadowrun. Nintendo Power used to include cards with their magazine and this is apparently one they printed in honor of the Shadowrun rpg game. It's not Jake Armitage though...dunno who this dude is.

Well, he's running, so I assume he's Shadow.

The old card game seemed pretty cool, even if it didn't end up with enough stuff to really get good. I'd like to see a re-themed Arkham Horror LCG or similar that's Shadowrun-themed. Makes it a lot easier to add new challenge types later. I know Battletech card game had the issue that there's one way to win/lose, and suspect Shadowrun had a similar issue.
This is a fun game.

I don't know what's up with that 2E cover, but - since my copy is three feet away - I can confirm that's p. 72-3 of the 2E book from the US.

Here's Shadowrun Encounters, a push-your-luck dice game that I've never even heard of. Evidently it came out in 2016 without me noticing, despite the fact that I was absolutely up to my eyeballs in Shadowrun at the time.

That dude running on the card is from a poster that was included in the box for the SNES Shadowrun. No idea who the gentleman is, nor the lady in the lower left. SINless scum, most likely. Find a larger image, with folding creases and everything, here.

Here's a release catalog for the early years of the game. I'm not going to pay for it but I kinda want it.
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 14 2022, 01:28 AM) *
This is a fun game.

I don't know what's up with that 2E cover, but - since my copy is three feet away - I can confirm that's p. 72-3 of the 2E book from the US.

Yeah, I looked at it, knew it was from 2e, but the picture was so blurry I couldn't tell what the words were. Thanks.

That dude running on the card is from a poster that was included in the box for the SNES Shadowrun. No idea who the gentleman is, nor the lady in the lower left. SINless scum, most likely. Find a larger image, with folding creases and everything, here.

Awesome! Thanks for finding that.

Here's a release catalog for the early years of the game. I'm not going to pay for it but I kinda want it.

Heh, I agree with you on wanting it, but not wanting to spend the money.
This is new to me: Shadowrun DMZ, a board game / wargame from 1990.

Anyone familiar with it? I found a page about it on the Shadowrun wiki that was helpful, but otherwise this is the first I've heard of it.
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 15 2022, 04:55 PM) *
This is new to me: Shadowrun DMZ, a board game / wargame from 1990.

Anyone familiar with it? I found a page about it on the Shadowrun wiki that was helpful, but otherwise this is the first I've heard of it.

I've heard good things about that one. Also, they're going to remake it in "the year of Shadowrun" in...2013.

We did get one badly-balanced game (only works properly for 3 characters, although it claims 2-4), and it got sold domestically long before they finished shipping kickstarter copies to Europe. One of the devs said they didn't deserve good treatment anyway.
Oh dang there's even an Italian version:
Dude, I'd be all over that if money allowed.
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Aug 14 2022, 08:28 AM) *
Here's a release catalog for the early years of the game. I'm not going to pay for it but I kinda want it.

I've got the 1993 version (for far less wink.gif) and the only information in there you won't find elsewhere is the announcement for a book called Running Short. Supposedly "packed with six short, one-night adventures, specially designed for one or two shadowrunners".
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