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> The Evil Men Do
post Nov 20 2009, 12:32 AM
Post #1

Uncle Fisty

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St. Michael's Church, Redmond Seattle - Tues, Oct 23rd - 2072

The night's air is cool as Haze walks out onto the steps of Saint Michael's, the old church with the small orphanage that he's called home all his life. It's not an easy life certainly, but a worthy one. He smiles wondering where his own thoughts stop and Father Michael's begin. Sayings like that are so common that he can hardly tell the difference any more. Breathing in the Autumn air, he smells the familiar tinge in the air, the acrid smells that are omnipresent in the barrens. The strongest is the acid like tang, like sniffing a battery. To Father Michael, it's the smell of hard work left to do. To Haze, it just smell's like home.
Tuedsay, blessed Tuesday. Nothing ever happens on a Tuesday.
Haze tries not to think the thought, knowing what a jinx it will be. Father Michael says, never tempt the devil. Haze closes his eyes and tries to will the words out of existance, wishing he could take them back.

The first gun shot rings out. Two more follow in rapid succession. They're so close there's a startling moment of wondering if his sin was so great he deserved to die for it. After a moment, Haze realizes he's not dead, and looks around. People are running away. Everyone runs from gunshots.

Damn Tuesdays
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post Nov 20 2009, 05:06 AM
Post #2

Shooting Target

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After composing himself, Haze walks back inside the church.

Father! He shouts. Father, Im here!

Haze normally stops by the old church every couple days to help out however he can. He'd been coming here for months after leaving the orphanage. He knows he can never repay Father Micheal for everything hes ever done, but Haze figures its worth a try.

Haze sits in a pew and waits for Father Micheal to make his appearance.
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post Nov 22 2009, 01:09 AM
Post #3

Uncle Fisty

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Only a few moments later, Father Michael comes into the chapel from the back at a job. His eyes see Haze first, but he keeps moving.
What's happening outside?! I heard gun shots!
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post Nov 25 2009, 12:17 AM
Post #4

Shooting Target

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Gunshots, I dont know where from. I just wanted to make sure you're okay.

Haze jogs back inside to see whats going on.
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post Nov 30 2009, 03:33 AM
Post #5

Uncle Fisty

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Just across the street, a familiar scene is playing out. No one in sight seems to be the sort to be carrying. The shooter has already split the scene. The carrion eaters have moved in. A huddled mass metahumanity is gathered in a tight group on the side walk, obscuring the scavenge they've come upon. Haze can see clothes being pulled off, even as blood pools around the feet of the those huddled in the mass. Life in the barrens is a cheap thing, less important than the clothes on one's back, and what treasures pockets might hold. The carrion eaters quickly strip the body, and begin to dissapear back down alleyways and into hovels, before more aggressive scavengers appear to prey on the eaters, taken both what they have, and what they've just taken.

Taking no more than 30 seconds, what is left is the body of a man, wearing now only a blood stained shirt, his body already completely stripped. Blood pools across the side walk, not fifty feet from the door of St. Michael's, a testament to the cruelty of life; dying within sight of a sanctuary.

Father Michael stands at the top of the stairs, seeing the body, but watching the people on the street.
Seth, please, go see that the poor man is desecrated no further, while I get my things. I fear his life has already fled. He will need Last Rights.
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post Nov 30 2009, 07:19 AM
Post #6

Shooting Target

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Haze watches in horror at the sight in front of him. He feels pity for the poor man, and rage towards those with little care for his life. Before he can react the scavage is over. He hears Father Micheals words, but he's already moving as he speaks.

Yes Father.

Haze walks across the street pushing through anyone who gets in the way. As he aproaches the man he takes off his brown long coat and lays it over his body. He kneels down before him, and whispers:
Im sorry my friend. Though I didnt know you, I wish I could have done something. Hopefully you're at some kind of peace now. He then says a small prayer and lifts the man off the ground, turning around, he makes his way back to the church.

Fucking scavangers....No regard for anyone but their own asses.
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post Dec 1 2009, 04:55 PM
Post #7

Uncle Fisty

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Perception Test - Visual
Haze has a frustrating moment when he realizes that life ain't like the trid. The man's damn heavy. In life, he would have fallen into the category of "out of shape", although not quite "over weight". With a bit of wrestling, he manages to get him up, although it's less than graceful, and there's blood everywhere. God's work is apparently messy.
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post Dec 2 2009, 01:19 AM
Post #8

Shooting Target

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post Dec 2 2009, 01:40 AM
Post #9

Uncle Fisty

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Haze quickly notices a few details about the man that paint the scene as odd. His shirt is a new, and looks designer. His hair, although messed up now, is well cut, and his face is free of the usual cuts, scrapes, and dirt of a barrens dweller. He looks to have had some basic work done, including body mods. He muscle mass should be less than it is, judging by his belly. You usually get that with the muscle toner augmentations rich people buy to keep from having to actually exercise. This man is definitely not from the barrens.
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post Dec 2 2009, 01:47 AM
Post #10

Shooting Target

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Haze gets a confused look on his face as he walks into the cathedrial carrying the body of his visitor.

Now whats a clean cut like yourself, doing down here? Were you trying to die? Maybe a chip head lookin for a fix, tryin to find a dealer. Well my friend, wrong fuckin alley.

Father, Ive brought him. Please hurry, he's a bit heavier than I expected.
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post Dec 2 2009, 01:51 AM
Post #11

Uncle Fisty

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Setting the body down on the step, Haze catches his breath for a second. In the rare moment of quiet in the barrens, he hears a sharp cracking noise, followed by a sickening sucking/tearing sound that sounds familiar but he can't quiet place. It's followed by a crashing noise from the alley beside the church.
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post Dec 2 2009, 01:54 AM
Post #12

Shooting Target

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Father! Stay inside the church!

Haze runs down the Cathedrial and out to the alley way with his Ares Predator pointed.
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post Dec 2 2009, 02:00 AM
Post #13

Uncle Fisty

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Haze hears Father Michael holler out What is it ?! from inside, but it's a distant sound only as he moves quickly off the step, moving with purpose to the side alley. His personal fears are set aside for the moment, resolve settling in. Father Michael used to say that there were two kinds of men~ Those ran run away from danger, and those that run towards it. The question wasn't so much which were you, as the why.

Haze skids around the corner, thinking at the last moment that perhaps he should have scanned around the corner first before barreling into the alleyway, but somewhere in the back of his head, he's recognizing the sound; like tearing the leg off of a chicken.

Lying on the ground in the refuse and rain water is the body of a man in a priest's habit, the confessional stole still on his shoulders. Haze almost sickens up as he scans the alley for his head, finally spotting the head and face of Father Matthews, the older, senior priest of St. Michael's, some thirty feet away, face stricken in horror and pain.

It's one of those horrifying moments where you wish you could stop thinking, but do anyway. Haze remembers what "they" say about the head surviving for a full 8 seconds after decapitation just as he locks eyes with the murdered priest.
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post Dec 2 2009, 02:09 AM
Post #14

Shooting Target

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Haze nearly vomits at the scene. At first he doesnt beleive its real. A nightmare he's walked into. But after a second glance, he accepts the horror.

Oh...God... He covers his mouth with his firing hand, holding the gun up in front of his face. Rage begins to fill Haze, as he racks his brain as to who couldve done this to such a good man.

Father Mathews.... Who could've done this to you.

He looks to the sky, and the clouds and falling rain.

He walks towards the body keeping his gun drawn, waiting for anything to pop its head out. He looks up and down the alley, makig sure nothing is sneaking up behind him.
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post Dec 2 2009, 02:24 AM
Post #15

Uncle Fisty

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The alley appears to be empty, no one in sight, the scavengers having already fled from the killing of the man on the street.
Perception Test - Visual
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post Dec 2 2009, 02:27 AM
Post #16

Shooting Target

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post Dec 2 2009, 02:34 AM
Post #17

Uncle Fisty

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The grisly scene is hard to process, but a few things still stand out fairly clear. First is the neck. It lookes broken. The flesh is torn. This was no clean cut. Father Matthew's head was torn from his body some how. Second, the back of the tobes are stained, even though he fell on his chest. He was against the wall. Looking at the wall, the blood spray starts about 7 feet up. Father Matthews was under six feet tall.
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post Dec 2 2009, 02:56 AM
Post #18

Shooting Target

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Something big did this, or something that could fly. I better get Father Micheal...

Haze walks back into the church shouting for Father Micheal. His tone sounds tired, and a bit hoarse from fighting back tears. Haze felt close to all the Preists and Nuns of the church. This was a real loss to him.
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post Dec 5 2009, 05:23 AM
Post #19

Uncle Fisty

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Seth? Seth, what is it?!
Father Michael is running up the aisle with a bible in hand as Haze runs back in the door. He slides to a stop, grabbing the young man by the shoulders to steddy him. He looks bewildered and concerned, trying to calm Haze.
Seth, what happened?!
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post Dec 5 2009, 07:08 AM
Post #20

Shooting Target

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Hazes mind races, how does he even begin to tell Father Micheal.

Its.....Father Matthews. He's been killed....Ripped apart. Is all he can get out before going numb. He plops down into the long pue next to them.

You better call the police. And Father? He means that not as a title, but for what he is to him. I love you.
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post Dec 6 2009, 04:41 AM
Post #21

Uncle Fisty

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Father Michael stands stunned, the shock plain on his face. He gathers it in, laying a hand on Haze's shoulder as he draws himself up.
I will see to Father Matthews.. and this poor man. Seth ... ... He lets the words drop, walking outside.

It's hard to say how long it takes, but soon Father Michael steps back inside. There's blood on his clothes. He walks into the back, returning minutes later with a large white cloth.
Seth, help me.
Father Michael walks out side stiffly, then into the alley. He lays the large white shroud over the murdered preists' body, gathering it beneath him, and readying to move him inside, into the sanctity of the church.
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post Dec 6 2009, 09:52 PM
Post #22

Shooting Target

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Haze follows Father Micheal outside into the alley way. Once the white sheet is draped over the dead preist, he squats down and readies himself to lift him.

Ready when you are. He almost whispers.
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post Dec 6 2009, 11:40 PM
Post #23

Uncle Fisty

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The priest is quiet as they carry the body inside, placing the shrouded figure in one of the other unoccupied rooms. Father Michael performs the necessary rites over the body of their friend, standing quietly for some time until he speaks.

Seth, a good man has died today. Father Matthews was wearing the stole for receiving Confessions. It's possible that he may have been killed for something that he heard. I doubt that these two murders are anything but related. Find out what you can about that poor man, while I see to Father Matthew. I will arrange for the preparation of both bodies.

I know... that this is hard for you. Can you help me with this?

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post Dec 7 2009, 12:37 AM
Post #24

Shooting Target

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Yes Father. Ill do what I can. Haze takes a moment to take a deep breath.

Did the man have a wallet on him? Any sort of identification?
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post Dec 7 2009, 12:54 AM
Post #25

Uncle Fisty

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The man was stripped of everything but his shirt by the scavengers.
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