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> Salted Wounds [OOC], a Deep Black Sea game
post Jul 14 2018, 08:30 AM
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 4,895
Joined: 18-September 13
From: Germany
Member No.: 154,444

Salted Wounds

As the fifth installment after

Deep Black Sea
Pain and Gain
Sins of the Fathers

This is a conspiracy and revenge kind of run - find them before they can find you...

The cast contains:

Volker as.........bnc, the human hacker
gilga as..........anna, the human mage
SquirrelDude as...Sharkboy, the inhuman wrestler
Luckace as........Raph, the human Theurgist
Thanee as.........Nova, the human tank
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post Jul 15 2018, 11:26 AM
Post #2

Shooting Target

Group: Members
Posts: 1,970
Joined: 22-July 17
From: Austria
Member No.: 211,160

Name: bnc
Type: decker
Phenotype: human


BOD: 2
STR: 1
AGI: 2
REA: 3
INT: 6 (7)
LOG: 7 (8)
CHA: 2
EDG: 4
ESS: 1,31

Positive qualities

Codeslinger (Watchdog)
Fade to Black
Exceptional Logic

Negative qualities

Moderate addiction to Golden Mirror
Biased to (non-Bavarian) Germans and Viennese
Light Food Allergy

Active Skills

Pistols 5
Sneaking 4
Computer 6
Hardware 4
Software 6
Cybercombat 6
Electronic Warfare 6
Hacking 6
Chemistry 3
Unarmed Combat 4
Perception 3
Con 3
First Aid 4
Gunnery 4
Pilot Groundcraft 4
Pilot Aircraft 3
Pilot Walker 3
Negotiation 3
Disguise 2
Explosives 1
Medicine 1

Knowledge Skills

European Politics 4
Psychology 2
Matrix legends 2
Street drugs 2
Matrix security 5
Magic theory 4
English 5

Drug dealer in Linz (4/2)
Gerhardt Schmidt
The Sunkid


Defiance EX Shocker
20 Ammo
Ingram Smartgun X
2x32 normale, 32 Gel
Hiden arm slide
Concealable holster

Electrochromatic Clothing
Armor Jacket
Chameleon Suite
absurdly awesome customized Body Armor I can't get the stats of

Cyber- & Bioware

Cerebral Booster I
Cerebellum Booster I
Skillwires I
Skilljack I
Hard Nanohive Betware Control Rig Booster III
Control Rig II (Alpha)
Shock hand
Fiberoptic Hair
WiFi Tattoos (Chameleon Skin, Head & Arms)
Auto-injector + expanded reservoir
Cybereyes rating 3 (low-light vision, Vision enhancement II, Vision magnification, ocular drone)

headware Siemens Steuerungs- und Diagnoseeinheit 5-J
Signal Scrub
Virtual Machine
Baby Monitor
Fly on a Wall
Vectored Signal Filter
Device Modification + Program Carrier (Encryption)
Agent V

MCT-Nissan rotodrone w/ Cavalier Arms Brockett EBR
SK Direktionssekretär w/ Savalette Guardian (modded)
3 Noizquitos

glasses, flair compensation, low-light vision, smartlink, vision magnification
Trid projector
Electronic paper x2
Satellite link
2 Datachip RFIDs, 1 Sensor Tag, 1 Stealth Tag
Micro Camera
some groovy contact lenses
Fairlight Caliban
3 stealth tags
2 sensor tags
3 data taps
Area Jammer V
Chemistry Toolkit
Medkit VI
Hardware shop
Fake SIN 5
Lizenz 4 für Shockhand & Ares & Chameleon
Hardware toolkit
Lizenz 6 für Deck

5x Novacoke
5x Long Haul
2x Deepweed
3x Psyche
plasteel restraints

Middle Lifestyle + add. Security
Skillsoft Network Basic
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post Jul 15 2018, 12:10 PM
Post #3

Great Dragon

Group: Members
Posts: 5,066
Joined: 12-June 16
From: Israel
Member No.: 200,423

== Personal Data ==
Name: Yael Alias: Anna
Human, Female
Movement: 12/24 (2m/hit)
Swim: 4.5 (1m/hit)
60, 170 Composure: 11
Street Cred: 43 Judge Intentions: 12
Notoriety: 0 Lift/Carry: 8 (45 kg/30 kg)
Public Awareness: 0 Memory: 8
Karma: 433 Nuyen: 67,255¥
Age: 21 Skin: Tan (Mddle eastern)
Eyes: Brown Hair: Tan
Primary Arm: Right

== Priorities ==
Metatype: E,0
Attributes: A,4
Special: C,2
Skills: A,4
Resources: E,0

== Attributes ==
BOD: 5 CHA: 6
AGI: 6 INT: 6
REA: 6 LOG: 3
STR: 3 WIL: 5
EDG: 3 MAG: 6

== Derived Attributes
Essence: 6.00 Initiative: 13 +2d6
Physical Damage Track: 11 Rigger Initiative: 13 +2d6
Stun Damage Track: 11Astral Initiative: 12 +3d6
Physical: 6 Matrix AR: 13 +2d6
Chameleon Suit [+2] (Only for Sneaking, Must be visible)
Thermal Damping [+6] (Only for Sneaking against Thermographic Vision or thermal sensors.)
Thermal Damping [+6] (Only for Sneaking against Thermographic Vision or thermal sensors.)
Thermal Damping [+6] (Only for Sneaking against Thermographic Vision or thermal sensors.)
Mental: 6 Matrix Cold: 6 + DP +3d6
Audio Enhancement [+3] (Only for Perception (Hearing))
Vision Enhancement [+3] (Only for Perception (Visual))
Vision Enhancement [+3] (Only for Perception (Visual))
Social: 8 Matrix Hot: 6 + DP +4d6
Ballistic Mask [+1] (Only for Intimidation, Must be visible)
Vashon Island: Ace of Coins [+3] (Must be visible)
Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger [+1] (Must be visible)
Zoé: Heritage 12 [+2] (Must be visible)
Astral: 8

== Active Skills ==
Arcana Base: 0 + Karma: 1 = 1 Pool: 4
Assensing (Aura Reading) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 12 (14)
Con Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 10
Counterspelling (Combat) Base: 6 + Karma: 1 = 7 Pool: 13 (15)
Disguise Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 12
Etiquette Base: 5 + Karma: 0 = 5 Pool: 11
Impersonation Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 10
Palming Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 12
Perception Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 12
Performance Base: 4 + Karma: 0 = 4 Pool: 10
Pistols (Semi-Automatics) Base: 6 + Karma: 1 = 7 Pool: 13 (15)
Sneaking Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 12
Spellcasting (Health) Base: 6 + Karma: 1 = 7 Pool: 13 (15)
Summoning (Spirits of Man) Base: 6 + Karma: 0 = 6 Pool: 12 (14)

== Knowledge Skills ==
German Base: 0 + Karma: 2 = 2 Pool: 8
Alcohol Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 9
Bars and Clubs Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7
Magic Traditions Base: 0 + Karma: 1 = 1 Pool: 4
Magical Theory (Academic) Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 6
Magical Threats Base: 3 + Karma: 0 = 3 Pool: 6
Music Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7
Underworld Base: 1 + Karma: 0 = 1 Pool: 7

== Qualities ==
Arcane Bodyguard
Astral Bouncer
Code of Honor (Self defense)
Dependent (Inconvenience)
Focused Concentration ( 6)
Illusionist (Physical)
Lightning Reflexes
Mentor Spirit (Bear)
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker)

== Tradition ==
Chaos Magic, Resist Drain with 11

== Spells ==
Clout (Limited) DV: F-5
Heal DV: F-4
Improved Invisibility DV: F-1
Increase [Attribute] (INT)DV: F-3
Increase [Attribute] (REA)DV: F-3
Increase [Attribute] (CHA)DV: F-3
Increase [Attribute] (AGI)DV: F-3
Increase [Attribute] (WIL)DV: F-3
Levitate DV: F-2
Magic Fingers DV: F-2
Mana Barrier DV: F-2
Physical Mask DV: F-1
Resist Pain DV: F-4
Stabilize DV: F-4
Stunbolt DV: F-3
Trid Phantasm (Limited) DV: F-2

== Lifestyle ==
(Street) 1 Month
+ Grid Subscription (Public Grid) [+50¥]
Dormitory Apartment (Low) 0 Months
+ Cramped (Cramped [-10%]) [--10%]
+ Grid Subscription (Public Grid) [+50¥]
Nice apartment (Medium) 1 Month
+ Grid Subscription (Local Grid)
+ Grid Subscription (Public Grid)

== Armor ==
Ballistic Mask +2
Chameleon Suit 9
+ Fire Resistance 1
+ Nonconductivity 2
+ Thermal Damping 6
Vashon Island: Ace of Coins 7
Vashon Island: Sleeping Tiger 13
+ Custom Fit
+ Newest Model
+ Nonconductivity 4
+ Ruthenium Polymer Coating
+ Thermal Damping 6
+ Holster
Zoé: Heritage 12 12
+ Custom Fit
+ Faraday Pocket
+ Newest Model
+ Nonconductivity 2
+ Thermal Damping 6
+ YNT Softweave Armor
Zoé: Second Skin 6/+2
+ Biofiber Pocket
+ Custom Fit (Stack)
+ Newest Model
+ Ruthenium Polymer Coating

== Weapons ==
Ares Predator V
+ Chameleon Coating (Pistol)
+ Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+ Gas-Vent 3 System
+ Personalized Grip
+ Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 13 (15)Accuracy: 5 (8) DV: 8P AP: -1 RC: 5
Defiance EX Shocker
+ Chameleon Coating (Pistol)
+ Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+ Laser Sight
+ Personalized Grip
Pool: 13 Accuracy: 4 (6) DV: 9S(e) AP: -5 RC: 2
Grenade: Flash-Bang
Pool: 5 Accuracy: 6 DV: 10S (10m Radius)AP: -4 RC: 2
Grenade: Thermal Smoke
Pool: 5 Accuracy: 6 DV: (10m Radius)AP: - RC: 2
Ruger Super Warhawk
+ Chameleon Coating (Pistol)
+ Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+ Personalized Grip
Pool: 13 Accuracy: 5 (6) DV: 9P AP: -2 RC: 2
Sapphire Knife
Pool: 5 Accuracy: 5 DV: 5P AP: -3 RC: 2
Pool: 5 Accuracy: 6 DV: 4P AP: -1 RC: 2
Streetline Special
+ Concealed Quick-Draw Holster
+ Personalized Grip
+ Smartgun System, Internal
Pool: 13 Accuracy: 4 (7) DV: 6P AP: - RC: 2
Unarmed Attack
Pool: 5 Accuracy: 6 DV: 3S AP: - RC: 2

== Gear: Equipped ==
Contacts Rating 3
+ Smartlink
+ Image Link
+ Flare Compensation
Cram ×10
Earbuds Rating 3
+ Audio Enhancement Rating 3
Fake SIN (Anna Mirochnik) Rating 3
Fake SIN (Anna Black) Rating 6
+ Fake License (Weapon License) Rating 6
+ Fake License (Bodyguard License) Rating 6
Fetish (Earring)
Glasses Rating 4
+ Thermographic Vision
+ Vision Enhancement Rating 3
Sustaining Focus, Health (Bonded Foci) (Chaos Magic) Rating 6
Tool Kit (Disguise)
Weapon Focus (Sapphire Knife) Rating 6

== Gear: Available ==
Grenade: Flash-Bang ×4
Grenade: Thermal Smoke ×4
Shuriken ×5

== Description ==
Yael is average height and attractive by the standards of her time. She treats her body like a temple, healthy food, exercise and the finest of cosmetics. She wants to be pretty and would do whatever is needed to achieve it. Yael is not tall enough to be a model, and she is built curvy and healthy (or 'fat' for an elf), these frustrate her to a degree, but she also likes the perks it provides in the form of ample chest and ass.

== Background ==
Redmond raised as part Redmond raised as part of a small and tightly knit family of petty criminals of middle eastern origins. Her father Ron Bar steals cars, her brother Larry follows on his footsteps while raising two young children (boy and a girl). Her mother, Ravit Bar - is into forgery. There were good years and bad years, most of the time the family provided to Yael - but when her father has done time in prison Yael found herself having to beg, steal and manipulate to survive. The rest of the time she did these things to make some extra cash. The family is lightly affiliated with the Mafia, but the connection is business-like and they are not members.

At the age of 14, Yael run out of luck and found herself with an angry SINner with a gun, her brother could not help and even though Yael returned his wallet the man shot her. Yael survived by playing dead, holding her breath and allowing the blood to gush out of her abdomen. As she laid there, bleeding out she heard the man talking to his lawyer - a brilliant lawyer named Debora Miller that later becomes one of Yael's contacts. Debora instructed the man to drop the gun and comlink to a garbage can and be picked up in a nearby pub. Despite her injury, Yael picked up the gun and comlink and then limped home , Larry was too frightened to save her but took her to a doctor that treated her. The gunshot left a small mark on her abdomen, missing her internal organs.

Since she recovered, she practiced with the gun - having a quality gun changed her life for the better. No longer would she be afraid of bullies. It was an equalizer and she made sure that her hands were skilled enough to keep herself alive. Despite that, Yael has never assaulted a person not out of self-defense. She lacks any form of a desire to physically hurt people (though she really enjoys stealing from people).

She awakened at 15 and kept it a secret. She heard voices and initially thought she was losing her mind. Her mentor spirit, Bear - or the protector reflects her intrinsic desire to protect her 'pack' at all cost. In her world, there are few people that matter and she needs to keep them safe no matter what. She sees her brother Larry as a failure for not stepping up to save her and thinks that she would have attacked instead. Bear does not speak much to Yael as that terrifies her to the core. He guides her from distance, helps her be strong and endure whatever life dishes out on her. Pushes her to hone her skills and then use her powerful health magic to further augment what she can naturally do.

Yael could not develop her gifts, the only magical skill she naturally learned how to use was astral sensing. Which she mastered with dedication and love. The act of projecting is enjoyable and 'ticklish' to her and has enabled her to work better. Specifically, while Yael kept her awakenedness secret, she approached Debora and convinced her to give her a break. (Mildly blackmailing her). Yael would then asense Debora's clients for a few coins and favors, usually not leaving her bed.

At the age of 17, Yael discovered that she could cast spells - Bear unveiled to her first spell the healing spell. It changed her life. She understood that she had a lottery card - she was a full mage with almost limitless potential. Though born to a family of car thieves there was little she could do to develop that gift. She used the heal spell as her way to practice her craft, healing wounded gangers and Mafiosi. This forced her out of the closet, made her popular on one side - but feared on the other. Since she came out as a mage, Yael felt alien - her own family feared, envied or whatever it was they felt. She was an outsider, deep in their hearts they knew that the young and talented mage would not be stopped.

Indeed, at the age of 18, Yael took the first major risk. A debit to leg- breakers a quality SIN nicked Anna and a fake high-school diploma with honors. It was enough to get her accepted to a mediocre and cooperate funded 'Magic for practitioners' degree in Seattle's University. The education plan was aimed at corporate need from wage mages, training them as bodyguards, security or utility mages. Unable to work, and struggling to pay the Mafia in time as well as to pay the university Yael focused on the magic arts that did not require reagents. To this day, she is slightly biased against the use of these, feeling that it is a shortcut for those that do not want to work enough.

== Concept ==
An attractive theif, shadowruns because she likes the excitement. Physically aroused by stealing things and being exposed. Deep inside, she has an intrinsic desire to be strong - and to protect her friends and family. Desires aside, at the moment she does not feel powerful or dangerous. Yet, she is naturally agile and skilled with a gun - it kept her safe but is probably not enough for a career criminal.

== Contacts ==
Debora Miller (Criminal Lawyer), Seattle (Connection: 4, Loyalty: 1)

Little Jim (Talismonger), (Connection: 5, Loyalty: 1)

Moni 'No Show' Naor, (Connection: 1, Loyalty: 3)
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post Jul 15 2018, 08:46 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 539
Joined: 15-July 18
From: Germany
Member No.: 221,430

Name: Raphael Federer, or short "Raph"
Alias: Wraith
Gender: Male
Alter: 24
Metatype: Norm
Magic: Christian Theurgist

[ Spoiler ]

=== General Stats ===
Initiative 9+1d6
Astral Initiative 10 + 2D6
Physical Condition Monitor: 10
Stun Condition Monitor 11
Resist with WIL+CHA (11)
Judge Intentions: 10
Carryweight: 30kg + [6]x10kg
Assensing: 8/10
Perception: 9(visual) / 10(audio)

Mental [(Logic x 2) + Intuition + Willpower] / 3 = 5
Physical [(Strength x 2) + Body + Reaction] / 3 = 4
Social [(Charisma x 2) + Willpower + Essence] / 3 = 7

=== Attributes ===
STR 1+1….…..3 (15 Karma: 2 ->3)

=== Skills ===
Binding 6 (Air, +2) Pool: 12/14
Banishing 6 (Fire, 2) Pool: 12/14
Summoning 6 (Air, +2) Pool: 12/14
Counterspelling 6 (Combat, 2) Pool: 12/14
Spellcasting 6 (Detection, 2) Pool: 12/14
Arcana 1 (2Karma) Pool:
Assensing 3 (Read Aura, 2) Pool: 9/11
Alchemy 1 (2Karma; MS:+2) Pool: 9
Con 6 Pool: 11
Negotiating 5 Pool: 10
Etiquette 5 Pool: 10
Leadership 5 Pool: 10
Intimidation 5 Pool: 9
Impersonation 2 Pool: 7
Pilot Groundcraft 3 (Bikes, 2) Pool: 7/9
Pistols 5 (Heavy Pistols, 2) Pool: 9/11
Sneaking 2 Pool: 6
Perception 4 Pool: 8
Computer 1 (2Karma) Pool: 4
Disguise 1 Pool: 6
Survival 1 (2Karma) Pool: 4
Running 1 (2Karma) Pool: 4
Swimming 1 (2Karma) Pool: 4

=== Knowledge Skills ===
German (N)
English 5
Magical Theory 2 (Magical Goods, 2)
Theology 2
Local Gangs 2
Political Science 1
Drugs 1
Smuggling Routes 2
Pubs 1 (1 Karma)

=== Qualities ===

Mentor Spirit: Saint Laurentius (Fire-Bringer): 5 (+2 to Alchemy, +2 manipulation spells, WIL+CHA (3) to deny help)
Spirit Affinity (air) 7 (+1 service, +1 for binding-tests; may attack me less maliciously)
First Impression (11) (+2 to social tests on first encounter)

Moderate addiction to Zen: -9
Code of Honor: Won't harm innocent bystanders (-15)
Driven (2): tries to find Sophie's murderer; +1WIL when working on it

=== MAGIC ===
Spells :
Lightning Bolt 12D(Focus:+2)
Petrify /Pillar of salt 14D
Detect Enemies, Extended 14D
Physical Barrier 14D
Mind Probe 14D
Mindnet, Extended 14D
Influence 14D
Shapechange 14D
Stunbolt 12D(Focus:+2)
Heal 12D

Centering (11 Karma): +1 resisting drain if loud, focused prayer is involved

Aeraziel, Bound Spirit of Air (Force 6, 3-3 services) (3K) (Optional powers: Elemental Attack, Fear; Spells: Health)
Haruspel, Bound Spirit of Guidance (Force 6, 2-1 services) (2K) (Optional Powers: Influence, Engulf; Spells: Manipulation)
Undiel: Bound Spirit of Water (Force 6, 2-1 Services; disrupted for 22d after Linz) (2K) (Optional Powers: Binding, Energy Aura; Spells: Detection)

=== Equipment ===
Lined coat 900 (Arm:9)
Vashon Island Ace of Cups 1600 (Arm:9, Social Limit +1)
Armor Jacket (Arm:12) 1000
Full Helmet 500 (Arm:+3)
Ares Predator V + Silencer & Personalized Grip1625 (Accuracy: 6 (8); Damage:8P AP: –1; SA; Ammo: 15; -4 against perception tasks)
Ammo: 30x regular (600), 15x gel (375)
Suzuki Mirage (8500) (Handling: 5/3, Speed: 6, Acc:3, Body: 5, Armor: 6)
Erika Elite + Sim Module (2.600)
Microcamera + select sound filter (350)
Concealable Quick-Draw-Holster (275)
10 doses Zen (50)
Glasses Rating 4 (vision-magnification, low-light-vision, image-link) (1275)
Ear Buds Rating 3 (Audio-Enhancement1, Select-Sound-Filter) (900)
Trodes (70)
Gloves (10), biker's mask & 5 pairs of Single-Use-Gloves
20 reagents (400)
Magical Lodge Force 2 (1000)
Flashlight & Survival Kit (225)
Metalink (25)
1x Stimpatch4 (100), 1x Antidote Patch3 (150)

2.435 Nuyen

Summoning-Focus (Air) Power 2 (4 Karma, N8000)
Spellcasting-Focus (Combat) Power 2 (4 Karma, N8000)

Fake SIN Rating 4 (10000): Raphael Altmann
Fake License Rating 3 (600): Awakened
Fake License Rating 3 (600): Possession of firearm
Fake License Rating 3 (600): Concealed Carrying
Fake License Rating 3 (600): Use [Stunbolt]

Middle (5000) + Local Bar Patron (Nikolai; 25) + Garage (100)
-> 1m/5125

Loot and rewards:
Ballistic Mask (Armor +2) (Warehouse)
- Smartlink
- Thermographic Vision
- Low-Light Vision
- Vision Enhancement 3
Hermes Ikon Commlink (Warehouse)

10.000-9.500= 500€ (Payment Nacl)
Morphing License Plate, a Spoof Chip and Run Flat Tires (Abdecker)
Fake Sin Rating 3 (Abdecker)

20.000-3000= 17.000€ (Abdecker)
Bought reagents already spent

=== Kontakte ===
Georg Schraff, AKA “Grinch” (Connection 4, Loyalty 4): His former Roommate, now a drug-dealer and leader of a neo-anarchistic gang.
[ Spoiler ]

Nikolai (Connection 3, Loyalty 3): Bartender, fixer.
[ Spoiler ]

Silvia AKA “Glyphe” (Connection 3, Loyalty: 4): Fence, talismonger.
[ Spoiler ]

Harald Märle (Connection 3, Loyalty 3): Policeman and husband to his deceased friend and mentor Sophie Märle.
[ Spoiler ]

Herr Böhm (Connection 1, Loyalty 2): Excorcist.
[ Spoiler ]

=== Appearance & Demeanor===
Rather small and slim, Raph isn't quite an imposing figure. He has a pale skin and dark, brown hair, that he parts sideways uninspiredly, his eyes are of a cold greyish blue. He is only in his mid-twenties and appears to be a friendly and self-secure fellow, but if you carefully look behind the social first impression, you might notice that already one or two of his mouse-brown hairs have turned silver and that his face looks a little worn-down like a man who's sonstantly tired. His voice is usually calm, and he tends to avoid slang terms, a habit from his time as vendor at Sophie’s shop that never fully died.

He consideres his spirits sacred entities and would never send a spirit just to do the dishes etc.

=== Background ===
[ Spoiler ]
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+Quote Post
post Jul 16 2018, 10:03 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

Group: Members
Posts: 846
Joined: 19-July 17
Member No.: 211,063

Name/Alias: Christoph Danielson / Sharkboy
Remaining Karma: 0 Total Karma: 0 Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 0 Nuyen: 598

Metatype D, Attributes A, Magic C, Skills A, Resources B

Metatype: Human, Changeling (Class II Surge)
Height 1.88 (listed 1.93) Weight 110kg (listed 118) Skin: White, bronze tan Eyes: Blue Hair: Brown

Attributes: B: 3 A: 6(9) R: 5(7) S: 5(8 ) C: 4 I: 4 L: 2 W: 3 Magic: 3(3) Ess: 3 Edge: 3
Derived Stats: Comp 7, Judge 8, Mem 5, Move 18/36, Lift/Carry 11
Limits: Physical 9, Mental 4, Social 5
Physical Init: 9(11)+1d6(3d6)

Armor 18 Defense 9(12) Soak 25
Condition Monitor: 10/10 Phys, 10/10 Stun

Positive Qualities: Biocompatibility (Bioware), Mentor Spirit (Shark), Natural Athlete, Burnout's Way
Negative Qualities: Addiction (Mild) (Dopamine), Code of Honor (Luchador's Code: May never take off mask, Must keep kayfabe, Must always give a good show/appear larger than life), Did you just call me dumb?, Records on file 1 (Horizon Group), SINner (National) (UCAS), Vendetta (Curry Man and The Addiction)
Metagenic Qualities: Electroception, Gills (Full), Nasty Vibe. Berserker, Critter Spook, Unusual Hair

Active Skills
*Stealth Group 4
*Influence Group 6

Skill - Rating(Augmented)
Archery - 15 (19) [Bows] (Smartlink)
Throwing Weapons- 10
Unarmed Combat - 17(19) [Jiu Jitsu]

Escape Artist- 10
Gymnastics- 17
Palming - 13
Percepttion - 10(13) (Earbuds and Contacts)
Running - 11
Sneaking - 13
Swimming - 9

Disguise - 8
Etiquette - 10
Intimidation - 12
Leadership - 10
Con - 10
Performance - 10
Negotiation - 10

Knowledge Skills:
Skill - Rating(Augmented)
Corporation: Horizon Group 5(7) [Corporate Politics]
Small Unit Tactics - 8

English N
Japanese 5(7) [Speak]
Spanish 5(7) [Speak]

Martial Arts
Jiu Jitsu: Called Shot(Disarm), Clinch, Thrown Person, Sweep

Adept Powers:
Power Points Used/Total: 3/3
Combat Sense 1 - 0.5
Improved Reflexes 2 - 2.5
Killing Hands - Free

Mentor Spirit: Shark Unarmed Combat+2, Free Killing Hands
Might go berserk when you take Physical damage in combat. Every time it happens, make a Simple Charisma + Willpower Test (wound modifiers apply).You go berserk for 3 turns minus 1 turn per hit, so 3 or more hits averts the berserk rage entirely. If you’re already going berserk, increase the duration. When you’re berserk, you go after your attacker(s) without regard for your own safety. If you run out of targets before the time’s up, you keep attacking their bodies.


Bone Density Augmentation 4
Damage Compensators 1
Muscle Augmentation 3
Muscle Toner 3
Orthoskin 3
Platlet Factories
Striking Callus (Both feet, Both hands)

Earbuds (Audio Enhancement 3)
Contacts (Vision Enhance 3)

5 Meta Link (Rating 1)
Transys Avalon (Rating 6)

Licenses and Identification
UCAS SIN: Christoph Danielson
Fake SIN R6: DM Rollings
- Fake License R6 (Adept License)
- Fake License R6 (Restricted Biowared License)
- Fake License R6 (Weapon License

Medical Equipment
Medkit Rating 3
1 Trauma Patch
5 Dopadrine

Certified Credstick, Silver

  • Mortimer of London Berwick Suit 11 (YNT Softweave, Shock Weave, Gel Packs) [3/8 Capacity used]
    w/ Argentum Coat 12/+4 (YNT Softweave, Nonconductivy 4, Insulation 4, Fire Resistance 4) [12/21 Capacity used]
  • Custom Ballistic Mask +2 (YNT Softweave, Repirator R6, Micro Transceiver, Omni Directional Microphone, Vision Magnification, Flare Compensation) [7/12 Capacity used]
  • Form Fitting Body Armor 10 (YNT Softweave, Gel Packs, Biomonitor, Nonconductivity 4)
  • Securetech PPP Vitals/Arms/Legs Kit +1/+1/+1
  • Misc: Ski Mask

Melee Weapons:
Acc [Phys] DV 13P AP - Reach 1

Ranged Weapons:
Bow R8 (Smartgun System, Melee Hardening, Personalized Grip, Gecko Grip)
Acc 6(9) DV 10P AP -2 RC 4 Mode SS Ammo 1 Avail 10R Conceal +8
Range (Short 0-8, Medium 9-80, Long 81-240, Extreme 241-480)

Ammunition (Arrows all Rating 8 )
10 Arrow, Barbed Head
8 Arrow, Explosive Head
5 Arrow Stick-n-Shock w/Static Shaft
2 Arrow, Screamer Head

2 Flash-Bang Greande
2 Flash-Pak
2 Smoke Grenade
2 Thermal Smoke Grenade

Lifestyle - Traveler
Housing - Sheraton Hilton Munich
C - 2
A - 2
S - 2
Positive - Extra Secure, One Good Thing About This Place (Public Transport)
Entertainments (Discreet Deliveryman, Gymn)
Grid Subscription (Public Grid)

4,000/month. 1 Month paid.

Kennedy Vincent (WWWF Corporate Manager) C5 L2
Kristen Aroman (Street Doc) C2 L5
Tim Haber (European Wrestling Promoter) C3 L1
Mae Young (Stripper) C2 L1
"The Godfather" (Pimp/Drug Dealer) C2 L1

Background & Description
Not exceptionally tall, but exceptionally well built, Christoph's massive augmentation to his musculature is instantly visible, as are is the shark skin that runs over his entire body, and the gills on the sides of his neck. If someone was able to look past that they'd see a condifent man with a bronzed physique and deep blue eyes that remind you of resort oceans. That and hair so vibrantly purple a betta fish would call it gaudy. He usually wears a suit that's just what heels do.

Born in Philidelphia in the mid 2050s, Christoph Danielson grew up worshipping wrestling icons like Abdullah the Elf Butcher and The Masked Tiger. They seemed like superheros to him. Ones that didn't die due to bad luck like a trideo star street samurai. As he got older and his Surge expressed itself in 2061, the Masked Tiger became particularly appealing. He was the closest thing Christoph saw to a representation of Changlings as a hero in trid media. Cristoph realized later how much of his costume was prosthetics and augmentation, but as a child he still found his character inspiring. Life didn't become easier when his magical talents started to show themselves. Already a freak, Christoph rejected them. He rarely practiced and trained them, and instead saw chrome and bioware as his way to become more normal.

Cristoph learned to fight by others getting into fights with him, and eventually got his parents to buy him lessons in Jui Jitsu so that he could "defend himself." It wasn't long before Christoph was the one starting fights, and had learned to embrace the hatred thrown his way when he taunted his opponent and the crowd that gathers whenever a fight starts. When he learned the full depths of the theatrical nature of professional wrestling, it became an obvious career path. Christoph would get paid to fight mostly controlled matches (the sport had become more violent tomaintain audience attention), could travel the world, and wrestling promoters didn't give a damn he had gills and pissed off every animal in the back as long as he knew how to fight and entertain a crowd as Great White Shark

When he finally got his foot in the door of the largest promotion in North America, the WWWF (Western World Wrestling Federation, a Subsidiary of The Horizon Group), he realized how far he was from the top. It seemed nearly every other wrestler was augmented, even if in some minor way. The promotion had offered augmentation to him as a cursory step when he arrived, not expecting an adept to accept, but Christoph accepted augmentation with wild abandon, especially when he discovered he was actually uniquely suited to accept bioware. There was another problem, though.

Curry Man and the Addiction. A midcard faction that had political pull behind the scenes, and who just so happened Changelings. On more than a few occasions they would stiff Great White Shark both inside and outside the ring, often in situations where it wasn't called for. One thing lead to another, and Sharkboy found himself coming to with a hand clinching the dislocated arm near dead and extremely bloodly member of the Addiction in the middle of the ring. If Sharkboy hadn't been booked to win the match, he probably would have been blackballed for life. As it was, it was only a multiple year ban from the show.

However, other independent bookers were more than willing to take a look at the now controversial wrestler using the name Sharkboy, as long as he played a heel character. It meant more travel and less pay for Christoph, and after getting dragged into a confrontration with some thugs for his dopadrine dealer (an easy habit to pick up when you're getting knocked silly every few days), he realized the market value of muscle for illicit activities. His job allowed for travel, he had control over when he was working, and he always covered his face, Shadowrunning as a side-job seemed an easy decision.

"Who's reallly going to want to mess with a shark-man, anyway?"

Kayfabe The wikipedia article on kayfabe is linked, but I'll sum it up. If a wrestling promoter/promoters are asking for my character to be a rudo/heel/dickhead the character will need to be a dickhead both in and out of work. If they want him to be a tecnico/face then he's going to be a good person, not want to do ambushes, and be a bit naive (and use this as entrance music).

Jack, as GM/NPC controller has a role in deciding what Sharkboy's alignment will be and when he will turn face/heel. He has requested for the first run that he is a heel. It is very unlikely to change during this run.
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post Jul 23 2018, 11:46 AM
Post #6


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Alright then, let's get this show on the road...
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post Jul 23 2018, 09:33 PM
Post #7

Shooting Target

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I just tried and failed to upload an avatar. Is there something special you have to do? I can only choose from a predefined list.
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post Jul 23 2018, 09:43 PM
Post #8


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That option seems to have been deactiavted.
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post Jul 24 2018, 09:49 AM
Post #9

Shooting Target

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You got me hooked. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) This is really exciting!
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post Jul 24 2018, 10:58 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Question concerning the combat rules: Corebook p. 178, Firing modes "Semi-Automatics" (and others) state that the simple action of shooting "cannot be combined with other attack actions the same Action phase". For mundane characters, so far so obvious. But does this restriction also forbid reckless spellcasting?

And i spells are forbidden: Which spells count as an "attack"? Just Combat Spells, and other spells like hostile Manipulation Spells (e.g. Petrify) don't count as an attack and are therefore allowed?
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post Jul 24 2018, 11:05 AM
Post #11


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Basically anything that can be used to harm someone or actively influence the opponent. Why, what do you want to do?
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post Jul 24 2018, 11:17 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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Ok, thanks.

No worries, nothing for now (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
Was just unsure what was meant by "attacks" and where to draw the line, especially with Raph's Manipulation Spells like Influence and Petrify and thought I'd rather get clarifications before we get into a combat situation.
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post Jul 24 2018, 12:32 PM
Post #13

Shooting Target

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Can you give me a raw sketch of the floor? Where are we, where are the stairs, where is the car, where are the boons?
Also, could you please give a rough description of the scene: What vehicles and/or drones are there? How are they protected? How many people are there beside us? Are they actively and ostentatively chasing us and we running for our lives, or is it more of a barely visible shoving and gender pulling through the crowd? Have people realized what's going on? How do the guests react? What about securities?

For now, my intention was not to take heel and storm out but to vanish in an oblivious crowd. Is it too late for that?

That's also what bnc's body language indicated, in case that was unclear. She definitely didn't want her to go astral and draw attention when she whispered "get out of here, spell-defense". Well, anyway. Please help me find out whether this is a combat situation, a chase or just a discreet pursuit

Also, how much hacking can I reasonably do'm
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post Jul 24 2018, 12:47 PM
Post #14

Great Dragon

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Well, bnc surprised Anna with the running for our live bit... She still has no idea what is going on.
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post Jul 24 2018, 12:53 PM
Post #15


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I don't know if you've ever been to the museum, but it's kind of amazing from an architectural point of view: http://www.atelier-brueckner.com/de/bmw-museum

Basically you are on the second to highest level in the bowl http://www.atelier-brueckner.com/sites/def...g?itok=XbYT3KfG

The floor winds up in a spiral with an open center.
The two guys with the mage are above you on the spiral, the chip head is below. The mage and his team haven't done anything so far but scan the crowd - and now look at Anna since she started assensing them.

The Chiphead is moving purposefully towards bnc - not fast, but determined. Fading in the crowd doesn't seem to work - maybe because Anna has a drone floating over her head. Beside that one there are no other drones up here.
There are lot of vehicles around, but those are museum pieces with no hackable parts.

There are other floating drones within 100m, but in different rooms.

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post Jul 24 2018, 02:41 PM
Post #16

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 24 2018, 12:47 PM) *
Well, bnc surprised Anna with the running for our live bit... She still has no idea what is going on.

She never said "run for your life", but whispered "get out, spell defense". Well, anyway, it's done and I don't blame you (bnc will, however (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) )

@Jack okay, thanks for the clarifications. Are there as few people as shown on the image or is it an actual crowd?

@gilga I don't know why you are thinking bnc is running. She is not and has never been. She softly whispered to you to get out, then rolled a Sneak check. She's not running, she's trying to blend in .
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post Jul 24 2018, 03:04 PM
Post #17

Great Dragon

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I just did not read it correctly, sorry I can edit.
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post Jul 24 2018, 03:18 PM
Post #18


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I'd call it a moderate crowd: About 60 or so people on the upper plattform and about 40 on the one where you are. The Isetta is the car directly north of you.
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post Jul 24 2018, 03:19 PM
Post #19

Shooting Target

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Nah, it's okay. Too much has happened and I didn't indicate the whispering clearly either. We can just say that bnc's suddenly alarmed voice made Anna jumpy. She misinterpreted bnc's intentions and thought of fleeing rather than hiding. It's a tense situation and Anna had to decide in the blink of an eye what to do.
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post Jul 24 2018, 04:37 PM
Post #20


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Nacl already gave you his contact and that of the hacker.
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post Jul 24 2018, 09:26 PM
Post #21

Shooting Target

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What about the drone that's hovering over us? Can I, even with eye contact, not mark it?

"The Chiphead is moving purposefully towards bnc - not fast, but determined. Fading in the crowd doesn't seem to work - maybe because Anna has a drone floating over her head"
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post Jul 24 2018, 09:34 PM
Post #22


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Sorry, you did not specify that you wanted to hack that drone. The chiphead does not have a drone. Also you'd have to spend a simple action on Matrix Perception first. As soon as you do that you'll realize that this drone (a simple Horizon Flying Eye) is slaved to the local security host and currently following and filming autonomously Anna's activities.
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post Jul 24 2018, 09:43 PM
Post #23

Shooting Target

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Ah, you mean the fragging security drone xD
No, I'm not interested in that one (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Several questions, though:
Is the Ivetta online? Can I hack it?
What dice pool does it have? (i.e. If I have to make a Matrix Perception first: Matrix Perception: 15d6t5 9
Tell me everything ^^ especially what a defense dice pool I have to expect
If I can attack it directly: Please either count that roll I have already rolled or I'll reroll).
I have found no stats. What kind of car is it?
Are there any guards?
If I can get to the Ivetta: Is the processor there?
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post Jul 24 2018, 09:43 PM
Post #24

Shooting Target

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[wrong thread]
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post Jul 24 2018, 09:52 PM
Post #25


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Sorry, as I wrote before: the Museum pieces are not functional.

If you want a hint: I described two prominent devices, that are certainly not slaved to a host
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