AAARGHH MY FACE!, Taking the time to hurt |
AAARGHH MY FACE!, Taking the time to hurt |
Dec 2 2003, 02:55 PM
Ain Soph Aur Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 3,477 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Montreal, Canada Member No.: 600 |
Something's been bothering me about getting hurt: pain! It's always bothered me that characters can, in the span of 3 seconds, get shot several times and return fire with little to no problem. I think, after getting wounded, you should make some sort of test to see if the character loses one or several actions moaning in pain, screaming, looking around confused, etc. This is sort of like Raygun's rule about combat shock or whatever it's called. You'd think having a slug impact against your skin might cause you to grab your arm in pain for a little bit before resuming shooting the mofo that just did this to you. Something like a willpower vs TN of 2x the wound level (i.e moderate wound = TN4 and Serious = TN6)... Yes, no?
Dec 2 2003, 02:59 PM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
That's pretty much what the wound penalty represents. Adding something more severe pretty much guarantees that once you get hit, you're going to die.
Dec 2 2003, 03:02 PM
Manus Celer Dei Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 17,008 Joined: 30-December 02 From: Boston Member No.: 3,802 |
You lose Initiative to the degree of your wound modifier. Between that and the fact that everything suddenly becomes harder, I'd say that's enough of a penalty.
~J |
Dec 2 2003, 03:08 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,428 Joined: 9-June 02 Member No.: 2,860 |
I'll vote "No," fairly emphatically.
Shadowrun is one of the few games that I've seen with "pain" rules built into the system, very integral to the system. You have representations built right into the skill and combat systems of how badly your actions are modified by pain and injury. If a PC takes a bad bruise (light wound or medium stun), he is hampered from performing his tasks very clearly and distinctly. In most games, you have to go digging for optional rules to find the effects of pain. Some, like classic versions of DnD, let you function normally until you're nearly dead. Not Shadowrun. You cannot read the combat section of the main book and miss that, when your PC gets hurt, the pain affects virtually every action. Target numbers climb up as the PC struggles with pain and the actual damage of injuries. (A medium physical wound to an unarmored individual may involve cut tendons. On top of the pain, the damaged limb simply doesn't work right. On the other hand, a medium physical wound to someone with armor may represent a bad bruise/hemotoma and cracked ribs which do not actually inhibit motions, but hurt like a bastard.) That reflects injured arms trying to hold a gun steady on a distant target, trying to flex bruised abdomenal (sp) muscles while breaking free of a hold in unarmed combat, or trying to bypass a maglock with a skull still ringing after being pistol-whipped. The only people who technically ignore those "pain/shock/confusion" effects are those with various forms of pain tolerance, be it magical (physad pain tolerance), technological (damage compensators), or just Hollywood Action Star Manliness (the edge pain tolerance). The game system has pain effects built in. It is up to the players to take note of how badly they are hampered (+1 to TN from a minor wound, +3 from a gut shot, etc.) and then describe how their characters are behaving in response to the pain. Personally, I let the numbers speak for me in combat. IMO, combat is one of the worst times to roleplay because it is the most rules- and rollplaying-intensive part of the game. After combat, sure, I'll describe my PCs' response to injuries, and interpret good or bad skill rolls based on the level of injury. ("Flubbed my electronics test. I guess I didn't get the maglock open - must've been that pistol-whipping.") |
Dec 2 2003, 03:28 PM
Dragon Group: Members Posts: 4,138 Joined: 10-June 03 From: Tennessee Member No.: 4,706 |
Actually, come to think of it, the knockdown/back rules are pretty well indicitive of being stunned by a hit.
Dec 2 2003, 03:29 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 19 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Near Norwich, GB Member No.: 1,659 |
There (if my memory works today) a rule in MechWarrior third edition about this sort of 'shock' - an injured person had to spend a simple action recovering for the shock of a wound - this slowed down the game and was a pain in the behind so my group dumped it
My not humble opinion is that the TN penalty is good enough and it works nicely so why change what isn't broken ferrit }lurking again for the next six months{ |
Dec 2 2003, 04:04 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,889 Joined: 3-August 03 From: A CPI rank 1 country Member No.: 5,222 |
If I was to include a system for this, I'd use the system almost exactly like Raygun has it written up here, except that I'd just make the character reroll his Willpower every action until s/he manages a success. Until s/he does, s/he won't be capable of doing much more than perhaps screaming and writhing. Also, since I don't like Edges that much, I'd probably use a skill instead for Combat Experience, which could give its rating in dice for the Shock test.
However, making the skill Active would mean that people would almost assuredly not get it above level 1 or 2, making it Knowledge would lead to everyone having it at 6. So I guess an Edge might be better after all. But then at least I'd allow character to buy it in-game. Level x 2 extra dice for the Shock test? Or perhaps -1 TN for the test per level? (No rules for it on Raygun's site, yet.) With a cost of 1 point per level, max lvl 4? In-game cost 5 karma/level? 10/level? (Can't remember the official amount of karma to get rid of a Flaw.) [Edit]Oops. Actually, I would change one more thing: I'd force the Shock test even when you only take Light damage. And I don't think Knockdown is a good system for this, since it only makes you MOVE, it doesn't affect your ability to fight, other than the possible +2TN for actions when you can't back up enough; and Knockdown is about Body, Shock about Willpower.[/Edit] It's not very likely that I'll use that kind of a rule right now, maybe next time we start a modern/future game. This post has been edited by Austere Emancipator: Dec 2 2003, 04:11 PM |
Dec 2 2003, 04:05 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 511 Joined: 30-May 03 From: Tulsa, OK Member No.: 4,652 |
yeah, I think making use of the knockdown rules in conjunction with the normal wound level modifiers do a great job of simulating pain in every sense except the roleplaying sense.
Dec 2 2003, 04:45 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,685 Joined: 17-August 02 Member No.: 3,123 |
I keep my players hooked up to electrodes (taped to their forearm) throughout the whole game. When their character feels pain, I shock them. Does wonders for the roleplaying.
Strangely enough, they all became stealth experts with all sorts of abilities and gizmos to avoid combat. Weird. |
Dec 2 2003, 04:53 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,047 Joined: 12-November 03 From: Perilously close to the Sioux Nation. Member No.: 5,818 |
That's lame. I have implanted them all with an electrical system that operates directly on their nervous system in equivalence for their character's pain.
And I make them all play street samurais. |
Dec 2 2003, 04:54 PM
Ain Soph Aur Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 3,477 Joined: 26-February 02 From: Montreal, Canada Member No.: 600 |
The current penalities are indeed very good, but the inntial shock of the hit isn't really covered. I mean, -2 init isn't exactly a major shock (unless you go from 11 to 9.. hehe).
So I am tending more towards what Austere is saying. But I wouldn't make a skill or anything like that to help. Maybe use karma/10 to represent the fact that experience helps deal with it, but I'm not sure about it. The idea is that combat sammies wouldn't really get slowed down by anything except Serious wounds, but hitting a ganger with a moderate or light wound would disable him until he manages to focus again. |
Dec 2 2003, 04:57 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,685 Joined: 17-August 02 Member No.: 3,123 |
Why not just double or otherwise change the initiative penalties?
Dec 2 2003, 04:57 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,428 Joined: 9-June 02 Member No.: 2,860 |
So use the existing knockdown rules. |
Dec 2 2003, 05:22 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 639 Joined: 22-April 02 Member No.: 2,638 |
Mmmmmm... yummy knockdown rules....
>Spookymonster grabs his Roomsweeper loaded with Bolo rounds< [edit] ...or was it Gel rounds? I always forget which is better... |
Dec 2 2003, 11:48 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 142 Joined: 2-December 03 Member No.: 5,871 |
What about knockdown from grenades or explosives that are fully soaked? say the gren go's off, but you resist the damage (somehow) do you just whipe the dust off and emerge from the smoke like super hero? or go flying back into the wall? Hmm had this hought when mini grenades were being fully soaked on a dock . Boat to boat combat. I would think, if the wood didnt eveaporate, you be tossed off without passing an athletics/quickness test? Maybe I should have started another thread, but This seems to fit here.
Dec 2 2003, 11:53 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 511 Joined: 30-May 03 From: Tulsa, OK Member No.: 4,652 |
Soaking the damage and being knocked down by the hit are seperate from each other from my reading of the knockdown stuff. And then of course with the dock, it has a barrier rating, if it gets blown up and the characters are on it, they're probably going to be trying to swim shortly, unless they were on the edge of the blast radius and had a chance to make it to stable footing really quickly.
Dec 3 2003, 12:00 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 608 Joined: 9-July 02 From: California Member No.: 2,955 |
I double the init penalty, myself. And once I spilled a Coke on my players pain electrodes. Wow, that was funny.
For me. Not them. |
Dec 3 2003, 12:16 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 142 Joined: 2-December 03 Member No.: 5,871 |
Okay then. My GM's have never done knockdown unless you took the damage. Thanks for clearing that up.
Dec 3 2003, 12:28 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 413 Joined: 20-November 03 Member No.: 5,835 |
:grinbig: I suddenly see this edge in a whole new light. =) Though ... makes you wonder ... better to have some pain tolerance and a lower Body, or better to have high body and no pain tolerance? (Hmm, maybe this isn't the best time/place to ask that ;)) |
Dec 3 2003, 02:12 AM
Immortal Elf Group: Members Posts: 11,410 Joined: 1-October 03 From: Pittsburgh Member No.: 5,670 |
if you're really cruel, you can rule that the meter or two you get knocked back by a hit counts against your total movement for the turn, and imposes 'attacker walking' penalties.
it's important to make the chars roll knockdown every time they take a hit. yes, it slows gameplay down--but that's the point. a running gun battle between two teams of six or eight characters each should take more than three seconds to resolve. |
Dec 3 2003, 03:20 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 85 Joined: 28-August 03 Member No.: 5,551 |
I think we're forgetting something here.
If I hit my thumb with a hammer, I'll go "ow!", swear, and stop for a moment to let the pain go down. That's definately some sort of action lost. But then, I have a professional rating of 1. Trained combatants may pause for a fraction of a second (as per the initative loss), but nothing more. Almost definately not enough to lose anything more than a free action, and maybe not even that. These people aren't exactly unused to pain and shock, so I'd be far more likely to see training and adrenaline take over in the moment. They'll lose some ability, but not quite an action. I have no problem with noncombatants, and even minor-threat ones, losing actions to pain, but for any shadowrunner or threat worthy of their attention, this sort of thing simply isn't quite as jarring as it would be to your average Dumpshock poster. |
Dec 3 2003, 05:05 AM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,889 Joined: 3-August 03 From: A CPI rank 1 country Member No.: 5,222 |
Nope, we ain't forgetting that.
If you assume that all shadowrunners have gotten shot innumerable times during their lives, then it makes sense never to impose such a shock. I don't. At least I wouldn't consider that to be the norm. I doubt that, if you took a poll on how many times the average RL professional criminal has been shot, you'd end up with a figure greater than maybe a few. Some types are more likely to have been shot a lot. Mercs, sure. Street sammies, why not. Faces? Drone riggers? Deckers? Because there are loads of characters that are very likely not to have had loads of combat experience, it makes absolute sense to me that Combat Experience should be an "Edge", or perhaps a skill. |
Dec 3 2003, 05:09 AM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Or just a role-played part of the character's background. |
Dec 3 2003, 05:39 AM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,889 Joined: 3-August 03 From: A CPI rank 1 country Member No.: 5,222 |
With a group of players that all have a good feeling for what a firefight is like and love playing their roles more than winning? Sure. And in a game like that, you can get rid of Knockdown too, and a lot of other rules. And that's a far better state of things than having to rule things to hammer some sense into them. Unfortunately, a lot of games are not like that. |
Dec 3 2003, 05:48 AM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Why is it possible for someone to have certain things in their background, but as soon as it comes to prior combat excperience you have a problem with it?
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