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> Different Clip Sizes, and assoted ramblings
post Jan 21 2004, 10:27 PM
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According to SR3, clips cost 5 :nuyen: . They don't vary by capacity or calibre. So then could I purchase a larger clip for around double the capacity? For instance, the Savalette, keep that 15 shot clip for everyday use and the 5 Conceal it provides but on a heavy run (full armor, SMGs, what have you, even if you're sneaking in) where its your backup, why not have 30 rounds if you don't car about the Conceal. Like the Glock MP or the HK USP/MP.

Better yet, a SMG or AR thats drum-fed. I don't know what kind of effects that has on aim/balance/etc. I've just been seeing them an awful lot in movies/TV/etc. In my defense, I tend to think of SR like that. It can be an over the top action or a suspenseful mystery but it all still reminds me of a TV show or a movie.

Same thing for the Opposite. I'm a big fan of the M20T Smartgun. Its probably the most cost effective gun out there. But I don't like the Conceal rating at 5. Don't get me wrong, like it, but i guess I don't agree w/ it. So why not have a 15 shot clip, kinda like they do in RL, if I'm not mistaken. That way I can have it in a quick release sling (barrel pointed down) and not have to worry about the clip sicking out in the back (-2 to Con). Or, if you like the Conceal rating where it is, just give a bonus. +1 or +2 should be more than enough.

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post Jan 22 2004, 12:36 AM
Post #2

Mostly Harmless

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First of all, the price of 5 ¥ per clip (detachable box magazine) is pretty rediculous for a brand new magazine for just about any firearm. Even though they usually are only pieces of formed, heat-treated sheet steel or molded plastic and springs, they tend to cost more than five bucks to produce, let alone distribute. I say magazines cost 15 ¥ per mag at the very least, with most being 25 ¥. Still nominal, but not quite so silly. Depending upon how heavily restricted firearms are in a particular region (if you bother with that sort of thing), you might bump costs up with a Street Index of at least 2. Of course, used magazines are generally cheaper.

As for higher-capacity magazines being available, they certainly should be for most auto/semi-auto firearms. Reduced capacity magazines should be available as well. For instance, AK-based rifles normally use a 30-round magazine. There are 5, 10, 20, 40, and 55 round magazines commonly available for 7.62x39mm AK rifles. These magazines, especially the 30-40 rounders, seem to be coming out of people's ears these days, but you're still unlikely to find a new one for less than ten bucks.

As a general rule, I would say that extended magazines are available at +35% capacity (round down) for +50% cost at no loss to concealability. So you could get a 16-round extended magazine for your Savalette Guardian for 22.50 ¥ (45 ¥ in the more restricted regions). Beyond that capacity, I would start chopping off conceal points.

Reduced capacity magazines won't make any difference in concealability for pistols, but for some SMGs, assault rifles and battle rifles, it might be more logical to knock off a point. For most, it shouldn't make any difference. But for some, like the Ingram 20t and other smallish, through-grip magazine SMGs, it should. I don't allow the 5 Conceal Rating for the Ingram unless it is using 15-20 round magazines, and I consider the "normal" 32 round magazine to be extended, with a -1 conceal. Using an even higher capacity magazine (43 rounds using the rules above) might call for an additional -1 conceal. Just a judgement call there.

C-Mags, very high capacity (100 rounds), dual-drum magazines, are available for most assault/battle rifles and some SMGs in my games. 200 ¥, -2 Conceal, +2 kg (SMG/AR), +3 kg (BR). After hearing numerous tales of misfeeding/jamming problems with C-Mags in Afghanistan and Iraq, I tend to give players trouble if they go crazy with them. But that's up to you.
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post Jan 22 2004, 12:56 AM
Post #3

Running Target

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Actually, I've heard so much bad info about the c-mags, I'm suprised anyone still uses them.
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post Jan 22 2004, 01:11 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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So, generally speaking, in common assault rifle calibers, what is the largest magazine that's also consistant and reliable?
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post Jan 22 2004, 01:18 AM
Post #5

Mostly Harmless

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QUOTE (moosegod)
Actually, I've heard so much bad info about the c-mags, I'm suprised anyone still uses them.

Yeah, I tend to hear more bad than good myself. But then, if people are satisfied, they don't tend to go on about it. As far as the game is concerned, a lot can be solved in 60 years of development time, should you choose to look at it that way.

QUOTE (Centurion)
So, generally speaking, in common assault rifle calibers, what is the largest magazine that's also consistant and reliable?

From what I hear, US troops are commonly told to down-load their 30 round M16/M4 magazines to 28 rounds for reliability reasons. The same magazine is NATO-standardized and is used in the majority of 5.56x45mm rifles in the world. HK recently redesigned the magazine for the SA80A2 rebuild. It has a longer body and is designed to reliably feed all 30 rounds, though I hear they're still having problems with the rifles.

So I guess the answer to your question isn't very cut and dry. I've personally used several different manufacturer's magazines in AR15's (semi-auto M16). Sometimes I have problems, sometimes I don't. It's a crapshoot. On the other side, I have several 30-round magazines for an AKM I've had for almost a year now (and put upwards of 2,000 rounds through at this point) and it has yet to jam or misfeed on me.
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post Jan 22 2004, 01:51 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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Raygun is on the money for real life and gives good advice on how the rules should work.

...But as far as the rules as written are concerned, you can't buy an 'extended clip'. Instead, you can modify your gun to take extended clips, costing 10 nuyen per extra bullet. To add insult to injury, you need a SHOP to do this, not a kit. Cannon Companion, pg 81. Amusingly enough, this doesn't alter concealability OR weight a bit and there's a flat limit of 50 shots in a clip. Once you've got some spare cash, take your Morrissey Elite to your favorite gun smith and have him multiply that 5 shot clip by 10. For more fun, you may want to take a holdout pistol with a clip to your gun smith and get it a mega clip too.

Note that this will only fly if your GM is psychotic about sticking to canon and/or you drug him first.
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post Jan 22 2004, 01:59 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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For my rifle I've found 20 rounders to be the most reliable. I own several 30s and 50s but they tend to not feed toward the last 5 rounds. This is due to spring fatigue and I can assure you the springs in the 50 rounders fatigue very quickly. I would stick with 20-30 rounders. Oh and don't store them loaded if you dont have a good reason..this accelerates spring fatigue.
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post Jan 22 2004, 02:36 AM
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Raygun Posted on Jan 22 2004, 01:18 AM

Reduced capacity magazines won't make any difference in concealability for pistols, but for some SMGs, assault rifles and battle rifles, it might be more logical to knock off a point. For most, it shouldn't make any difference. But for some, like the Ingram 20t and other smallish, through-grip magazine SMGs, it should. I don't allow the 5 Conceal Rating for the Ingram unless it is using 15-20 round magazines, and I consider the "normal" 32 round magazine to be extended, with a -1 conceal. Using an even higher capacity magazine (43 rounds using the rules above) might call for an additional -1 conceal. Just a judgement call there.

C-Mags, very high capacity (100 rounds), dual-drum magazines, are available for most assault/battle rifles and some SMGs in my games. 200 ¥, -2 Conceal, +2 kg (SMG/AR), +3 kg (BR). After hearing numerous tales of misfeeding/jamming problems with C-Mags in Afghanistan and Iraq, I tend to give players trouble if they go crazy with them. But that's up to you.

Cool. I had been kicking some numbers around in my head and wanted a second opinion. preferably from someone w/ RL experience. Thanks.

Modesitt Posted on Jan 22 2004, 01:51 AM
  Raygun is on the money for real life and gives good advice on how the rules should work.

...But as far as the rules as written are concerned, you can't buy an 'extended clip'. Instead, you can modify your gun to take extended clips, costing 10 nuyen per extra bullet. To add insult to injury, you need a SHOP to do this, not a kit. Cannon Companion, pg 81. Amusingly enough, this doesn't alter concealability OR weight a bit and there's a flat limit of 50 shots in a clip. Once you've got some spare cash, take your Morrissey Elite to your favorite gun smith and have him multiply that 5 shot clip by 10. For more fun, you may want to take a holdout pistol with a clip to your gun smith and get it a mega clip too.

Boooo. :(

BTW, in RL, I am the GM. :) Its just of one the many minor rules that nag at me. Like there's no modifying an existing SA weapon to fire BF or FA. You have to make one from scratch. I don't even know if the CC allows for that!

The idea behind this is that every now and then it'd be cool (if not downright helpful) if the mage (or the Face or the Decker, etc) w/ the pistol could laydown some coverfire. OR put 5 or 6 rounds into the Troll Sam that thinks he's the drek b/c he has Spell defense from his mage. OR put 5 or 6 rounds into that pesky troll mage (the Troll sam's brother, natch) that is providing the Spell Defense.

Actually, I guess there are lots of situations where having a full auto 9M pistol would come in handy. What if, in the interest of game balance, the things could only accept up to a gas vent 2. I'm not proposing, just theorizing.

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post Jan 22 2004, 02:40 AM
Post #9


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Look at the Sav. Guardian (my personal fav) or the Ruger Thunderbolt.

Heavy Pistols capable of burst fire.

I've seen video of a conversion kit for Glocks to be modified to full-auto, so if you wish to modify your house rules to reflect that, more power to you.

Most people on here would scream game balance and say nay. I have a hard enough time getting my GM to let me play with the Sav. :grinbig:

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post Jan 22 2004, 03:43 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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almost any SA firearm can be modified for FA. BF is a different animal though.
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post Jan 22 2004, 03:45 AM
Post #11

Mostly Harmless

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QUOTE (Siege)
I've seen video of a conversion kit for Glocks to be modified to full-auto, so if you wish to modify your house rules to reflect that, more power to you.

There are rules for the FSSG on my site. In my games, it can be used on the "C variant" Glocks or with aftermarket compensators.
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post Jan 22 2004, 03:46 AM
Post #12

Chrome to the Core

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QUOTE (Solstice)
almost any SA firearm can be modified for FA. BF is a different animal though.

Don't you mean that the other way around?
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post Jan 22 2004, 03:49 AM
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Solstice Posted on Jan 22 2004, 03:43 AM
  almost any SA firearm can be modified for FA. BF is a different animal though. 

Thats the impression I've always had. Stupid canon rules. ::shakes fist:: I also think that 10 :nuyen: a bullet for clip extension is a bunch of crap--in my understanding, it has little to do w/ the gun. According to you (Sol) and Raygun it seems to be as simple as slapping a bigger box in. Of course, then you guys get into "spring degradation"...that makes me sad. Stupid Laws of Physics. ::shakes fist::

tanka Posted on Jan 22 2004, 03:46 AM
  QUOTE (Solstice)
almost any SA firearm can be modified for FA. BF is a different animal though. 

Don't you mean that the other way around?

I think he got it right. Thats why FA weapons were around before BF. Its something to do w/ internal mechanisms. Like, for some reason its easier to get the gun to keep spitting bullets than it is to get it to spit just three. Kinda like eating potato chips. :)

This post has been edited by kevyn668: Jan 22 2004, 03:51 AM
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post Jan 22 2004, 03:58 AM
Post #14

Chrome to the Core

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Fair enough.

*glances at half empty bag of Doritos*

Damn your fuzzy logic...
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Luke Hardison
post Jan 22 2004, 04:03 AM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Aren't Doritos made of corn?
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post Jan 22 2004, 04:05 AM
Post #16

Chrome to the Core

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Corn chip, potato chip. It's all the same idea!
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Luke Hardison
post Jan 22 2004, 04:06 AM
Post #17

Moving Target

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But can you buy them in an extended chip size? Wasn't that the question of the thread?

*smacks self* No more puns! :rotfl:
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post Jan 22 2004, 04:06 AM
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Luke Hardison Posted on Jan 22 2004, 04:03 AM
  Aren't Doritos made of corn?

You shouldn't make me Edit, Luke. You wouldn't like me when I'm editing. :ork


This post has been edited by kevyn668: Jan 22 2004, 04:16 AM
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post Jan 22 2004, 04:09 AM
Post #19

Chrome to the Core

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Hey now, no stereotypical Trolls or I'll report you to MOM!
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post Jan 22 2004, 04:15 AM
Post #20


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Et tu, Bruti? Er, Et tu tanka? Now you want me to Edit....fine.

Well, crap. I never thought of it like that...I guess he does sort of resemble a stereotypical Troll. 9 or 10 feet tall, super human strength and resilience, green skin, hmmm...no horns though. :ork

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post Jan 22 2004, 04:17 AM
Post #21

Chrome to the Core

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You forgot the "no people skills" and "highly unintelligent" bits too.

Or maybe he just has a Pain Editor active when he's mad?
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post Jan 22 2004, 04:18 AM
Post #22


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Yeah, I ment to add "angers easily" and "is extremely violent when angry" but it slipped my mind as I raced off to edit my last post.
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Luke Hardison
post Jan 22 2004, 04:19 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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So what you're saying is, "Once he pops, he can't stop." ?

Dangit, there it goes again.
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Crusher Bob
post Jan 22 2004, 04:21 AM
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QUOTE (tanka)
QUOTE (Solstice @ Jan 21 2004, 10:43 PM)
almost any SA firearm can be modified for FA. BF is a different animal though.

Don't you mean that the other way around?

Basically the bolt of the weapon (the thing that retract and extract the spent shell casing, then moves forward chambering the next round) has a 'catch' that prevents it from firing again. On semi-auto weapons the bolt catch works 'every time' while on full auto weapons the bolt catch works 'hardly at all' (why a lot of early full auto weapons were auto only or 'unreliably semi'). To have the weapon fire a controlled burst of X number of rounds, your bolt catch has to figure out how many round it has fired already.
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post Jan 22 2004, 04:24 AM
Post #25

Chrome to the Core

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QUOTE (Crusher Bob)
QUOTE (tanka @ Jan 22 2004, 11:46 AM)
QUOTE (Solstice @ Jan 21 2004, 10:43 PM)
almost any SA firearm can be modified for FA. BF is a different animal though.

Don't you mean that the other way around?

Basically the bolt of the weapon (the thing that retract and extract the spent shell casing, then moves forward chambering the next round) has a 'catch' that prevents it from firing again. On semi-auto weapons the bolt catch works 'every time' while on full auto weapons the bolt catch works 'hardly at all' (why a lot of early full auto weapons were auto only or 'unreliably semi'). To have the weapon fire a controlled burst of X number of rounds, your bolt catch has to figure out how many round it has fired already.

Yeah, I kind of caught that with kevyn's post. My brain isn't working right now because I just finished up a nice drone that should be fun to toy with.

On topic: I do find it silly that a clip for any gun that uses a clip is 5 nuyen, no matter the size. So suddenly I can slap on in my Tiffany Self-Defender, or throw it in my HMG, and they'll use the right amount of rounds both times.

Very, very silly.
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