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> What is the best way to kill Bug Spirits, For a mostly mundane group?
Seven Deadly SIN...
post Apr 16 2004, 07:34 PM
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Ok we are going into an area that i'm betting is going to be very buggy. We have a mage, a couple cybered up individuals (Sammie-mercs) and an NPC Rigger. We have a couple of big guns, which i'm not sure if were bringing or not (we will if I have any say) being as we are supposed to be evicting some squatters and gangers from an area and so are not expecting any real serious trouble.

I plan on packing a couple of cans of roach spray that i'll toss and shot in mid air (and hopefully run for it and make it) if any so up, but I'm hoping for a few more pointers if anyone has any ideas (besides nuking them because we all know that don't work)!!!
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post Apr 16 2004, 07:36 PM
Post #2

Chicago Survivor

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Concussion grenades, very useful for oppressing the masses for a sweep and clear operation.

Just try not to pick on the cute chick with the goth husband, he might come back and whoop you ;)
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post Apr 16 2004, 07:37 PM
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The best way to handle them is your mage or an adept with killing hands. Otherwise, overwhelming firepower is your only hope. Note that if the spirits are in close quarters, grenades and chunky salsa are your best bet.

[edit]Actually a troll physical adept with a dikoted combat axe weapon focus should be able to handle the problem (provided he has the "multiple combatant" penalty reducing martial arts). [/edit]
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post Apr 16 2004, 07:38 PM
Post #4

Chicago Survivor

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Can lots n lots of gasoline. it'll be a 'controlled' fire, i swear.
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post Apr 16 2004, 07:39 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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Get some respirators and a few smoke-bomb insecticide grenades. While it might not kill them, it will definitely give them some modifiers and give you an edge.
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post Apr 16 2004, 07:41 PM
Post #6

Chicago Survivor

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Also, have the rigger check to see if an old gas main is on the street in question (gotta love those city block maps). a few rapid bursts and boom, no more city block.
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post Apr 16 2004, 08:13 PM
Post #7


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Don't bother trying to shoot the cans in the air. I've got two suggestions for you on that one:

1) Insecticide can and a small expolsive (M-80 or so) light the fuse and throw. Homemade splash genade.

2) Bug bomb. They have then now. Its the cans where you press the button and leave the house for 6 hours. The spray pumps out until empty. Don't know how long it takes to empy. Its would also give some vision modifiers as the smoke is thick.

Good luck.
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post Apr 16 2004, 09:42 PM
Post #8


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Bug bombs emptying faster could be unstable (eg fall over, or, if fast enough, skid around on the floor from the force of the decompression). You want to empty it quickly? Put a 9M hole through it.
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post Apr 16 2004, 10:55 PM
Post #9

Running Target

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Call the Orkin man.
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Moonstone Spider
post Apr 16 2004, 11:08 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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I rarely create a Mundane character who doesn't have a Tazer for just this reason.

With elemental damage power 10 any spirit under essence 10 is vulnerable despite it's resistance to normal weapons. On top of that with base damage S even a few net stageups will kill a bug really fast.
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post Apr 16 2004, 11:14 PM
Post #11

Immortal Elf

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that, and a streetsweeper. you can fill 'em with anything--like, y'know, natural rocks.
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post Apr 16 2004, 11:23 PM
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Uh, I'm pretty sure that tazers were never intended to be allowed to overflow to physical. You've got to be kidding.
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Shanshu Freeman
post Apr 17 2004, 12:04 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Arethusa @ Apr 16 2004, 11:23 PM)
Uh, I'm pretty sure that tazers were never intended to be allowed to overflow to physical.  You've got to be kidding.

I thought any stun damage, if you keep applying it, overflows?
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Kanada Ten
post Apr 17 2004, 12:20 AM
Post #14

Beetle Eater

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Once a non-flesh form takes deadly stun it is disrupted, so the point is moot.
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post Apr 17 2004, 12:24 AM
Post #15

Moving Target

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what about white phosphorous grenades?
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post Apr 17 2004, 12:32 AM
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QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman)
QUOTE (Arethusa @ Apr 16 2004, 11:23 PM)
Uh, I'm pretty sure that tazers were never intended to be allowed to overflow to physical.  You've got to be kidding.

I thought any stun damage, if you keep applying it, overflows?

Yes, that's the rule, but under that rule, I can kill you with a tazer, which is absolutely insane. Some things that do stun were just never mean to be able to overflow. Take drugs that cause unconsciousness, for example.
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post Apr 17 2004, 03:25 AM
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Hey, there are plenty of reports of people being hit by police tazers and dying soon afterwards. It's the combanation of adrenaline, fear, and the blast of current through your body that kills you. I can see it happening.
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post Apr 17 2004, 03:36 AM
Post #18


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As for drugs that cause unconsiousness, there are a lot of cases of a downer causing a heart to stop or the like if applied to someone improperly. Somehow, I don't think a gunshot wound and a Neurostun grenade equate to a "proper" application of the stuff ;)
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Moonstone Spider
post Apr 17 2004, 04:08 AM
Post #19

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Arethusa)
Yes, that's the rule, but under that rule, I can kill you with a tazer, which is absolutely insane. Some things that do stun were just never mean to be able to overflow. Take drugs that cause unconsciousness, for example.

As noted, Tazers have killed people. 100,000 volts going through your nervous system isn't exactly good for it. It normally just stuns but an overload can kill.

As for drugs. . . what do you think an OD is? Give somebody five times the recomended dose of Morphine and they won't be getting up again. You can kill a person with almost any drug given enough of it (Granted with Aspirin it's a fragging hard task, you have to give them massive doses until they bleed to death through the stomache and it takes forever, but 500 people die that way every year).

Besides, spirits normally go bye-bye when they get full stun.

I didn't think about a Streetsweeper, but since sand is considered elemental damage that should be effective too, although you might have to point out the "Sand" effect in MitS for your GM to agree.

Other options for making mundane weapons into magic-slayers are incindiary and Big D's Temper rounds for fire damage, along with any grenade since "Blast" is also an elemental effect.

Oooh. . . and see if your Fixer can get you some FAB-III. Just make sure nobody in your group is dual natured and you can take down an army of bugs while sitting in a lounge chair sipping lemonade.
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post Apr 17 2004, 04:27 AM
Post #20


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Of course tazers have killed people. Of course overdoses of anaesthetics have killed people. But not even remotely in the way that the rules handle it. That was a simple oversight, and any fatalities resulting from that sort of stuff should be handled by the GM. CS gas and smoke grenades have caused more deaths in confined spaces than I'd care to look up, but they're not exactly touched by mechanics for doing damage.
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Capt. Dave
post Apr 17 2004, 04:39 AM
Post #21

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Well, assuming you can't get hold of a Sea-Saber to fire at the Queen...
A UAV drone with a decent rating missile launch system can fire multiple Great Dragon AGTMs. These things are easy to get, and quite a bargain. If you have a bunch in a group, go for HE missiles. If you don't mind making noise, that is.
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post Apr 17 2004, 05:43 AM
Post #22

Moving Target

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Don't forget that a strong streetsam may be able to knockdown and hold on to a bug spirit taking it out on the fight for a while till the party can kill it. My troll surprised our GM when he did this in a game. I didn't even know know they had a set of rules to cover tackling and holding some down it was just an act of desperation because guns weren't working.
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Dakhran the Dark
post Apr 17 2004, 05:52 AM
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QUOTE (Seven Deadly SINs)
Ok we are going into an area that i'm betting is going to be very buggy.

Paranoia, cha-cha-cha... :evil:GM:D

Why, when told to sweep all civilians from an area of Aurora close to the burn scar of the FAE bomb dropped on the Denver UB chapter, would you assume the worst?

(besides nuking them because we all know that don't work)

Well, it was a good plan at the time... :alien:

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Dakhran the Dark
post Apr 17 2004, 06:50 AM
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QUOTE (Nikoli)
Just try not to pick on the cute chick with the goth husband, he might come back and whoop you  ;)

ROFLMAO! :rotfl: :rollin:

What's so funny about this is that the "simple sweep and clear" is gonna be taking place right around October 30th...
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post Apr 17 2004, 09:18 AM
Post #25

Moving Target

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What about Capsule Rounds? In Cannon Companion, it clearly says that you can fill up a few rounds with insecticide and they'll do damage to a bug spirit.
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