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> Stars Without Number: Scions of the Stars, Ex astris intellectus
post Jun 7 2013, 07:01 AM
Post #1

Neophyte Runner

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One hundred years into the future, Humanity discovers the secret of interstellar travel. With time and tenacity, we spread beyond the confines of the Solar System. We discover we are not alone, and that there is more to existence than what meets the eye with the mysterious advent of psionics. Thanks to these new powers, technology evolves in a way that was before never thought possible.

Alas, such success shatters when what will come to be known as The Scream devastates Human and Alien star empires alike. Those gifted with the psychic talent are stripped of their sanity. Technology that relies on psionics suddenly stops working, and the colonies that depend on it must find a new way to survive or perish.

Six hundred years later, Humanity begins to regain a few scraps of its former power. The origins of The Scream are still unknown, and there are those who fear it could happen again. Nevertheless, there are those who see this as the time to explore the stars once more.

The year is 3200. The Terra Firma and her crew are those who seek out the secrets of the stars. This is their story.

This is the OOC thread for the SWN game I am running for my tabletop friends.

Casting is OPEN.

Please feel free to drop in here for questions and whatnot.

Link to my Obsidian Portal campaign page.

Things to read in order to get in the mood: Classic sci-fi, Isaac Asimov, Kim Stanley Robinson, Richard K. Morgan, Philip K. Dick, Diane Carey (Star Trek: Best Destiny for her take on early space travel and the Fabrini)

Things to watch in order to get in the mood: Star Trek (especially TOS or TNG Roddenberry-era), Star Wars, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, seaQuest DSV, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Blade Runner, Titan AE, Treasure Planet, Babylon 5

Things to look at in order to get in the mood: Astronomy Picture of the Day, Ralph McQuarrie art, Jesse van Djik art, Oscar Cafardo art (especially his NASA stuff)
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post Jun 7 2013, 07:01 AM
Post #2

Neophyte Runner

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Posting Conventions:

One of the biggest issues for me in any pbp game is legibility, and starting off with posting conventions can nip a lot of these problems in the bud. It helps me a lot if I can differentiate what the I as the reader know, and what I as the GM/NPCs know. Please stick with the following rules. I don't think that I'll need to come up with something else, but that's what "edit post" buttons are for... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Names: Please embolden the names of people (ex: Ezri Khatar) and italicize the name of ships (ex: Terra Firma).

Dialogue: Please use the 00FFFF blue color like so:

"Well, you can just go get shrieked!"

Commlink: Please use the courier new font and FFFF00 yellow color like so.

<<Derelict vessel, this is the Republica Empyreana starship Vigilance. Please respond.>>

Internal Dialogue: Please italicize and use the DDA0DD purple color like so:

That didn't work...maybe if I try remodulating the spike drive to a different gravity phase...

Telepathy: Please italicize and use the 98FB98 green color like so:

My people have evolved beyond the need to flap our lips and bleat out words. Why waste breath when I can simply touch your mind?
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post Jun 7 2013, 07:03 AM
Post #3

Neophyte Runner

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Cast of Characters:
BishopMcQ--Rory (Out Indefinitely)
Fenris--Sereth Stanson
MrAres--Harken Doftrey (Out Indefinitely)
Nemo157--Iorund Värmodsun (MIA)

Supporting Cast:
--Ezri Khatar: Former scum and reformed pirate turned Re Officer, Horus Pantheon.
[ Spoiler ]

Modus Vectura:
--Terra Firma
[ Spoiler ]
Upkeep Cost:
Food and Stores: 3360 credits/4 weeks for current crew (20 per person x 6 people x 28 days)
Refueling: 400 credits (100 per spike drive rating x 2 rating x 2 for frigate; you can refuel in 4 days using fuel bunkers at a cost of 480 credits in food)
Repair: 1k credits per HP, need 2 tons of repair materials to fix 1 HP
Annual Maintenance: 125k credits (5% of the 2.5m base hull cost)
Current Cargo: 4 HP (8 tons), 92 tons free
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post Jun 7 2013, 08:08 AM
Post #4

Neophyte Runner

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Game Rules and House Rules:
Character Creation
[ Spoiler ]

Movement: PCs can move 30 meters per move action.

Listing Gear: Readied, stowed, and stored
[ Spoiler ]

Advanced Ship Hulls: Mark X Designs
[ Spoiler ]

Looting/Salvage: Diminishing returns
[ Spoiler ]

Psitech: TL 4 Versions
[ Spoiler ]

Translator Torc: Universal Translator
[ Spoiler ]

New Martial Art Styles:
[ Spoiler ]
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post Jun 7 2013, 04:50 PM
Post #5

Neophyte Runner

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Current Adventure Details

Current Sector: Sigma Tau
Current Location: Haleth Norr System

Experience: 32,080 (min XP needed for psychics and warriors to be lvl 6)
Credits: 105,000
  • Starting Amount: 45,000
  • Saving Grace Bounty (after expenses): 60,000
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post Jun 8 2013, 12:01 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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Char Name: Alice Conners


Stats (Bonus):
Str: 15(1) Int: 13() Dex: 16(1) Wis: 14(1) Con: 18(2) Cha: 12()

Hit Points (25), Psi Points (48(15 left after mastery)), System Strain 18(1perm), Unspent Skill Points:0

Attack Bonuses, Armor Class, and Saves:
AB: 2 AC:3 Phys:11 Ment:10 Eva:13 Tech:14 Luck:12

Skills (2pts in reserve) (Lvl):
Combat PrimWeapon(0), Combat PsiTech(1), Culture Spacer(0), Perception(0), Persuade(0) Security(1), Stealth(2), Tech/Psitech(0)
Weapons / AB / DMG / Range / Ammo:
Monoblade 1d8+1 6/9
Shock from Eelskin (Non lethal) 2d4 Range 5m
Telekenitic sling 1d8dmg (+2 to hit)

Readied (1/2 Str Score):
Lazarus Patch
Arg Web
Low Light Goggles
Universal Translator
Combat field uniform
Telekenitic Sling

Stowed (Str Score):
Vac Suit
Powercell type A 6
Lazarus patch
Survey Scanner
Grapple Launcher
Survival Kit

Cyberware (SS):
Eelskin capacitor mesh

Stored (In her room on the ship):

Cash 6860

Psionic Disciplines:
Telekinesis: Remote Manipulation (1); Telekintic Press(2); Complex Manipulation(3); Telekinetic Ram (4); Kinetic Shield(5);Telekinetic Counterstrike(6)
Teleportation: Sidestep(1); Jaunt(2); Spatial Shift(3); Greater Shift(4); Transit Jump(5); Extended Translation(6)
Mastered: Telekenisis 1-5, Teleportation 1-4

Born into one of the farther out worlds, her planet was one of the last to be reconnected after the scream. With little to add to society in terms of wealth, her planet, while technically connected, suffered stigma from being poor.
Her psionic talent started early, she was able to practice practical jokes without anyone seeing her enter or leave, or even touch her intended target. Even as remote as her world was, her psionic ability was noticed. Unfortunately it was noticed by a group of bandits who kidnapped her and forced her to help them. Eventually she started to sympathize with them. Yet before she could join them willingly they were attacked by the Government. As the ship crashed into a planet she was rescued. Though her distrust and desire to go home was obvious, her powers made the Solar alliance not want to leave her alone. In her mind trading one set of captors for another.
When they docked at a planet, she was able to escape by teleporting from one ship to another until she lost any pursuers.
Now without any particular destination in mind, she travels looking for a purpose in life, and well bounty hunting will work until a better purpose comes along. She will do anything for the crew of Tera Firma, but due to her past she distrusts authority, and outsiders until proven they can be trusted.

Alice's general order of priorities is on a station/planet are:
1. Shopping for exotic clothes, and things for the ship if necessary
2. having a few drinks, enjoying good food and listening to people tell stories
3. poke around for interesting new things to see
4. looking for things other's in her family (the crew of Terra Firma) would need/want
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post Jun 8 2013, 12:12 AM
Post #7

Great Dragon

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Name: Ravenna
Class: Psychic (Spiritualist & Healer)
Level: 6th (32,040 XP)

Stats (Bonus):
Str: 13 (0) Int: 16 (+1) Dex: 15 (+1) Wis: 18 (+2) Con: 14 (+1) Cha: 16 (+1)

Hit Points (Tot), Psi Points (Tot), System Strain (Tot), Unspent Skill Points:
HP: 22 (22) PP: 31 (49) SS: 12 (14) USP: 0

Attack Bonuses, Armor Class, and Saves:
AB:2 AC: 6 Physical: 11 Mental Effect: 10 Evasion: 13 Tech: 14 Luck: 12

Skills (Lvl):
Combat/Psitech 0
Combat/Amyugi Style 2
Computer 0
Culture/Spacer 0
Culture/Traveller 0
History 0
Perception 0
Profession/Courtesan 1
Tech/Medical 0
Tech/Psitech 0

Weapons AB DMG Range Ammo:
Unarmed Attack +6 1d6+3 NA

Argus Web
Low Light Goggles

Readied (1/2 Str Score):
Armored Undersuit (AC 7)

Stowed (Str Score):

Cyberware (SS):
Ghost Talker Transceiver (1)
Pressure Sheath (1)

Stored (Storage Location):


Psionic Disciplines: Telepathy 6 (Primary), Biopsionics 3, Precognition 2, Metapsionics 1
Known: Empathy (1), Metalinguistics (2), Mental Link (3), Memetic Probe (4), Surface Telepathy (5), Biostasis (1), Psychic Succor (2), Purge Toxin (3), Omen (1), Terminal Reflection (2) and Psychic Harmonization (1)
Mastered: Empathy, Metalinguistics, Mental Link, Biostasis, Psychic Succor, Omen, Terminal Reflection and Psychic Harmonization.

A deeply spiritual woman and born on one of the lost worlds where some training for psychics has resurfaced but wrapped in layers of mysticism and religion. She is an iihkawa or companion. Identified at an early age to possess the blessings needed for this calling she was trained to use her gifts to heal and ease the suffering of those around her. While at temple she was taught how to defend herself, social customs, and taught to observe people in detail to better assist them along their path in this life. The religion is built around the idea that the original psychics that brought about the Scream are born into each generation and these vessels carrying them must work to bring this souls redemption by using their powers to serve humanity. They are taught to seek a balance with the soul within them and reach unity with it. Not every vessel can reach that level of bonding and awareness so many are driven mad in the process. Upon completing her training and being deemed a worthy host for the soul within her, she decided to leave her homeworld and venture out amongst the stars. She believes she must bring her gifts to other worlds and begin healing the injuries out there amongst the other worlds affected by the Scream.  She travels aboard the Terra Firma, doing her work where she can and assisting the crew in exchange for board and passage to other worlds. 
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post Jun 8 2013, 01:09 AM
Post #8

Neophyte Runner

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The Terra Firma's specs are up. Everything is from the core book, but let me know if you want me to swap anything. I left out the armory because you are a free merchant ship, and not part of a sector defense force.

I didn't really look through the starship maintenance rules during the one-shot. The credits issue? That's solved with keeping the ship stocked and running like new.

Also, Ezri will be a lvl 4 expert NPC (she'll either stay there or 1-2 levels below the group depending on what you need). Once I know the group's skill sets, I'll pick choose her skills. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 8 2013, 03:11 AM
Post #9


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Name: Sereth Stanson
Class: Expert
Level: 6

Stats (Bonus):
Str: 14(+1) Int: 16(+1) Dex: 18(+2) Wis: 14(+1) Con: 14(+1) Cha: 18(+2)

Hit Points (Tot), System Strain (Tot), Unspent Skill Points:
HP: 26 (26) SS: 2(14) USP: 0

Attack Bonuses, Armor Class, and Saves:
AB: 2 AC: 2 (Assault Suit) Phys: 14 Ment: 13 Eva: 10 Tech: 9 Luck: 12

Skills (Lvl):
[ Spoiler ]

Weapons / AB / DMG / Range / Ammo:
[ Spoiler ]

Gear: 900
[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]

This post has been edited by Fenris: Mar 10 2014, 05:16 AM
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post Jun 8 2013, 03:22 AM
Post #10

The back-up plan

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Placeholder for Rory
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post Jun 9 2013, 09:58 PM
Post #11

Neophyte Runner

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Out of curiosity, do you want me to leave you with some free mass and power to add stuff to the Terra Firma later? Or would you be more interested in just buying points via a Mark 3 or Mark 4 upgrade?
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post Jun 11 2013, 07:30 AM
Post #12

Great Dragon

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So those sound like good questions except for the fact I haven't read one line about ships or anything about them yet - sorry. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif) Has anyone else does some reading and could answer for the group?
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post Jun 11 2013, 12:49 PM
Post #13

The back-up plan

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Before I read the ship stuff, how important is the ship going to be? Is it going to be there and break down as a plot device a la Firefly, or do we actually plan on having combat on board and between ships?
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post Jun 11 2013, 05:06 PM
Post #14

Neophyte Runner

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Unlike ships in Eclipse Phase (I'm using this as the example because it's the other sci fi system we played), ships in Stars Without Numbers ships play a big role in the adventure. This is especially true if the ship is yours. Space travel is dangerous. If you want to jump from system to system, you need to make a nav roll for your spike drive drill. If you are successful then you get there. If you aren't then there is the possibility of your ship being stranded, disabled, and in dire need of help. Combat happens. You might not plan to board other ships, but if a hostile ship gets the jump on you then their crew might board you. Also, shit happens. If you run into an "Other" style alien species, your ship's spike drive might be that species' prime rib.

The Terra Firma is a pretty solid (and expensive) ship as she is, and should be more than a match for most ships in her class. I am leaving it to you the PCs to make payroll/maintenance, buy repair materials, and supplies (see p.70). She's at 100% condition right now, but has no repair materials stocked. [Edit---The FIC is gone because I flipped the power and free mass stats]

I'm not planning on making the ship break down on you as a plot device. The maintenance rules say I should make her break down at the worst possible times, but I'll probably just roll percentiles to see if and when it happens. If you are very diligent with expensive maintenance, the possibility of breakdown will stay low.

Basically, you should read the ship rules if you want to plan ahead. Think of the ship more akin to Star Wars and the Millenium Falcon. It will work as long as you put the credits into it, and make sure it gets proper maintenance. That being said, if you jump into a system where there are space pirates, hostile aliens, odd spatial phenomena, etc., you might have a few more issues... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/devil.gif)
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post Jun 12 2013, 07:15 AM
Post #15

Neophyte Runner

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Lain asked me about a template for character sheets. Here's something you can use to list your character online.


Stats (Bonus):
Str: () Int: () Dex: () Wis: () Con: () Cha: ()

Hit Points (Tot), Psi Points (Tot), System Strain (Tot), Unspent Skill Points:
HP: () PP: () SS: () USP:

Attack Bonuses, Armor Class, and Saves:
AB: AC: Phys: Ment: Eva: Tech: Luck:

Skills (Lvl):

Weapons / AB / DMG / Range / Ammo:

Readied (1/2 Str Score):
Stowed (Str Score):
Cyberware (SS):
Stored (Storage Location):

Psionic Disciplines:
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post Jun 12 2013, 03:36 PM
Post #16

Great Dragon

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Thanks for the format - was wondering the same myself.
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post Jun 13 2013, 03:23 AM
Post #17

Neophyte Runner

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I flubbed up on the ship (flipped the extra power and free mass), so I've got to make some changes. The Fractal Impact Charges, Class 3 Spike Drive, and Cold Sleep tubes had to go. You'll have a Class 2 drive, a Sandthrower, and a extended life support and cargo space increase.

Or something. Once I figure it out.
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post Jun 13 2013, 07:00 AM
Post #18

Neophyte Runner

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I also made a few adjustments to the character sheet template. I forgot to include the Tech save (good catch, Buddha!), as well as a Cyberware section.

Edit: I also have Ezri mostly built. Once I find out more about the group's skills, I'll choose her last two skills. Depending on what you want, she can be a well-rounded nav officer/guide, or she can be highly focused in one area.
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post Jun 14 2013, 02:15 AM
Post #19

Great Dragon

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Ok my character is all done and posted so I'm ready to go. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 14 2013, 06:41 AM
Post #20

Neophyte Runner

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@ Buddha: Cool. I'll take a look at it soon. Also, armor actually counts as a readied item (p.33). It's kind of funky, but that's the system. Are you wearing it, or is it stowed?

@ Lain: Cool, thanks for putting it up the character. Do you still want the mindblade? You need to have at least 2 levels in telepathy in order to use a mindblade (p.39). Otherwise, it's just an expensive cylinder. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Also, you can't wear armor with a vacc suit (p.42). Do you just want to stow it?

@ Everybody: It's probably a good idea to pick up a backpack because you'll need a place to put your stowed stuff. It's cheap, it's a readied item with 0 Encumbrance, and it's the only thing I have seen that allows you to store items.
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post Jun 14 2013, 03:00 PM
Post #21

Great Dragon

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Edited and thanks for the heads up. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 14 2013, 04:12 PM
Post #22

The back-up plan

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I'm actually going to withdraw from this thread for the time being. There's a bunch of stuff (home improvements, exchange students etc) that is going to be eating up my time for the next few months. I'll try and jump in around September when everything stabilizes back to normal routines.
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post Jun 14 2013, 04:39 PM
Post #23

Neophyte Runner

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@ Bishop: Sure, no problem. Good luck with everything, and let me know when you're ready to rejoin. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 14 2013, 04:51 PM
Post #24

Neophyte Runner

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So I'm curious if you want me to ask for a few new players to join the crew or if you want to hire someone in-game to pick up the slack (p.45)?
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post Jun 15 2013, 12:45 AM
Post #25

Neophyte Runner

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Also, intro IC post is up to give you a feel for the ship and the sector. I'll probably update it with more details because I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting something.

It also ties up the loose ends from the in-person game. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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