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> New Tradition: Travelers
post Apr 10 2007, 02:46 AM
Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 18
Joined: 9-April 06
Member No.: 8,446

So been fooling with the idea of a new tradition, comments and suggestions are welcome. I’ve also got some more thoughts but I figured one page was plenty :P.


Life is magic, and the more of it one experiences the greater one understands the mystic tapestry. Travelers are the bards and sages, the ronin and cowboy, they walk the endless road and would have it no other way. They draw their power from binding them selves to the great web of life around them. They do this through the art of story telling and the crafting of marks of power. Constantly seeking new material to fuel their link and understanding they can be found any where and everywhere.
Travelers believe in the interconnectedness of all things and that magic is a reflection of that rich tapestry. By experiencing as many different paths as possible they increase their connection to it brining enlightenment and greater magical power. Their magic can be a subtle thing, an enchantment hidden in the telling of a story or a truth spell interwoven with a bawdy joke. They take great pleasure in seeing the world while remaining unseen. Those who are more altruistically motivated often see them selves as the bearers of hope, bringing it to the lost and destitute. All travelers enjoy change and a bit of chaos, and many are practical jokers. Travelers rely on symbols for their greater works and while the symbols very from culture to culture they all center around flowing patterns. In general Travelers care little about personal ethics but the few taboos they have are taken very seriously. Actions that damage the tapestry are a good way for a mage to get drummed out if not worst. Blood magic is strictly forbidden and any mage caught sacrificing even a mouse can expect immediate and severe retribution.
Travelers are descended from the ancient wanderers and story tellers. They have no language of their own but older travelers have been known to jump between half a dozen different languages within a single conversation. For the most part they frown on keeping written records feeling that writing lacks a certain flow and charisma. Do to their tendency to poke their noise where its not welcome Travelers tend to have a higher mortality rate then other traditions and so the few Travelers who do manage to make it to old age are treated with a healthy dose of fear and respect. Travelers almost never own any kind of vehicle preferring to interact with the masses through mass transit or good o fashion walking. While they love the gadgets technology gives them they rarely hold onto them long, finding material possessions to be more trouble then their worth. Most have a love hate relationship with the matrix finding the quick access to new ideas ideal but disliking its lifeless nature.

Drain Attribute: Intuition

Combat: Man
Detection: Air
Health: Earth
Illusion: Fire
Manipulation: Water
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Posts in this topic
- Wandering_D   New Tradition: Travelers   Apr 10 2007, 02:46 AM
- - cetiah   It's cool so far, but I think you need to talk...   Apr 10 2007, 05:07 AM
- - nathanross   QUOTE (cetiah @ Posted on Apr 10 2007, 12:07...   Apr 10 2007, 05:32 AM
- - The Jopp   QUOTE (nathanross) QUOTE (cetiah @ Posted o...   Apr 10 2007, 11:05 AM
- - nathanross   Just my take on life: Material goods add weight t...   Apr 10 2007, 02:47 PM
- - Kyoto Kid   QUOTE (The Jopp)Hmm, NOT owning a vehicle is freed...   Apr 10 2007, 03:05 PM
- - Demerzel   QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) --Sammy on a Ten Speed......wooo...   Apr 10 2007, 03:12 PM
- - nezumi   You always have the freedom to ditch the ride. Mi...   Apr 10 2007, 03:54 PM
- - Kyoto Kid   QUOTE (Demerzel)QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Apr 10 200...   Apr 10 2007, 04:02 PM
- - Demerzel   Isn't there a law in England that requires bik...   Apr 10 2007, 04:18 PM
- - Kyoto Kid   ...beleive me, with all the sound insulation in to...   Apr 10 2007, 04:33 PM
- - Ophis   No, but they must have audible warning of approach...   Apr 10 2007, 04:34 PM
- - ornot   QUOTE (Demerzel) Isn't there a law in England ...   Apr 10 2007, 05:09 PM
- - cetiah   QUOTE (nathanross) I like this view of the travell...   Apr 10 2007, 05:54 PM
- - Demerzel   Also, on the owning a vehicle thing, I imagine tha...   Apr 10 2007, 06:00 PM
- - cetiah   QUOTE (Demerzel) Also, on the owning a vehicle thi...   Apr 10 2007, 06:02 PM
- - Kyoto Kid   QUOTE (Ophis) No, but they must have audible warni...   Apr 10 2007, 06:28 PM
- - Cheops   One quick question: is there a reason why this tra...   Apr 10 2007, 08:57 PM
- - Wandering_D   Alright so after reading the various thoughts here...   Apr 11 2007, 04:43 AM
- - Denicalis   I'm struck by the image of the wandering minst...   Apr 11 2007, 05:08 AM

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