Apr 10 2007, 02:46 AM
So been fooling with the idea of a new tradition, comments and suggestions are welcome. I’ve also got some more thoughts but I figured one page was plenty
Life is magic, and the more of it one experiences the greater one understands the mystic tapestry. Travelers are the bards and sages, the ronin and cowboy, they walk the endless road and would have it no other way. They draw their power from binding them selves to the great web of life around them. They do this through the art of story telling and the crafting of marks of power. Constantly seeking new material to fuel their link and understanding they can be found any where and everywhere.
Travelers believe in the interconnectedness of all things and that magic is a reflection of that rich tapestry. By experiencing as many different paths as possible they increase their connection to it brining enlightenment and greater magical power. Their magic can be a subtle thing, an enchantment hidden in the telling of a story or a truth spell interwoven with a bawdy joke. They take great pleasure in seeing the world while remaining unseen. Those who are more altruistically motivated often see them selves as the bearers of hope, bringing it to the lost and destitute. All travelers enjoy change and a bit of chaos, and many are practical jokers. Travelers rely on symbols for their greater works and while the symbols very from culture to culture they all center around flowing patterns. In general Travelers care little about personal ethics but the few taboos they have are taken very seriously. Actions that damage the tapestry are a good way for a mage to get drummed out if not worst. Blood magic is strictly forbidden and any mage caught sacrificing even a mouse can expect immediate and severe retribution.
Travelers are descended from the ancient wanderers and story tellers. They have no language of their own but older travelers have been known to jump between half a dozen different languages within a single conversation. For the most part they frown on keeping written records feeling that writing lacks a certain flow and charisma. Do to their tendency to poke their noise where its not welcome Travelers tend to have a higher mortality rate then other traditions and so the few Travelers who do manage to make it to old age are treated with a healthy dose of fear and respect. Travelers almost never own any kind of vehicle preferring to interact with the masses through mass transit or good o fashion walking. While they love the gadgets technology gives them they rarely hold onto them long, finding material possessions to be more trouble then their worth. Most have a love hate relationship with the matrix finding the quick access to new ideas ideal but disliking its lifeless nature.
Drain Attribute: Intuition
Combat: Man
Detection: Air
Health: Earth
Illusion: Fire
Manipulation: Water
Apr 10 2007, 05:07 AM
It's cool so far, but I think you need to talk more about spirits and how they're seen and treated within this tradition. Where you can, use this description to justify the spirit choices you made.
Also, cool description. Lots of good claims for a new tradition like "all travelers enjoy change and a bit of chaos" and stuff like that. Helps you get a feel for how to roleplay the Traveler. Just one question: why? There's lots of stuff here that could use embelishment by answering the "why?" question.
For example, "Travelers almost never own any kind of vehicle preferring to interact with the masses through mass transit or good o fashion walking. While they love the gadgets technology gives them they rarely hold onto them long, finding material possessions to be more trouble then their worth. "
Why don't they own any vehicle? Why do they prefer to interact with the masses? What's in it for them that they can't get in another tradition? Why do they not hold on to the gadgets long? Most importantly, why are they more troule than they are worth?
You give a good description of WHAT a traveler is, but not really WHO he is, or WHY. Why did he choose this lifestyle? This path? This tradition of magic? Do all travelers share these traits or are there differences between individual travelers? How large is the difference between different travelers? How do they react to the views of other traditions? How do they regard magic itself and the awakening?
But this is all just nitpicking to help make your description better. You've done a decent job of describing the GROUP and giving guidelines on roleplaying a member of that group, which is what's important. If you want to improve on it, the first and most important thing to address is to include some philosophy and metaphysical viewpoints regarding spirits.
Apr 10 2007, 05:32 AM
QUOTE (cetiah @ Posted on Apr 10 2007, 12:07 AM) |
Why did he choose this lifestyle? This path? This tradition of magic? |
While some magicians choose their path, most, especially the Shamanic traditions are chosen.
I like this view of the traveller, and cetiah, if you dont understand this tradition, maybe you just arent one. I agree with man + the elementals for his spirits. I cant really see a traveller summoning the guardian spirits he has left behind, or a worker or fighter to do his bidding. I do however see combat as air, man as manipulation, and water as detection (how I would put it if I were ever to create a traveler).
For motivation, I dont really see one running the shadows, though Im sure he/she would be a hilarious NPC to deal with.
QUOTE (cetiah @ Posted on Apr 10 2007, 12:07 AM) |
Why don't they own any vehicle? Why do they prefer to interact with the masses? What's in it for them that they can't get in another tradition? Why do they not hold on to the gadgets long? Most importantly, why are they more troule than they are worth? |
Freedom, just freedom.
The Jopp
Apr 10 2007, 11:05 AM
QUOTE (nathanross) |
QUOTE (cetiah @ Posted on Apr 10 2007, 12:07 AM) | Why don't they own any vehicle? Why do they prefer to interact with the masses? What's in it for them that they can't get in another tradition? Why do they not hold on to the gadgets long? Most importantly, why are they more troule than they are worth? |
Freedom, just freedom.
Hmm, NOT owning a vehicle is freedom? Well, that would depend on the wanderer Im sure. Owning a vehicle to me would be a freedom to travel without being restricted but also loosing that connection with people since one mostly travels alone in a vehicle (unless you feel a community within traffic stops at 7 am on the freeway…)
Ok, im nitpicking here. I can easily see this tradition as a version of Trickster, Dog (the homeless tramp kinda thing) or similar already existing mentor if one wants to walk that path but also a very nice path for a wandering hermetic.
Apr 10 2007, 02:47 PM
Just my take on life:
Material goods add weight to our existence. This is not always bad. Some of us love this and try to gather as many material goods in one place as possible. Others, however, like the feeling of lightness that not owning anything gives you.
On vehicles, while they do allow you to travel at much faster speeds and get to point B much quicker. What if there is no point B? What if the road there is the destination? Wouldnt you want to enjoy it instead of blowing past it?
Now I dont completely get the mass transit thing and in fact I can see them avoiding it altogether as what is worse than being cramped in one place with a bunch of tired, bored with life, wage-slaves?
Kyoto Kid
Apr 10 2007, 03:05 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
Hmm, NOT owning a vehicle is freedom? Well, that would depend on the wanderer Im sure. Owning a vehicle to me would be a freedom to travel without being restricted but also loosing that connection with people since one mostly travels alone in a vehicle (unless you feel a community within traffic stops at 7 am on the freeway…) |
...Letsee, Freedom from parking issues (such as finding a spot, lot fees and tickets) Freedom from monthly Insurance bills, Freedom from the high costs for reparis, Freedom from stress of worrying about being late while sitting in traffic jams...
Yeah, I can see not owning a vehicle a type of freedom.
BTW, I commute via bike (the pedaled version).
Sammy on a Ten Speed......woooohooo!
Apr 10 2007, 03:12 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
--Sammy on a Ten Speed......woooohooo! |
wooohoooo!? That should be the bike bells...
Rrrrrrriiing rrrrrrriiing!
Apr 10 2007, 03:54 PM
You always have the freedom to ditch the ride. Might be a bit unethical if you're stuck in gridlock and you just leave the car, but you're still free to do so. Maybe you can own a vehicle if it's stolen, and therefore not something you're really going to grow attached to?
Kyoto Kid
Apr 10 2007, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (Demerzel) |
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Apr 10 2007, 08:05 AM) | --Sammy on a Ten Speed......woooohooo! |
wooohoooo!? That should be the bike bells... Rrrrrrriiing rrrrrrriiing!
...I actually have one of those super loud air horns that you pump up with a tyre pump. It is about the only thing that those gets twits in their little 4 wheeled cocooons to look and see that I am there as they drift nonchalantly into my lane.
Somehow blaaaaatttttt! just doesn't have the right feeling.
Apr 10 2007, 04:18 PM
Isn't there a law in England that requires bikes to have bells?
Kyoto Kid
Apr 10 2007, 04:33 PM
...beleive me, with all the sound insulation in today's cars, you would need one as loud as a building fire alarm for the driver to hear it.
Apr 10 2007, 04:34 PM
No, but they must have audible warning of approach, shouting does apparently count (as long as it's louder than most bells).
Apr 10 2007, 05:09 PM
QUOTE (Demerzel) |
Isn't there a law in England that requires bikes to have bells? |
Not that I'm aware of. But then I don't ride a bike (I've fallen off them too often in the past. I lack any sense of balance).
Apr 10 2007, 05:54 PM
QUOTE (nathanross) |
I like this view of the traveller, and cetiah, if you dont understand this tradition, maybe you just arent one. |
Geez, some people take things so personally.
I'll take a shot:
Travelers are overcome with a great wanderlust, almost universal in their tradition. In fact, the more they rely on magic, the more they feel the need to be on the move. They are inclined, almost supernaturally driven, to experience new sensations, places, experiences, philosophies. Some magicians believe that the Traveler is actually drawn to some imperceptible flux in mana flow that only they seem to be able to intuit, a fact only partially supported by that Travelers shun wards, dead zones, and places of recent spellcasting (even their own).
Travelers also share a unique relationship with the spiritual world, and most spirits seem reluctant to speak of Traevelers or go near them unless ordered to do so. Travelers themselves avoid manifested spirits when possible, intuiting a feeling of "wrongness" from a manifested spirit. Despite this, many have been reported to love chatting with spirits on the astral and more than a couple Travelers have spent their lives seeking guidance, advice, and communion with spirits in the astral.
All Travelers seem to feel the Wanderlust and the Wrongness, but react to it very differently. Some Travelers seek out the Wanderlust as their spiritual calling, others treat as something they're running from - forever fearful of non-existant phantoms hunting them. Others yet seem like they are looking for something, forever searching. Others are simply curious. Some fight the Wanderlust as best they can, doggedly fighting against their own sanity in the process.
The very nature of the Traveler tradition, ensures very little conformity or group unity in their numbers, and most cling stubbornly to their individual roots, including such aspects of their "roots" into their magical tradition. Most will carry an assortment of baubles, trinkets, and particular behaviors picked up in their wanderings and use them as badges of honor. Those that weild focii have an equally eclectic mix.
It is a peculiar oddity that Travelers regard the spirits they summon very differently than the spirits they encounter in the world; completely percieving them differently. Mages of other traditions have yet to explain this issue, and most Travelers seem reluctant, or even unable, to explain it. However, almost all Travelers share this idiosyncracy in common -- they are not aware of their summon spirits. They seem to be aware of the ritual used in summoning the spirit, though not its exact effect, but they remain completely oblivious to even their own bound manifested spirits.
Detection: Air
Most Travelers can hear voices, or music, or secrets in the universe around them. By whispering a brief conversation back and concentrating intently, those voices can manifest into an Air Spirit, although the Traveler will remain oblivious to its purpose even while it fulfills the Traveler's desires that invoked it. The Air spirit takes the form of light and sound, dancing to a random tune only it and the Traveler seems to hear. These spirits can be a source of great knowledge to the Traveler, who may not be fully aware of where the insight comes from.
Health: Earth
A Traveler's many wanderings make them adept at survival practices and familiar the use of animals, plants, and junk for all sorts of useful things. Some Travelers, however, can go one step further, allowing the animals, plants, and junk nearby to react to them, making themselves inherently useful and fulfilling the traveler's desire by manifesting as an Earth spirit capable of healing the injured and curing the sick.
Illusion: Fire
While summoned "fire spirits" are very rare, local sources of fire and heat do tend to react with near sentience, forming into images and sounds at the Traveler's slightest mental suggestions.
Manipulation: Water
Perhaps one of the largest of the Traveler Mysteries that hermetic mages haven't been able to explain, is the peculiar appearance of the Traveler's water spirit whenever he desires some task be done and is willing to undergo a somewhat painful ritual to make it so. Invoking the complexity of every language the Traveler speaks, he summons forth a true water spirit, manifesting and all, to which he seems (thankfully) oblivious to but confuses the hell out of everyone else - a jolly snowman with a top hat, eyes of coal, and a carrot for a nose.
Combat: Man
Very little is more awe-inspiring than seeing a Traveler in a full-blown epic-chant; the kind that literally draw the intention of the ancient heroes of old, minions of the damned, explorers of ancient myth, and other epic heroes come to aid the Traveler in his time of need. Most of these exist as pure phantoms, constantly changing and shifting, never sticking with a cohesive identity. The more far and wild a Traveler's adventures, the more exotic these heroes tend to be.
Apr 10 2007, 06:00 PM
Also, on the owning a vehicle thing, I imagine that someone who could levitate/movement over 200mph would probably feel a car as significantly less than Freedom...
Apr 10 2007, 06:02 PM
QUOTE (Demerzel) |
Also, on the owning a vehicle thing, I imagine that someone who could levitate/movement over 200mph would probably feel a car as significantly less than Freedom... |
This is kind of what I was saying when I said talk less about WHAT he is and more about WHO he is. Focus less an absolutes, "Travellers don't like cars" and more on the subjectives "Travelers need freedom of transportation and movement" that can be subjectively interpreted from individual to individual.
Kyoto Kid
Apr 10 2007, 06:28 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
No, but they must have audible warning of approach, shouting does apparently count (as long as it's louder than most bells). |
...I'd prefer a cricket bat to the fender, but in some countries that can get you shot.
Apr 10 2007, 08:57 PM
One quick question: is there a reason why this tradition doesn't have Guidance spirits? Seems to me like they'd be sympatico. Other than that, very cool.
Apr 11 2007, 04:43 AM
Alright so after reading the various thoughts here’s a more fleshed out description.
The Traveler tradition is old, the Travelers know that, they just can’t agree on how old. Their own oral history places them back at least as far as Homer and many of the interpretations claim that he was in fact a Traveler. Travelers are almost always born, rarely do they receive converts. Even before their first manifestation traveler children display a tendency to be engaged in many different trains of thought at a time. Often jumping from one social group to another or trying a dozen different hobbies within a year. They often are artistic in their own way, and tend to have imaginary friends that persist well beyond child hood. Be warned these imaginary friends are not always so imaginary, and they have been known to get upset at such accusations. On occasion one of these friends will also grow into a mentor spirit. When a traveler first manifests their power it can form some of the most beautiful works of art. From that point on they are forever smitten by the urge that drives all travelers.
What makes a traveler you ask? They are the children of change, and the bringers of growth. They are driven by a powerful need to not just live their life but to immerse them selves in the great flow of existence all around them. It is a need that no traveler can ignore and any Traveler who stays in one place to long will find their spirit trying to find other ways of escaping, often in not so pretty fashions. At the heart of this need is the force that binds the tradition together. It has no name, nor will two Travelers ever describe it in the same way, all that the tradition can agree on is that it is a force of pure creation, causing an overwhelming need to see and drive the fabric of the world to something new. As travelers gain in power the need grows, and even those of small power find them selves needing to feed off the creative force of the life around them. In olden times this manifested as a low key need to hear and tell the stories of the people of the world, a desire to take a bit of those around them and craft it into them selves. With the reemergence of magic this need has grown and manifested in new manners. A traveler is happiest in spots of wild magic and will find them selves driven slowly mad if exposed to areas where magic and creation is held in stasis or non-existent.
Travelers have a unique view of the spirit world. They take great pleasure in the presence of free spirits but the presence of a bound spirit unnerves them. It is not taken lightly to bind a spirit to service, though spirit pacts are viewed as acceptable and a Traveler who binds a spirit to long term service better have a good reason. A Traveler who binds a free spirit unwillingly in anything but a life or death situation can expect at best a period of exile. A Travelers spirits come from one shared plane, it is a place where the primal elements are in constant conflict building vast wonders of magic only to have them torn down by the next wave of creation. Upon this plane live the ancient spirits of man the tradition venerates. These spirits of man are not deceased ancestors but the bits and pieces of like souls left behind when the magic of a deceased individual dissolves and it is they who represent the little bit of organization there is to the constant growth. For this reason it is viewed as a great travesty for Traveler to die cut off from the planes of magic. It is also the most severe punishment the tradition has, reserved for those who the tradition feels would be a threat to creation even in death (powerful blood mages and insect shaman mostly). The spirits them selves represent the building blocks of the tradition. The earth is the mother of all and the keeper of the dead, giving birth to life and reclaiming it when ones journey upon it is over. The endless sky stretching over head carries the song of creation and serves as a constant guide to those who tread upon the earth. Since man began fire has protected them from that which hides in the dark, but it also casts long shadows and is the gathering point for the telling of tales. Through all of this the waves cut through the earth, shaping and changing it, constantly changing that which is. Governing over all, giving the growth meaning and direction rather then senseless chaos are the spirits of man, shaping, directing, guiding the forces of creation as they constantly move forward upon the eternal road.
Sorcery I’ll get to when I have more free time to formulate my thoughts.
Apr 11 2007, 05:08 AM
I'm struck by the image of the wandering minstrel from Romancing SaGa. It's a neat idea. Seems like a few ideas of the "way of the ____" adept traditions fused together with a hippy sort of wanderlust.
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