Here is the OOC thread for the Tanheuser Directive game. Please only players of this game post here.
Alright, here are some basic guidlines for the IC posting for when we get to that part. I know this is old hat for some of you, but its nice to have a reference from the get go.
To make things easier to read, you may optionally use the following color chart (you don't have to - so long as your posts are written in some fashion that is clear, but if you tend to have long paragraphs then color coding is better)
- "Speech" (Cyan) - normally everyday talking, or whispering if described as such.
- (yellow) - Matrix-based talking - like comm calls, text messaging, etc
- (violet) - Subvocal speech
- (darkkhaki italics) - Thoughts, what the character is thinking in his/her head (please use this one - it makes for more entertaining reads, helps with people getting into character, and lets me have NPCs assense and 'read thoughts' PCs without having to ask the players and tip them off OOC)
- (lightgrey italics) Memories - this is mainly an RP thing, but sometimes something happening in the present can evoke a memory - it makes for a more entertaining read and helps characterization
- (orange bold) Place, Time, other setting information - usually at the top of the post. I'll be using this in most of my posts for clarity's sake. If your post is in a different location/time than my last post, use this to make sure people don't get confused.
Also, a few standardized conventions:
- Most IC posts should have an accompanying OOC post, but they don't have to. If your OOC post would just be the rolls for actions you obviously took in the IC post, go ahead and just put a spoiler tag around the rolls and include them in the IC post. If it needs explanation - or you are in doubt as to the clarity of what you are trying to do - then you need an OOC post
- Rolls should always be posted in spoilers. I trust you to use your own dice if you want, but generally it is better to use as that allows us to go back and look at past rolls in case a post gets eaten by the Internet. Please give the breakdown of what each die rolled and don't sort them numerically. If you are taking a die pool penalty for some reason, rather than make you re-roll I will remove the dice right-most in the breakdown first.
- A spoiler meant for a player should have "@player/character name" in front of it (not in the spoiler tag). If it doesn't, assume it is GM-eyes only. (I understand if you are the curious type and read other people's spoilers, just be sure not to use OOC information on accident and its ok - nobody will yell at you)
- General convention is that I post IC, then we wait for everyone to get a post in (its okay to post more than once in this time if there is something like an ongoing conversation between two PCs), then I will post again. If seven days pass after I make an IC post and we are still missing a player's input, I will post that PC's action in order to keep the game moving. Hopefully that shouldn't have to happen though (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
- If you are going to be unavailable for more than a week, please let us know (partially so that we can keep the game moving, but more so because we'd like to know you still have a pulse.
- Combat will be handled by OOC posts on your part. Once we are in combat, each combat turn everyone makes one post that declares your planned actions for the turn along with any rolls you know you will be making (for each IP if you have multiple - feel free to include some if-then statements as well (I'm breaking posts by combat turn rather than IP so that we aren't old and grey by the end of a combat)). At the end of each combat turn, I will post OOC the game mechanic consequences of the round (I'll roll out any rolls you didn't roll yourselves and I need - like body+armor, reaction, etc) and I will post IC what happened during those three seconds. Rinse, repeat, until the combat is over.
- I am not a despot, I am not a Goddess, and I am certainly not all-knowing. If you disagree with my interpretation of something (or just think I am bald-faced wrong), please PM me and politely state your case. If you don't like the way I've chosen to handle something, PM me about it. I only ask that any such PMs include a suggestion as to how to fix the problem you are pointing out.
Alrighty then, now lets get on with the character generation. Feel free to discuss things amongst yourselves (I'd recommend discussing things like vehicles, etc). I do allow collective lifestyles if your characters have a linked backstory, but in general while you have heard of each other this will be your first time working together - unless you work out concurrent backstories between individual characters.
When you have a final draft of your character sheet and backstory, PM it to me, and I will look it over, approve it, and PM back your backstory karma award. You spend karma via PMing me so that I can update my copy of your char-sheet.
If you post a char-sheet or backstory to this thread, put it in a spoiler with a note as to what it is and whether you intend it for me or for the group to critique. This helps cut down on clutter.
Oh, one more thing, in the following spoiler is a short list of questions that I often use to help me flesh out a character's backstory. This is by no means necessary to complete or anything, I just thought I'd share in case someone is having writer's block.
[ Spoiler ]
Character Name:
Metatype (race):
Where are you from:
What do you do:
Why are you in the shadows:
Why does something in your life need to change:
Three people who you care for or care about you (don't have to be contacts):
Three people who dislike you:
One old enemy you defeated (may be dead, incarcerated, unknown fate, in hiding, or licking his wounds to come back for another day - your choice):
Your greatest victory in the Shadows (the big score):
Your greatest defeat (the run that went to heck):
Any old enemies still around?:
How did you come by your fancy gear?:
How did you come by your fancy training?:
Is there something you don't like about yourself?
Being a runner is rarely someone's dream - more often it just happens. What was your actual dream for your future before you became a runner?:
- Scope_47