Jul 29 2008, 05:51 AM
Here is the OOC thread for the Tanheuser Directive game. Please only players of this game post here.
Alright, here are some basic guidlines for the IC posting for when we get to that part. I know this is old hat for some of you, but its nice to have a reference from the get go.
To make things easier to read, you may optionally use the following color chart (you don't have to - so long as your posts are written in some fashion that is clear, but if you tend to have long paragraphs then color coding is better)
- "Speech" (Cyan) - normally everyday talking, or whispering if described as such.
- (yellow) - Matrix-based talking - like comm calls, text messaging, etc
- (violet) - Subvocal speech
- (darkkhaki italics) - Thoughts, what the character is thinking in his/her head (please use this one - it makes for more entertaining reads, helps with people getting into character, and lets me have NPCs assense and 'read thoughts' PCs without having to ask the players and tip them off OOC)
- (lightgrey italics) Memories - this is mainly an RP thing, but sometimes something happening in the present can evoke a memory - it makes for a more entertaining read and helps characterization
- (orange bold) Place, Time, other setting information - usually at the top of the post. I'll be using this in most of my posts for clarity's sake. If your post is in a different location/time than my last post, use this to make sure people don't get confused.
Also, a few standardized conventions:
- Most IC posts should have an accompanying OOC post, but they don't have to. If your OOC post would just be the rolls for actions you obviously took in the IC post, go ahead and just put a spoiler tag around the rolls and include them in the IC post. If it needs explanation - or you are in doubt as to the clarity of what you are trying to do - then you need an OOC post
- Rolls should always be posted in spoilers. I trust you to use your own dice if you want, but generally it is better to use as that allows us to go back and look at past rolls in case a post gets eaten by the Internet. Please give the breakdown of what each die rolled and don't sort them numerically. If you are taking a die pool penalty for some reason, rather than make you re-roll I will remove the dice right-most in the breakdown first.
- A spoiler meant for a player should have "@player/character name" in front of it (not in the spoiler tag). If it doesn't, assume it is GM-eyes only. (I understand if you are the curious type and read other people's spoilers, just be sure not to use OOC information on accident and its ok - nobody will yell at you)
- General convention is that I post IC, then we wait for everyone to get a post in (its okay to post more than once in this time if there is something like an ongoing conversation between two PCs), then I will post again. If seven days pass after I make an IC post and we are still missing a player's input, I will post that PC's action in order to keep the game moving. Hopefully that shouldn't have to happen though

- If you are going to be unavailable for more than a week, please let us know (partially so that we can keep the game moving, but more so because we'd like to know you still have a pulse.
- Combat will be handled by OOC posts on your part. Once we are in combat, each combat turn everyone makes one post that declares your planned actions for the turn along with any rolls you know you will be making (for each IP if you have multiple - feel free to include some if-then statements as well (I'm breaking posts by combat turn rather than IP so that we aren't old and grey by the end of a combat)). At the end of each combat turn, I will post OOC the game mechanic consequences of the round (I'll roll out any rolls you didn't roll yourselves and I need - like body+armor, reaction, etc) and I will post IC what happened during those three seconds. Rinse, repeat, until the combat is over.
- I am not a despot, I am not a Goddess, and I am certainly not all-knowing. If you disagree with my interpretation of something (or just think I am bald-faced wrong), please PM me and politely state your case. If you don't like the way I've chosen to handle something, PM me about it. I only ask that any such PMs include a suggestion as to how to fix the problem you are pointing out.
Alrighty then, now lets get on with the character generation. Feel free to discuss things amongst yourselves (I'd recommend discussing things like vehicles, etc). I do allow collective lifestyles if your characters have a linked backstory, but in general while you have heard of each other this will be your first time working together - unless you work out concurrent backstories between individual characters.
When you have a final draft of your character sheet and backstory, PM it to me, and I will look it over, approve it, and PM back your backstory karma award. You spend karma via PMing me so that I can update my copy of your char-sheet.
If you post a char-sheet or backstory to this thread, put it in a spoiler with a note as to what it is and whether you intend it for me or for the group to critique. This helps cut down on clutter.
Oh, one more thing, in the following spoiler is a short list of questions that I often use to help me flesh out a character's backstory. This is by no means necessary to complete or anything, I just thought I'd share in case someone is having writer's block.
[ Spoiler ]
Character Name:
Metatype (race):
Where are you from:
What do you do:
Why are you in the shadows:
Why does something in your life need to change:
Three people who you care for or care about you (don't have to be contacts):
Three people who dislike you:
One old enemy you defeated (may be dead, incarcerated, unknown fate, in hiding, or licking his wounds to come back for another day - your choice):
Your greatest victory in the Shadows (the big score):
Your greatest defeat (the run that went to heck):
Any old enemies still around?:
How did you come by your fancy gear?:
How did you come by your fancy training?:
Is there something you don't like about yourself?
Being a runner is rarely someone's dream - more often it just happens. What was your actual dream for your future before you became a runner?:
- Scope_47
Jul 29 2008, 10:38 AM
Ok transport wise what shall we do pool for a few transports or have the costs across only one persons BPs. Again another quicky how do you want me to use my drones spotters and tacnet support. or more agresively. If we get a tacnet I sugest every one get a simrig as that is 5 feeds for the one piece of gear (for a human the other race get 6 feeds) allowing for +2 to most dice rolls more feeds higher the bonus up to +4 with 8 feeds each. The more vision modes and other such item you have the more feeds.
Jul 29 2008, 03:27 PM
Here is my first draft of the rules for an android metatype at Divine Virus' request. (this is something that should be rare enough I would only allow one at the table, for the record)
I'd like everyone to comment on these - I want to make sure its balanced and everyone is cool with it before allowing it.
I've placed them in a spoiler tag to avoid clutter:
[ Spoiler ]
Draft rules for Android 'metatype'
First, forget the rules in Augmentation and Unwired for cyborgs and AIs... this is a different breed - an AI that developed in a human-like android.
Essentially, Androids are constructed like normal characters with the following changes:
Racial BP cost: 100bp
Base attributes (note that you cannot have cyber or bio ware, so augmented caps are irrelevant):
Strength: base 4, cap at 12
Agility: base 4, cap at 10
Body: base 4, cap at 15
Reaction: base 4, cap at 9
Logic: base 1, cap at 9.
Intuition: base 1, cap at 9.
Charisma: base 1, cap at 6.
Edge: base 1, cap at 6
# of Initiative passes = (1 + (Reaction / 3)). Always round down
(You have no essense score and consequently can never have a magic or resonance score)
Magic treats you as an object - as if you were a drone.
Your positronic brain is a Node that contains as data your personality, memories, etc.
It is assumed that for security you burned out your wireless adapter at some point, but you can't do anything about the datajack in your skull. Your stats as a node are:
Firewall = Logic
System = Intuition
Response = Reaction
Matrix use: you may use a commlink like a 'normal person' - ie with programs, a persona, etc - though only via AR through physical means (gloves, etc). If you wish, you may plug a commlink into your datajack, in which case you are simply using it as a router, and thus opening yourself to having your brain hacked. All matrix use in this fashion is skill+attribute (your mind is the program). You may encrypt your brain with an encryption rating equal to your logic. When using a connection to your positronic brain, you are always considered to be in 'hot-sim'
Software use: You may run any sensor software directly in your brain. You may run data-softs in your brain as if they were knowsofts. Know-softs do not function for you. You may use active-softs as if you had expert system skillwires with a rating equal to Intuition * 0.66 with natural rounding.
You may not have any cyber or bio ware. You start with basic sensors of two cameras, 2 microphones, and a pressure detection system giving you a fascimile of a sense of touch - no sense of smell or taste. You may install additional purchased sensors up to a capacity as if you were a medium sized drone. (your initial sensors may be improved with the standard visual/audio upgrades as well). You may apply drone/vehicle upgrades to your body as if you were a drone with a body rating equal to your body attribute - but you CANNOT give yourself higher than a rating 3 armor upgrade (I highly recommend using this to take the upgrade that gives you synthetic skin).
Your body without upgrades looks like a titanium-alloy endoskeleton (looks like a t-800 endoskeleton from the Terminator movies)
You have a hollow compartment in your torso allowing you to eat/drink up to one gallon of material before needing to expel it. Your power source gives off enough heat that you are a constant 77 degrees farenheit. You have a hidden, retractable power cable in your buttocks that you must plug into a power source for a non-consequtive total of 42 hours a week. You have a low radioactive signature. You do not have to sleep, eat, drink, breathe, etc. However, your insides are not waterproof, so if you open your mouth underwater you are in trouble.
Your AI consciousness is partially a result of the unique nature of your positronic brain - so if that is destroyed, you are dead. You therefore suffer dumpshock as normal. You do not know if your body is replacable or not. Your mind is constantly reworking your system protocals and drivers - this is represented by your ability to alter physical statistics through karma.
You do not 'naturally' have armor, you have to get that from an upgrade or from wearing armor meant for metahumans.
- Scope_47
Jul 29 2008, 03:50 PM
Im unsure about the high edge score but other than that looks nice. I'd just to make things look neat bing it the reaction cap up to 10.
Jul 29 2008, 05:07 PM
The edge cap was a typo - I had intended it to cap at 6.
On an unrelated note, Simrig will only get three feeds for tacnet. Taste and touch aren't really going to help the software's tactical calculations. However, you can also join a tacnet with no cyber at all - just use a pair of contacts and a set of goggles - each with vision enhancements of your choice, then a set of earbuds with audio enhancements. Slave that stuff to your commlink (everything is wireless afterall), and you've got your sensors. Magic users are a bit more tricky since they have to have optical rather than digital enhancement, but just paying for the handheld sensors and sticking them on a belt or helmet works as well.
- Scope
Jul 29 2008, 05:27 PM
Bah smell and taste can help with tacnets but yeah they should be one feed not two if any. You can smell gunpowder after it been fired as well as smoke and other thing that could be useful. well thast still 4 feed form a Dwarf Elf, Troll or Orc the rest in a hand held in you pocket and you set.
A simrig is gear as well as wear. so for 1000 nuyen you can get simrig trodes with sim module.
Jul 29 2008, 05:55 PM
I'm probably the biggest noob in the group, so I'm going to throw out my general idea for my character and see if anyone wants to offer any guidance, suggestions, or ways to tie me into our team with backstory. I don't have all the details sorted out. I put it in a spoiler in case anyone doesn't want to read it.
[ Spoiler ]
Damon Raxle is a human looking Ork martial artist/adept male. Relatively old for an Ork, 33, he appears like a large rugged human toughguy (Picture Brian Fury from Tekken). He was born in a typical Ork litter but because he was human looking, a fanatical Ork attempted to kill Damon and his family in an honor style killing when he was a teenager. Damon was able to fight off the attacker and the attacker fled, after killing everyone else in his family. The murder was somehow pinned on Damon and he spent the next 15 years in the prison system. About 4 years ago the case was reopened and it was discovered in fact that Damon was not guilty of the crime and he was exonerated. However, he was less than perfect in prison and now has the stain of a criminal SIN.
The martial art I think I'll be doing will be boxing because it's easy to fit into the story. He was involved in a prison boxing program and that's where he learned his MA skills. He discovered his Killing Hands (Adept ability) when he unintentionally killed his opponent in a very competitive fight during his prison boxing days. I'm thinking he may not even know that he's an Adept, just that he can really whoop some ass.
Oh, and he is going to have a fake SIN at the least where he goes by Nick Sandine. I'm thinking he'll have some fake profession licenses (at least one) and so forth tied to Nick Sandine's SIN.
I'll try to come up with more soon, but please offer any input if you feel like it.
Jul 29 2008, 06:40 PM
Ok, so if you take a martial art to tier 2 (10BP), you can pick 4 maneuvers and 2 advantages. However, the first 5BP spent makes the MA a specialization of the Unarmed Combat skill. So, if I say had UC (Boxing) 5 (7), would the second 5BP spent to get more maneuvers and advantages also give me UC (Boxing) 5 (9) or still 5 (7)?
My other question is about contacts. Unlike BBB where it's BP = to the sum of L&C, we're doing (C*L)/3=BP cost?
Jul 29 2008, 07:14 PM
QUOTE (Raxle @ Jul 29 2008, 07:40 PM)

Ok, so if you take a martial art to tier 2 (10BP), you can pick 4 maneuvers and 2 advantages. However, the first 5BP spent makes the MA a specialization of the Unarmed Combat skill. So, if I say had UC (Boxing) 5 (7), would the second 5BP spent to get more maneuvers and advantages also give me UC (Boxing) 5 (9) or still 5 (7)?
My other question is about contacts. Unlike BBB where it's BP = to the sum of L&C, we're doing (C*L)/3=BP cost?
What? as far as i know you can take the UC (Boxing) 5 (7) for 21 BP as normaly the martial art to tier 2 (10BP) alows you to pick to advanages for the lists on pages 156-8 of arsenal. all the detail is up to the GM though so thats all i can give you.
Jul 29 2008, 07:26 PM
Oh, so buying the MA doesn't give you the specialization +2 automatically, it still must be purchased for 2BP? Ah yes, I'm reading it again and see where it refrences BBB. I missed that part and somehow gathered that it was giving you the specialization with the 5BP purchase. It'll basically just cost me another 2BP to get 5 (7). Scope, can I start with a skill specialization at 7 or is 6 the cap?
Jul 29 2008, 07:31 PM
no its 1BP IIRC. if you need hel cos we have karma to deal with as well just post what you want to do and im sure we'll try and help
Jul 29 2008, 07:54 PM
Specializations are 2BP, skills are 4.
Divine Virus
Jul 29 2008, 09:10 PM
Ok, so I buy skills as normal?
Can I use autosofts?
Did I spontaneously come into existance (like the other AIs) or was I built to be an andriod? Or is this my call? If I spontainiously evovled (as you seemed to imply) then why do I have a positronic brain? That is not standard hardware
Is it correct that I have no willpower attribute?
You said that matrix actions are skill+attribute instead of skill+program. What attributes are used for what matrix actions?
A plug in powersupply implies batteries, so why am I radioactive?
Those are the first questions that come to mind.
All in all, I have to say I dislike the rules. They seem unbalanced and complicated.
If I build towards the phsyical side, I could take out a platoon of street sammies.
If I build towards the mental, I could outhack anything in existance.
I mean, the way you wrote it I have every program at the same rating as my Logic of Intution, constantly loaded and ready. I have 220 BP to spend on attributes. No willpower means I could get Logic 8, Intuition 8, Reaction 8 for 180 BP. Which means, if I pick up my electronics and cracking skillgroups at four, I will be rolling base 14 dice (2 for hot sim) for every matrix test. In cybercombat, I will have such a high firewall, and such a high system, I will be nigh invulnerable. Heck, with that system and firewall, who could hack me? It would take at least a maxed out 2nd grade submerged TM to at least be on par with me. And I could still lick most sammies in a fight.
If I went the physical route and made all mental attributes 3, I would still have 160BP. That means I could have all physical stats at 8. But who needs such a high strength? I could have reaction 8, agility 9, body 11, strength four? I would almost never miss, almost never be hit, and when I was... well I could soak it like nothing. Consider the amount of armour I could wear. Natural armour 3, Full bodysuit with PPP system, and an armoured jacket with PPP system puts me around 21/21 armour. Which means I am soaking physical damage with around 32 dice. Plus, with that much space for mods, I could put in an anti-theft system, meaning anyone who touched me would take 10 electric.
I don't mean to offend, I appreciate the effort, but these rules aren't balanced, and are not what I am looking for. They kind of move away from all the moods and themes I was hoping to play with, moving it away from a Sterling/Gibson/Ghost in the Shell type feel to a iRobot/Star Wars type feel. Moves away from the cyberpunk core I love.
I think it would be much, much easier to take on of those Mitashu Omoto drones (I don't have my books with me, so pardon spelling), the one in Arsenal thats designed for full body cyborgs, and treat it as a rigged drone.
I had a bit of a background started where the AI developed spontainiously into existance from the expert system that sculpted the unique features on the Omoto drones. It was given specs of what the drone should look like, and its job would be to figure out how to make it look and feel right, without damaging the drone's performance. After computing this, it would program the automated equiptment with instruction on how to construct the design. Eventually, it became sophisticated enough to make a leap to sentience. As suggested by Unwired, AIs have motivations, drives or urges based on their original function. Likewise, the program, once sentient, became obsessed with mimicking humanity. So it made itself the finest Omoto drone it could, downloaded itself into it, and escaped the factory. It is a bit naive, and highly artistic. A master craftman, and it knows it, and takes pride in its work, but with an underlying humility. It runs the shadows because there are no other options for someone in a stolen Omoto drone, especially when it is trying to hide the fact it is in AI.
The body would be a standard Omoto drone, with mods, treated like rigged drone. So body 6, strength six when needed, response=3 (upgradable as normal). I would pay for it normally, base cost being 150,000 (22BP) It would actually be a bit of a hinderance because any damage would have to be repaired, taking hours and availability 24R parts worth 1500 nY per health box of damage.
I need to look at the rules again, but probably buying mental attributes for twice normal cost would be fair, and I imagine I could use autosofts (possibly with some restrictions). Skills mostly purchased as normal, possibly some penalty for real world skills unrelated to prior function, normal TM mental stats to matrix stats conversion. That's if you wanted to stay away from the more complex Unwired rules about AI, with home nodes and the like.
Well, my laptop is about to run out of batteries. I ment to only make a five minuet post, been better part of an hour.
Jul 29 2008, 09:49 PM
QUOTE (Divine Virus @ Jul 29 2008, 05:10 PM)

All in all, I have to say I dislike the rules. They seem unbalanced and complicated.
This is why it was a first draft (Honestly, I'm more of a story person than a rules guru) - my intention was to make something simple that would be easy to book-keep. Obviously I failed - not a surprise considering I drafted those rules in the fifteen minutes between classes today. So back to the drawing board with that... I'll post a new draft in a few hours. Like I said, I like your concept and want to make it work.
- Scope
Jul 29 2008, 10:30 PM
New draft of AI character rules - anyone who cares should please comment on them:
[ Spoiler ]
AI Character stats:
BP cost: 30
CHA: 1 (cap at 6)
INT: 1 (cap at 6)
LOG: 2 (cap at 7)
WIL: 1 (cap at 6)
Edge: 1 (cap at 6)
Cost of attributes are doubled - including edge
Initiative: As matrix initiative, but always Three IPs regardless of situation. (not four like cyborgs have)
Skills: as a character
Home node must be a commlink built into an anthropod drone - purchase commlink as normal.
Home node stats are affected as follows:
Response: increase by Intuition/3
Signal: increase by Charisma/3
System: increase by Logic/3
Firewall: increase by willpower/3
Should your home node be changed, these effects take place after you complete an extended test of Int+reality filter (10, 1 day)
You must purchase/maintain programs as normal. Use of skillsofts is allowed as if you have a set of expert system skillwires with a rating equal to your Intuition. Use of autosofts may or may not be allowed on a case-by-case basis -> those shouldn't replace skills.
Every week you go without a home node, your charisma is reduced by 1. If it becomes 0, you are destroyed forever.
Your Matrix condition monitor is = to half your logic score + 8.
If you are disrupted (all boxes filled), you are trapped at the location you were when attacked as you attempt to reinitialize your higher thought functions with a willpower+charisma(3 combat turns) extended test - each hit restoring one box of damage. Should you take more damage as you are in this vulnerable state, you have a number of overflow boxes equal to your system rating. Once the overflow is filled, you are destroyed.
If you are damaged but not disrupted, you may return to your home node to heal, making a willpower+charisma(1 day) extended test with each hit healing one box of damage.
If a node you are in goes offline, you may escape through an open matrix connection with an Intuition+Edge(3) test.
If you fail to escape (or there is no connection to another node) your matrix condition modifier has all boxes filled (but no overflow boxes) and you must reinitialize on reboot of the node.
If the drone body that serves as your home node has its condition track filled, your home node goes offline.
Drone body notes:
Attack with non-mounted weapon: weapon skill + sensor
Attack with mounted weapon: gunnery+sensor
defense: Response (full defense is response+vehicle skill)
Damage resistance: Body+armor
Infiltration: Infiltration+response
Initiative: Response+Intuition
Maneuvering: vehicle skill + Response
Perception: Perception + (sensor or intuition - whichever is lower)
Operational time of 6 hours + mods, as per Arsenal drone rules
Glitch may be a fuel cell running low
Drone body = strength
Jul 29 2008, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (Scope_47 @ Jul 29 2008, 12:07 PM)

The edge cap was a typo - I had intended it to cap at 6.
On an unrelated note, Simrig will only get three feeds for tacnet. Taste and touch aren't really going to help the software's tactical calculations. However, you can also join a tacnet with no cyber at all - just use a pair of contacts and a set of goggles - each with vision enhancements of your choice, then a set of earbuds with audio enhancements. Slave that stuff to your commlink (everything is wireless afterall), and you've got your sensors. Magic users are a bit more tricky since they have to have optical rather than digital enhancement, but just paying for the handheld sensors and sticking them on a belt or helmet works as well.
- Scope
What about other sensors that I can buy, such as motion, radar and ultrasound?
Jul 29 2008, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Jul 29 2008, 06:43 PM)

What about other sensors that I can buy, such as motion, radar and ultrasound?
Obviously each one would count as a feed. It just has to be subscribed to your commlink and attached to your person in some way that won't impede it's function.
- Scope
Jul 29 2008, 11:30 PM
my current plan is a master of 1000 faces (face/infiltration). In order to accomplish this build, however, I need to know a couple things:
1) What are the skill maxes (are you leaving it at 2 skills at 5 or 1 at six and skill groups at 4?)
2) Is it alright to break skill groups at buildtime?
3) Is it alright for yet another magic character to be in the group (I'm thinking adept)?
That's all I can think of at the moment, but I'm sure I'll have more later.
Jul 29 2008, 11:38 PM
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Jul 29 2008, 07:30 PM)

1) What are the skill maxes (are you leaving it at 2 skills at 5 or 1 at six and skill groups at 4?)
2) Is it alright to break skill groups at buildtime?
3) Is it alright for yet another magic character to be in the group (I'm thinking adept)?
1) As BBB while using BP. May be broken by karma.
2) Not with BP. You may break them with the karma though.
3) Go right ahead... all it will mean is that you guys will have to get creative if you run into a background-count or are on a sub-orbital flight
- Scope
Divine Virus
Jul 30 2008, 05:23 PM
I think this is a very good second draft. I understand that it was only a first draft, and didn't intend to come off as harsh. I have a knack for finding weak points in rules. You should hear some of the stuff I have to say about the new Unwired book

I do have eight questions (see below), though only four of them pertain to the draft itself.
Also, could someone please give an updated summery of what we have in the group so far? I still have riggle room in my concept, so I can build it into a face, a street sammie, a rigger, a B&E expert... just let me know what we need. I am not quite sure yet what this character will naturally turn into... I have found myself making characters recently without a proper specialization, or fitting into any of the archtypes really. They have been useful, just not specialized. So if the team is lacking anything, let me know or else I will just let the character evolve naturally.
1) Are the Firewall and System stats of the AI based on mental attributes or the commlink of the home node?
2)Could I carry spare batter packs? I don't exactly expect a quick change to be possible, but in case of emergency it would be good to have the option.
3) I plan on taking a mechanics skill (automotive? I am not sure) so I can do maintenance on the drone body (only makes sense), and I also I want to take a skill to represent knowledge of designing the appearance of the drone bodies. Again, it makes sense with background that I have it. If I have a proper shop, could I alter the appearance of the drone body? Obviously not the body type, gender or metatype, but features like skin tone, scars, and freackles can be changed with some touch-ups on the skin. Adjusting the peramiters of the servators under the artificial skin should allow for changes is facial structure, etc. I like the idea of my apperance evolving, becoming more personalized as the AI gets a better sense of identity.
4) The only thing I dislike in this draft is that edge costs double. I do not understand a reason for that. Furthermore, because I get free skillwires, and edge can't be used properly with skillwires, edge is less useful to an AI then a normal character. So why should one pay twice as much for something less useful then normal?
5) Theoretically I can take up to 12 armour for the drone, but even with concealed armour I presume that would be rather bulky. So if I wanted some subdermal reinforcements around vital areas- battery packs, processors, important servos, etc, plus some high tensile strength materials woven into the skin, maybe a layer of kevlar under the skin itself, maybe some of that gel used in the "gel packs" armour upgrade in the skill itself... nothing really noticeable, how much of an armour rating would this offer?
6) I am planning on taking the SunCell mod, so I can recharge on the go. They describe the solar cells as being in the paint. I presume this could still transfer over to the drone and not be visible. Also, I am not sure if you are keeping abreast of modern solar research, but what they are working on right now is a revolutionary new kind of solar panel that just looks like a pane of coloured glass. Light hits it, some of it goes through, but most of the light is redirected towards the edges of the pane, where is it collected by solar panels in the window frame. It strikes me that the same technological principle could be applied to fiber optic hair, no?
7) What would be used for the skills in the athletics skill group? As maneuvering, or as normal? If I was in melee combat, could I use the appropriate melee skill instead of vehicle skill for a full defense?

Would you be open to the possibility of me taking some of the AI positive or negative qualities? I am not sure which I would want yet, but if I give you a list would you provide BP values?
Alrighty, that's all for now, thanks!
P.S. For attributes increasing home node do we use natural rounding? so 1 no bonus, 2-4 1 point, 5-7 two points? Or round down so its 1-2 no bonus, 2-5 one point, 6-7 two points?
Jul 30 2008, 07:24 PM
@Divine Virus (Anyone can/should read this if you are interested in the answers to his posted questions - I just spoilered it to avoid clutter)
[ Spoiler ]
1) Based on home node. You naturally exist as a persona, so the node that you are existing on determines firewall and system (you yourself cannot be hacked, but can be 'killed' via cybercombat or if your node is physically destroyed while you are unable to escape)
2) Spare battery packs would be covered under the 'extra fuel tank' option in Arsenal I think. You can also just plug in to a powersource (I can easily see having the spoofed gridguide connection in order to 'steal' power from the city's powergrid wirelessly). Also, with a hardware check (8, 10 minutes) you could make a quick and dirty connection to a gas-powered vehicle's alternator (I say hardware because whereas a drone charger uses the future equivalent of AC, vehicles probably would use DC - its a matter of charging your system without using the AC adapter basically - and you'd require a pretty specific voltage to not damage sensitive components - like modern electronics do).
3) I believe that Industrial mechanic would cover an anthropod - if for no other reason than because it is a seldom used skill, and I know that there is a huge difference between robotics and automotives. For the skin, if you read the entry under the drone modification that gives you a skin, it says that it is actual organic flesh grown over your endoskeleton - so for that I would say you need the Cybertech active skill and the Genetic Design knowledge skill (representing the knowledge of how to culture the organic materials).
4) Note that the free skillwires are actually referred to as "Expert System Skillwires" - which means that you can use your edge with them. Also note that due to the edge component of the roll to escape a crashing node, edge becomes doubly able to allow pseudo-immortality. My thought process was that this would balance the fact that it is much much more difficult to kill you than any other character-type (essentially, if you cut off your wireless and are running an agent to open a connection to the matrix as soon as your drone body takes X amount of damage, all it takes is that Int+edge roll (which doesn't even require spending edge) for you to not risk death - whereas any other character would have to burn edge stat to cheat death... and you further still have the same 'cheat-death' option that other characters have. This just makes taking the burn-edge option more costly, which since you 9 times out of 10 have a free cheat-death, I feel is appropriate.
5) I meant to include this, thanks for catching it. Since Dermal Plating and Orthoskin cap out at Rating 3 if I'm not mistaken, I'd rule that you can't have any more than rating 3 armor inherently without being obviously a drone.
6) My interpretation of how the solar panels would work in your case is that the 'paint' is applied to your chassis, which is then covered with the organic tissue from the other modification. Organic tissue naturally allows certain spectrums of solar radiation through (this is what causes skin cancer, sunburn, etc). That is the spectrum you would be drawing energy from, so its a non-issue. Further, if you just want fiberoptic hair so you can change the color, add +1000 nuyen and +2 availability to the mod that gives you the organic covering (or to the drone itself if that mod is standard equipment. Speaking of which, that drone will be ruled as being an exception to the cap of Avail 20, so long as you keep spending the karma for each successive four points of avail - I do that because the drone is an inherent part of the concept, and since I'm charging you 30bp just for the pleasure of being an AI anyway)
7) Maneuvering replaces Athletics for you. Melee dodge is Response+Weapon Skill. If a full defense melee dodge (costing your next IP), it is response+weapon skill+vehicle skill.

Negative qualities I will allow with a BP bonus determined on a case by case basis. The positive AI qualities are generally very powerful and intended to be used as plot devices - so the BP cost would be too high for a situational use anyway for me to feel comfortable allowing them (IE: they would almost certainly be unbalanced in one direction or the other)
P.S.) For those attributes, I'm ruling that it is always round down. This is because from a game mechanic perspective, your mental attributes rarely come into play - so this is to make having higher attributes more desirable even should you play a combat-type rather than a 'trixter type. The home node bonus already gives you an advantage over hackers and unsubmerged technomancers, so making the +1 available for only 20BP to raise your stat to a 2 (the equivalent of a non-AI character's 10BP, since you don't have to worry about physical stats at all. I realize that you have to buy the drone, but the mods to the drone are significantly cheaper than equivalent cyber/bio-ware). Further, the balance to the increased logic cap is that it was done primarily to make it easier to get the +2 to home node system for having a 6 statistic.
Whew, lots of typing

If you disagree with any of my reasons, please let me know
<EDIT: After further consideration, I decided to allow "Redundancy" as a 15BP quality and "Improved Realignment" as a 15BP quality with the following modification: It only works when reinitializing due to combat damage, not due to being on a node that went offline - it also only gives the extra box if you had at least one net hit on the test that interval.
Jul 30 2008, 10:08 PM
Rigger to sam or both would most likely be the best or B&E. As we have me matrix (a few drones for tasks and one doberman if needed if we get a pro rigger i'll divert to move useful stuff), a face, a melee pysad, a "Mage of some variety" from trigger if hes still playing that way and a Possession Mage (late entry into game)
Edit: change useless to useful (a typo)
Jul 30 2008, 11:15 PM
I've got a face/infiltration set-up going... but he's going to be using more disguises and con than "I'm invisible and you can't see me" sneaking.
what is necessary to use empathy software?
Does the Pistol Crossbow use archery or pistols?
Jul 30 2008, 11:30 PM
An emo toy or camera with thermal and Lowlight (if its dark) and a comlink I'd guess by RAW. Its archery for that as its a perjectile weapon not thrown pretty sure that pure RAW not even an interpretation of RAW.
Jul 30 2008, 11:53 PM
Archery is used for crossbows.
The empathy software needs a camera and a commlink with a system/response rating equal or greater than its program rating. The empathy software can use cyber-eyes in lieu of a camera, but you'd have to have the cybereyes subscribed to your commlink in some fashion.
- Scope
Jul 31 2008, 01:57 AM
QUOTE (Dumori @ Jul 30 2008, 05:08 PM)

... a "Mage of some variety" from trigger if hes still playing that way...
She is a combat mage/ magical medic, with some skills as a face and a fiery attitude.
Jul 31 2008, 06:15 AM
I'm going to be a boxing ork adept running around in a chameleon suit basically. Is stealth group 2 good enough to go with Agility 5? I could up it to 3 with Karma.
Jul 31 2008, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (Raxle @ Jul 31 2008, 01:15 AM)

I'm going to be a boxing ork adept running around in a chameleon suit basically. Is stealth group 2 good enough to go with Agility 5? I could up it to 3 with Karma.
Stealth group 2 and an agility of five will get you 7 dice on infiltration. The chameleon suit will give your opponent a -4 dice penalty (if they hit 0, they have to spend edge for a long shot roll with one die). To help you out, here is a general guideline to people's perception rolls not including penalty. Remember that the die penalty only applies to normal and low-light vision - thermographic, ultrasound, radar, etc bypass it. Also keep in mind that these dice pools don't count the normal -2 penalty for not taking an observe-in-detail action, so if they aren't looking for you (most guards just stand there and gab with each other or smoke cigarettes/weed rather than watching their designated area like automotons):
Autistic Child: 0 dice
Slow kid: 1 dice
Plain Jane Wageslave: 2 dice
Rent-a-cop: 4 dice
Real Cop: 6 dice
Good corp-sec / average runner / average Police detective: 8 dice
Cybered Security Consultant / Fast Response unit: 10+ dice
Cyberzombie/Cyborg/Low-essence street sam: 16+ dice
This chart is based on the general availability of gear and cyber-ware that gives bonuses to perception, average intuition for the groups in question, specializations, and the skill table that says what sorts of people have certain skill ratings. The two high-end entries of the guide should only show up occassionally so long as your team doesn't have a Homer Simpson moment.
To help with thermographic visioned opponents, I'd recommend adding "Thermal Damping" at Rating 6 to your chameleon suit (keeping in mind the standard rule of no more culmulative modification ratings to armor than 1.5*highest armor rating, as per Arsenal. Note that I rule that since PPP gear is incorporated into the armor, it raises the armor rating for the purpose of accepting modifications to the suit - though you'll look pretty bulky if you have all the PPP gear in a 'skin-tight' suit)
- Scope
Divine Virus
Jul 31 2008, 04:49 PM
Ok, A few more points/questions. In spoiler tags this time
[ Spoiler ]
2) I believe "Extra Fuel Tank" would refer to an extra internal battery. I was referring to carrying around a spare battery, and taking the depleted battery out, and putting the new battery in while on reserve power. If I can plug into an external generator, could I carry a spare battery taped to the small of my back, or in a backpack and plug it in when need be?
5) I would think that drones would not just be limited by their artificial skin, though. Metahumans can have bone density augmentation, or bone lacing. Both are internal rating that increase their soak, and some ratings/variates add armour rating as well. Likewise, a drone should be able to have reinforced internal structures, armoured plates underneath the skin, upraded construction materials, etc. These things are not just limited to the skin, as both dermal plating and orthoskin are, but realistically would not be noticeable and would have an impact on the rating of armour. If you disagree with this point, I shan't push the issue further.
Other note: Would you accept a weakened version of the "Designer" positive quality?
Another Note: Is it possible to upgrade sensor rating? It seems logically possible to me, but there are no rules for doing so. In my own games, I houserule that upgrades cost the same and have the same availability as Response upgrades. Would you consider something similar?
On another topic, parts for repair are availability 24R and cost 1500nY per health box to be repaired. Could I preperchase spare parts at chargen, so I don't need to go looking for them later, when I am badly damaged? If so, would I pay karma for availability for each box worth of parts, or just once for all the parts? Or could the karma cost be included in the karma cost of the drone itself?
Jul 31 2008, 05:15 PM
QUOTE (Divine Virus @ Jul 31 2008, 12:49 PM)

Ok, A few more points/questions. In spoiler tags this time
[ Spoiler ]
2) I believe "Extra Fuel Tank" would refer to an extra internal battery. I was referring to carrying around a spare battery, and taking the depleted battery out, and putting the new battery in while on reserve power. If I can plug into an external generator, could I carry a spare battery taped to the small of my back, or in a backpack and plug it in when need be?
5) I would think that drones would not just be limited by their artificial skin, though. Metahumans can have bone density augmentation, or bone lacing. Both are internal rating that increase their soak, and some ratings/variates add armour rating as well. Likewise, a drone should be able to have reinforced internal structures, armoured plates underneath the skin, upraded construction materials, etc. These things are not just limited to the skin, as both dermal plating and orthoskin are, but realistically would not be noticeable and would have an impact on the rating of armour. If you disagree with this point, I shan't push the issue further.
Other note: Would you accept a weakened version of the "Designer" positive quality?
Another Note: Is it possible to upgrade sensor rating? It seems logically possible to me, but there are no rules for doing so. In my own games, I houserule that upgrades cost the same and have the same availability as Response upgrades. Would you consider something similar?
On another topic, parts for repair are availability 24R and cost 1500nY per health box to be repaired. Could I preperchase spare parts at chargen, so I don't need to go looking for them later, when I am badly damaged? If so, would I pay karma for availability for each box worth of parts, or just once for all the parts? Or could the karma cost be included in the karma cost of the drone itself?
More verbose rules stuff - spoilered just to reduce clutter:
[ Spoiler ]
I'd allow a battery pack approximately 1ftx1ftx.5ft (roughly the size of a lunchbox) at availability 6, cost of 400 nuyen. It would give up to one hour of non-stenuous operation (it is not as efficient as your internal battery, so some power is lost) or half an hour of strenuous operation (basically, things that would require maneuverability checks: running, jumping, combat, and the like.). This is essentially a car battery, and is pretty heavy. You may optionally eek one extra hour (halved for strenuous activity) out of it, but doing so ruins the internal energy cells of the battery to the point that it can't be recharged and must be replaced. If recharged, it only takes thirty minutes to attain full charge. Also, a milspec version of the power cell meant to be used for portable C&C emergency power is available at avail 12R and a 6000 nuyen cost, and follows the same rules except that the operating time is 6hours (halved for strenuous operation) - it is still ruined by only one hour of use following the six hours should it not be recharged.
The decision about the armor ratings being capped at three was primarily a balance one. You can wear armor like any other character, and other characters only have available to them a 3 armor point increase beyond that (bone augmentation adds to body checks or to situational armor). There are significant advantages to being an AI/Cyborg already, so I wanted to try to keep armor levels realistic (since by Arsenal you can add stupid amounts of armor to vehicles/drones without taking any more modification slots than the first point of armor). I'm willing to meet you partway on this, and increase the allowed armor rating to a four.
Designer Quality: I'll get back to you on this after I've had adequate time to digest the consequences of allowing a weakened version later today.
As per Arsenal, Sensor rating is upgraded as follows: Every drone comes with sensors that are worth its normal rating. However, the capacity those sensors take up can be used instead for better sensors (see the chart in SR4, it gives capacity for drones by size). If you throw out the old stuff and put higher rating sensors in, the sensor rating becomes the average (round down) of the ratings of the new sensors (sensors without ratings count as the drone's original sensor rating numerically). There is also a mod that can get you more capacity for sensors as if you were one size larger than you actually are.
Repair Parts: It is very difficult for you to 'guess' beforehand what parts are going to be damaged - it'd be like my purchasing extra alternators, radiators, and hoses for my car... but when it breaks it turns out to be a spun bearing instead. So the only way to buy repair parts beforehand would be to buy another vanilla Otomo drone to use for spare parts (it'd be worth the number of boxes in its health track as you cannibalize it for parts). My personal suggestion is that you take a decently loyal contact who has access to milspec robotics parts. A friend would go to great lengths to help you out if you were in such dire need, and stolen parts are cheaper anyway.
- Scope
Divine Virus
Jul 31 2008, 06:09 PM
Well, that shuts me up for now.
Thank you very much, I'll get back to you with a draft before to long.
Jul 31 2008, 11:12 PM
my turn for more questions!
1) how does one go about disguising micro cameras? (I want to disguise it as a nondescript ring. will this cost extra?)
2) do you allow build-time hardware upgrades for comlinks?
3) are you going to be worried about encumberance?
4) how are you going to deal with licenses? (1 for every piece of R or F gear, or 1 for weapons, 1 for conceal carry, and 1 for misc?)
5) how do you want me to deal with clothing costs (for disguises and the like)?
6) What methods are there for quick eye color changes (IE: adept powers)?
Aug 1 2008, 12:29 AM
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Jul 31 2008, 07:12 PM)

my turn for more questions!
1) Such spy-gear will be availability +4, and automatically restricted. Nuyen Cost is +200, plus the cost of the item you are incorporating the camera into.
2) No, hardware skill will not give you a discount on character-gen gear. The BP you spend on gear represents all items you have acquired (and managed to keep) during your life... not just things you've purchased.
3) I expect all players to do their own bookkeeping - but if I glance at a character sheet and it is obvious that you should be encumbered even though you are not taking the penalties, I will call you on it (in other words, if you are close enough that it isn't blatantly obvious then I won't care... but if you are way, way off - like a 2 body, 1strength character carrying a panther cannon, full body armor, and every B&E item in the books - then I'll care).
4) Licenses are done as follows: Weapon licenses are done by category. Concealed weapons license covers all legal weapons (note that some areas like schools don't allow concealed weapons even with a license). Cyberware licenses are per piece of ware. Other licenses possible include things like commercial driver's license, bounty hunter's license, Private Investigator license, etc. All licenses must be attached to a SIN. All licenses for restricted gear must have a reason attached to them (Example, a license for wired reflexes might state that they are left-overs from an honorable discharge from the military. A license for muscle replacement might state that it was a medically necessary implantation) - if these reasons don't jive with your fake identity, then it may raise questions when they are checked.
5) For things like regular clothing, use real world prices at a 1 dollar = 1 nuyen cost. Things like uniforms will have the following availability and prices:
Lone Star beat cop: 8F, 1000
Knight Errant beat cop: 10F (harder to get in seattle), 1500
UCAS grunt (counts as camouflage suit armor): 10, 1600
UCAS officer (low rank): 12F, 3000
UCAS officer (mid-rank): 14F, 5000
UCAS officer (high-rank): 18F, 8000
Fast Response Security uniform (armor modification): +4F, +3000
Specific Facility uniforms (most corps don't use the same uniforms at every facility): find out in play
Things like police/FBI/lonestar badges ect are availability (Rating F * 4) and nuyen cost (Rating * 1000) up to rating 3.
They are (Rating * 2000) nuyen up to rating 6. Note that they must also be connected to a SIN that identifies you as a member of that organization, which doubles the cost of that Fake SIN and adds 6 to the availability.
6) Cyber-eyes let you change what your eyes look like to whatever floats your boat. The Adept power "Melanin Control" on page 178 of Street Magic should also be able to alter Iris color, since that is also based on melanin levels IIRC.
- Scope
Aug 1 2008, 01:10 AM
QUOTE (Scope_47 @ Jul 31 2008, 07:29 PM)

2) No, hardware skill will not give you a discount on character-gen gear. The BP you spend on gear represents all items you have acquired (and managed to keep) during your life... not just things you've purchased.
I was referring to boosting the response and signal of a comlink beyond the 4/5 of the fairlight caliban for the listed price in the bbb...
Aug 1 2008, 01:33 AM
Here's my
second draft. I think I need to use some Karma to get some BP back in some useful ways, because I still need to buy contacts and Nuyen.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Damon Raxle
Alias: Nick Sandine
Age: 33
Race: Ork (20BP)
Appearance: Eastern European Looking w/short mostly gray salt and pepper hair with widow’s peak, and blue eyes.
Sex: Male
Attributes: (280BP)
B: 6 C: 3 Edge: 4
A: 5 I: 4 Magic: 5
R: 5 (7) L: 3 Init: 9 (11)
S: 4 W: 4 Init Passes: 3
Skills: (118BP)
Firearms: 1 (10 Karma)
Athletics: 3
Perception: 2
Intimidation: 4
Hardware: 4
Infiltration: 3
Shadowing: 2
Palming: 2
Unarmed Combat (Boxing): 5 (7) +2DV Advantage from Boxing (2 Karma for the specialization)
Knowledge Skills: (21 Free BP)
Qualities: (+5BP)
Human Looking
SINner (Criminal)
Sensitive System
Martial Art 2 (Boxing)
Adept Powers: (5 essence)
Killing Hands
Critical Strike 3
Penetrating Strike 3 (Street Magic – gives -3AP to Unarmed Strikes)
Improved Reflexes 2
Martial Art Maneuvers: (8BP)
Finishing Move
Watchful Guard
Total at 29 BP and 18 Karma remaining.
Aug 1 2008, 01:39 AM
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Jul 31 2008, 08:10 PM)

I was referring to boosting the response and signal of a comlink beyond the 4/5 of the fairlight caliban for the listed price in the bbb...
That is fine - though just buying a custom commlink is cheaper (pay for the response and signal chips, and you've got a custom commlink).
Aug 1 2008, 01:49 AM
righty oh... just have a couple more supplies to procure, a backstory to put to paper, and a handful of buildpoints and karma to blow, and I'll have a copy o' my character ready for you.
How soon do you need the backstory if we want the karma payout?
Aug 1 2008, 01:59 AM
QUOTE (Raxle @ Jul 31 2008, 08:33 PM)

Here's my first draft. I think I need to use some Karma to get some BP back in some useful ways, because I still need to buy contacts and Nuyen.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Damon Raxle
Alias: Nick Sandine
Age: 33
Race: Ork (20BP)
Appearance: Eastern European Looking w/short mostly gray salt and pepper hair with widow’s peak, and blue eyes.
Sex: Male
Attributes: (290BP)
B: 6 C: 3 Edge: 4
A: 5 I: 4 Magic: 5
R: 5 (7) L: 3 Init: 9 (11)
S: 4 W: 4 Init Passes: 3
Skills: (132BP)
Firearms: 1 (10 Karma)
Athletics: 3
Electronics: 2
Influence: 2
Perception: 2
Stealth: 2
Unarmed Combat (Boxing): 5 (7) +2DV Advantage from Boxing
Knowledge Skills: (21 Free BP)
Qualities: (+5BP)
Human Looking
SINner (Criminal)
Sensitive System
Martial Art 2 (Boxing)
Adept Powers: (5 essence)
Killing Hands
Critical Strike 3
Penetrating Strike 3 (Street Magic – gives -3AP to Unarmed Strikes)
Improved Reflexes 2
Martial Art Maneuvers: (8BP)
Finishing Move
Watchful Guard
Hon, you're math is wrong - and its definitely not in your favor.
You've actually spent BP as follows (keeping in mind you used Karma on the firearms skillgroup):
Stats: 210
Race: 20
Edge: 30
Magic: 40
Skills: 120
Positive Qualities: 20
Negative Qualities: -25 (this is a bonus)
M.A. Maneuvers: 8
So you've only spent 423 out of 450.
Further, you are better off to buy that Boxing specialization with 2 karma instead of two build points.
So, you've spent 12 karma and 421BP - leaving 18 karma and 29BP still to spend.
Also, all those skills at 2 have you spread pretty thin. You might want to consider dropping some of them and concentrating on others... for example, you could drop the Influence skill group and instead have a 4 in the negotiation skill, freeing up 4BP to spend elsewhere while making you much better at what is likely the skill you'd use most often from that skillgroup (though if I were in your place, I'd take Intimidation instead of any of the influence group skills - but thats just personal preference). You could do the same with the hardware skill instead of the electronics skillgroup (I say hardware since it would let you bypass maglocks and the like) thereby freeing another 4 build points.
- Scope
Aug 1 2008, 02:01 AM
QUOTE (Mickle5125 @ Jul 31 2008, 08:49 PM)

How soon do you need the backstory if we want the karma payout?
Before we start the IC thread - which won't happen until I have everyone's char-sheet.
- Scope
Aug 1 2008, 07:01 PM
Backstory time its long spoilered to reduce clutter.
[ Spoiler ]
Mark "Screamer" Flint.
Mark ,although he knows its not his real name, life started in early 2069 the 4th of January to be precise. When he awoke alone in a coffin motel with a fake SIN calling him a Mark Flint middle manger of a small boxing company. He had a weeks rent a the motel and during his first few days his sleep was plagued with visions of his past. These left him with many questions as one told him his real name although this was quickly lost in the fog of memory. His only perstions a cheap comlink, a silver credstick, some cheap flats and a set of worn dog tags.
His dreams when he finally gets to sleep a plagued with visions of his past. One so common that he can play it back to him self on a mental command. He's stood in a node the alarm ringing though his head unable to move or to escape the matrix as he feels his head explode then it blank. The others are blurry image of bars, faces and nodes never making sense to him always fading from his mind when he wakes.
The first year of his life mark got a normal job working a way in a sweat shop for next to nothing. This didn't last long as his probing in his past dug up more and more questions. He met a fixer called Opinicus in a small bar in the barrens. This was his first step into the shadows. The two got along almost like brothers and in return for a few basic courier jobs Opinicus said he'd try and look into his past for him.
On his first courier run he emerged in the chaotic AR scape of downtown at first he though he'd gone insane or a flash back of some type the city around had turned to an emerald parricide. His rediscovery of this talent was just as hard as the first time, or so he assumes not even sure if there was a first time, the vague images floating in the air a constant buzz driving him mad. At first he thought it was all part of the mental suffering his scorched brain but after he released he could control his comlinks music from a across the room. Up on telling Opinicus about this he was informed that that was the AR view of the city. As he became more sensitive to the matrix he found he could mentally brake though firewalls and control nodes and drones with only his mind.
He was drifting around the 'trix when he came across a node about a small religion worshiping chaos this group of like minded Discordains informed him of there religion on there own way. By embracing the chaos around him Mark grew in power.
By this time Opinicus was giving him small time data steals and other hacks. The other major turning point in his life was when given a job to help a low level assassination it failed the team was killed in meat and he fled after turning the security drones against the mark killing him in a hail of LMG fire. Not knowing what had happened to the rest of the team. The hit was on a small time mafia boss who was treading on to many toes. This small boss was favored by the local don how vowed to kill those who helped in this plot on hearing this Mark went in to hiding laying low and slowly building up an identity from scratch only Opinicus stood by him now after the rest of his contacts wanted nothing to do with Mark Flint now called Screamer a wannabe go-ganger. Screamer carried on his run in the shadows slowly building up a reputation for him self the Don still hunting Mark Flint realized that Screamer fit the description he had for the assassin. Abducted form his apartment screamer was given a chose between being hosed down by the same drone he had use to kill the up and coming boss or a suicidely run against Lone Star to remove and destroy data they had on the mafia and plant some data against the other crime syndicates the he area. Saying he’d have to think it over the sank in to VR and hack in to the drone (his hidden back door was still there) he then said he rather die than help out this Don but when the drone was ordered to kill Mark the filled the guards and then the don with lead.
Facts about screamer
[ Spoiler ]
Screamer is a Dwarf and takes his name form his motor cycle modded so that at a push of a button its front grill opens and produces a sound like the WW2 stooker diver bombers at speed.
He all ways carries a (or keeps some where safe) his chaos star pedant that ass well as having deep person meaning as a symbol of his beliefs also contains a data chip witch he keeps heavily encrypted at all times.
Meta game stuff and other
[ Spoiler ]
Screamer is stat wise a cyberadept but fluff wise he focus the chaotic nature of the matrix to help him accomplish his tasks his sprites are made of ever changing code taking the form that is best for that very second. When braking though firewalls he watches the swelling code probing it for weakness then strikes at many different weak points till one gives way.
Scramers bike is dear to him it was the first thing he brought when change his identay when on the run along with his dog tags and pendant these are his only guarded items he sees all others as expendable if need be.
Aug 1 2008, 07:14 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Good backstory - since Dons and their deaths get into cannon material we don't want to mess with, let's say it was a Consiglieri ( a Don's top advisor) since those are just as important/well-protected but wouldn't require a re-write of Don Rowena's history. Bonus karma amount is being PMed to you.
- Scope
Aug 1 2008, 08:23 PM
New post the spenid of my karma
[ Spoiler ]
Im taking the source code tast so that -2.6 round up from my cost of submersion so 10 karma taking overclocking as my echo.
and I'm also spending 10 karma on a parigon the flow with the +1 to data sprites.
leaving me with 2karma
[ Spoiler ]
Screamer to show devotion the his discordian fellows produced a pice of code this code is a small program and Chaos Sphere that runs a fully active discodian candler and both forms of clock. The program its self is public assessable (but not copyable) at the same obscure node he found as well as both in his pendent, comlink and encrypted on his online storage as part of is premium MSP package.
After delving in to flow of the matrix Scream not only became 33% faster in the matrix but found the flow with the power granted by this discovery he could access the matrix in a deeper way. He was able to thread new complexforms with ease and his data sprites where just a bit more powerful.
Aug 1 2008, 08:34 PM
Status update:
Dumori -> Ready to play (Technomancer)
Trigger -> Received Backstory draft, no charsheet yet (Fiery Mage)
Raxle -> Received draft backstory and charsheet, not finalized (Ork Boxer Phys-Adept)
Divine Virus -> received character idea (AI in a Drone)
Mickle5125 -> received character idea (Covert Ops Phys-Ad)
Chthulu -> Alternate timetable (Possession Mage)
Aug 1 2008, 11:13 PM
Probably my last couple questions before I fire off my background and character sheet. Aren't you happy?
1) do you mind if we use the magic group and initiatory ordeal discounts to lower our initiation costs (We would, of course, have to tie it into our backstory)?
2) what metatype is Boris (the vory fixer)?
3) how do you want me to send the character stuff to you? e-mail? post it here?
Aug 1 2008, 11:32 PM
1) Yes, you may use those as per the rules in Street Magic - BUT, each source of discount MUST have repercussions that could possibly extend beyond the backstory into the game: IE, you must still be a member of the order, and the ordeal you take must have be some lingering effect (Like: Geas [if you take this one, you DON'T get the BP for the negative quality], Sacrifice [if you take this one, you must have paid BP for the lost stat-point], Suffering [you don't get bonus BP for the neg qualities, I recommend one of the mental neg qualities from augmentation], or Thesis/Masterpeice [you must tell me how many copies exist and where they are]
2) Boris Romanov is a tall Eastern European human. He has close cropped blonde hair, brown eyes, and a pale complexion. His well-toned body is covered with Russian prison tattoos, and the left side of his face appears to have been burned away by something along the lines of napalm - only having been crudely treated afterwards. He has a significant amount of cyberware (essence between 2 and 1), and usually wears a white suit with a pinstriped white shirt and a pink tie. His primary business involves smuggling anything that needs smuggling - be it weapons, people, or anything else. His business hides behind a diplomatic immunity he somehow managed to gain (probably through illicit means). Unlike most Vory, he remains level-headed during the syndicate warring, always doing what he thinks is best for the business.
3) E-mail, posting here in a spoiler tag, or PMing are all fine - just so long that I get it.
@Divine Virus
I decided not to allow the Designer quality... I don't feel it would be conducive to mechanical balance. However, I will remind you that you can always encrypt your home node with an encrypt program - strong encryption working best (if you stay in a safe place for a day and strong encrypt, then the decryption interval becomes 24 hours.)
- Scope
Divine Virus
Aug 1 2008, 11:44 PM
Sorry I am taking so long. I don't have internet at home, and before today I haven't been able to bring a copy of your information home, so I've had to work from memory

Which is slow work, because as soon as I don't remember something important, I need to stop working for the night. But I have things set up to bring a copy of the houserules home now, so hopefully I can make some manner of headway.
For the Otomo, its sensor rating is four. Does this mean the basic sensor package is all rating 4 sensors? Can you uprade the rating on a camera
Does the drone armour count towards worn armour for the purpose of encumbrance?
Aug 2 2008, 12:06 AM
Argh... I lied about it being the last questions. I have one more. Do you have a magical group that I can join, or should I build one myself for you to approve?
Aug 2 2008, 12:46 AM
@Divine Virus
Drone armor does not count towards worn armor for the purpose of encumberance (similar to cyber/bioware armor points). Yes, the basic sensors in the standard sensor package count as Rating 4. You may not 'upgrade' them, but you can replace them with 'enhanced' versions at a nuyen cost of 100 per Rating point up to a rating of six - these enhanced versions take up [1] capacity.
Sample Magic Groups are listed on pages 69->74 of Street Magic. You may pick one of those that is appropriate for your character. I can make a group up for you, but not until I have seen a backstory since I know next to nothing about your character.
- Scope
Divine Virus
Aug 2 2008, 01:44 AM
Is that 1 additional capacity? Does this include sensors normally capped at a lower rating (such as ultrawideband radar capped at 4)?
EDIT: The stat line for the mimic mod is missing from Arsenal. Synner, one of the devs for the project, posted in on dumpshock. I'll post it again below. The Otomo has this mod built in, but it does not say at what rating. Could I have a ruling on this please?
Mimic Modification (Rating 1-3)
Slots: 2
Modification Threshold: 15
Tool: Facility
Cost: Rating x 3000¥
Availability: Rating x 3
Special Skill: Cybertechnology
Aug 2 2008, 05:03 AM
1 total capacity. I was just stating it just in case the table didn't have the capacity for a camera for some reason. That only would apply to the normal sensors. Sensors that already have ratings still cap at those ratings. I'm trying to be lenient since overall sensor rating determines a lot of things including tacnet use and your perception rolls, but I don't want to allow higher rating versions of sensors that have specific effects based on ratings (like ultraband radar) since that would be very likely to become unbalanced in an unforeseen way.
I'd say that as a general rule, if rating isn't listed then it is rating 1. Also, if something comes with a modification, then you should be able to pay for a new, higher rating version to replace it without using modification slots; IE, if you want rating 3 mimic to replace rating 1 which came as standard equipment, then you'd spend 9000nuyen, but it wouldn't cost any modification slots since the drone is designed to have a mimic system - you are just yanking off the old system and putting on a better one (like a mechanic does when he replaces a 60amp alternator with a 120amp one).
- Scope
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